02 August, 2011


This weekend was the first Arkison camping adventure. Hubby and I used to go, before kids, but we'd never been brave enough to take the kids out. You know the real issue for me? Sleeping in a tent with them. We do not sleep together, ever, at home, so I was stressed at the thought of being in such small confines with them. Other than a moment the first night when The Monster feared the tent because she didn't know how it was made (?!) it went great.

We hiked, we played by the river, we went to the bathroom in the woods like a bear, we covered ourselves in dirt, we ate bacon in bulk, and we had fire. Hubby's obsession was trying to start a fire with a magnifying glass, the girls fawned over their cousins and specialized in getting as dirty as possible, and I stole moments to sew.

Yes, even on a camping trip I sewed.

Last week I decided I need a hand project for when I'm out and about or when I just don't feel like taking the machine out. I saw an image in a book of the girls', experimented with shapes, then pulled out my scraps (augmented by Amanda Jean and and Heather).

I have to give a lot of credit to Barb, who came for a visit last week. Her handwork is phenomenal! It was so inspiring, as was my afternoon with her. After that I knew I needed to slow down to address the roots and get out hand sewing needles. Templates too!

To be honest, I'm not sure where I'll take this project. It may be hand sewing, but it's still me. That means that I've started without a plan of any sort. I don't know if I'll run out of steam - probably - but I sure am enjoying the steps along the way. Especially if it means more camping.


Anne said...

What beautiful pictures, the scenery is fabulous and it looks like everyone had a great time. Lucky you, I'm jealous! :)

Barb said...

Good for you. Before you know it, you will have a top done. I'll send you some scraps! Have fun. The pictures look great. We are missing the west already! Today is foggy and rainy but the schooner races are in our Bay all week!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Beautiful pictures. Good for you for the whole tenting thing. We used to do that. Probably when I was your age. I'm not your age anymore. And why does fabric photograph so amazingly in an outdoor setting like that?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful spot! We haven't been camping in a few years and I miss it!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Nice location to spend time-and love the colorfulness of your handwork.

Suzanne said...

Of course you sewed while camping. It's as natural as breathing. Plus you now have a great souvenir of your trip!

Unknown said...

Dang Cheryl....that scenery is amazing?? How far do you have to drive from home to find that? And sewing on a camping trip...I had never even considered! I try to knit on camping trips. I am a horrible knitter so it ends up being a ridiculous mess all around.

Anonymous said...

A day without pork is like a day without sunshine.

brown robin said...

How wonderful... time outside with your family! Such beautiful pictures... thanks for sharing.

Erin M. said...

Where are you? It is beautiful there. I want to take my family too.

sulu-design said...

We are packing the car tonight for a nine-day camping trip, and I'm sitting here debating whether or not I should bring jewelry-making supplies. I think I have my answer.