In my defence, this isn't pressed. That's why the seams don't match. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
This is where I'm at in my handwork project. After mentioning it when discussing my 2012 goals I thought you deserved an update.
I have a pile of these diamonds floating around. When I have a moment, usually when the girls are in a class or we're in the car and I'm not driving, I sew diamonds together. I only finger press before I put the rows together. I'm sure if I could properly press they would match up a bit better. You know what? I don't care. This is a process project, not an end results project.
(If Hubby had his way I would be done with the process too. He thinks this is both silly and ugly.)
There is one strip done. Five diamonds in a row, all sewn together. I haven't a clue where I'll take this. It is only this size because this is what is manageable and portable for me. Maybe I'll join strips together and make it all scrappy? Maybe I'll make it striped, adding in a solid strip? Maybe I'll do something else? We'll see. For now I just enjoy the process. And I've got dance, ski, and swim lessons starting up for the girls in the coming weeks.

(Gratuitous Evil Genius shot. Also, for scale. Ignore the door handle that looks like it is trying to shoot her in the head.)
I'm liking it a bit despite my usual preference for solids...
Well, I like it! I'm seriously thinking on some handwork projects as well (though likely won't get a start until February). Love seeing the progress on yours!
It's pretty fab!
It's great! Just keep letting it grow!
I have a hexie project I bring along for days away from my machine. I'm thinking I need to segment it now, it's getting kinda big.
Hmmm. My hubbie usually hates what I make, too. He is very conservative, whereas I am on the wild side - ha! I love your diamonds!
I love the diamonds! You could even make this a zig-zag quilt if you flipped the diamond template. Scrappy and beautiful! And, the kid is pretty cute, too.
Matching seams are overrated. Your project looks wonderful and portable makes it EVEN BETTER.
Meh, seams. It has more personality as it is.
And if you really want to have fun, tell hubs you're going to turn it into a jacket or dress for his next work-related get-together. :-)
I like the colours - but then I'm a magpie for colours! :)
Also, Evil Genius looks adorable. Evil, but adorable. :)
I have a bunch of string blocks that would go so well with your diamonds....what to do? what to do? Inspiration hasn't hit me yet. Your little one just makes me smile!
that last sentence made me laugh out loud for some reason.
love anything scrappy.
Such a good idea to do something by hand! It's gorgeous, so ignore unhelpful partners. He'll love it eventually. I would just love to pull out something like that in the many work meetings I attend with colleagues rabitting on and pretending to be Important. It would make a great statement -- and I would end up with a nice quilt. Thanks for the inspiration! JJ
I think that several of these with bold white in between would be beautiful!! I love it and you are doing a great job!! I love the scrappyness of it!!
It's a gem!
I like the scrappy look.
I think it's super-duper, and I applaud you for what you have accomplished. From time to time I think about taking on something similar, (although I haven't yet!) and I agree... imperfect seams to the winds... who cares? You are creating a treasure. xo
Diamonds make up into beautiful stars...I've done several star quilts just like you are doing--by hand, then join the big pieced diamonds into a big star, plug in triangles and squares between the points, and poof--big lone star quilt.
I've made 2 that way. Right now I am doing a never-ending hexagon as my handwork project--it has about 300 different green fabrics and about 2000 hexagons and it is still growing....it's addictive but very soothing to do a little every day. I don't have a husband to have an opinion...it makes me happy to do hand work so that's all that matters.
I'd back it with silk or wool and make a scarf/wrap as it is now. Gorgeous as a lining!
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