01 January, 2012


A new year. Blah, blah, blah about resolutions, reflections, and new beginnings. For me, the new year simply means a new calendar. One for the wall from Michelle Engel Bencsko and my favourite Moleskine. A good black pen and a sacred spot on the sideboard and I'm off the races. Well, in actuality I'm just closer to hopefully not forgetting something.

The last 10 days have been good for me. Both Hubby and I actually took a break. I was on the computer and sewing machine very little.We had loads of time to chat after we collapsed every night from the exhaustion of three little kids and Christmas (we had my nephew with us this year). We spent a lot of time talking about what we wanted to do with the time we will have in the coming months. So, yes, there was some reflection and resolutions.

I prefer to think of them as goals. Or maybe stretch targets. Or optimism slightly more realistic than fitting into my regular jeans by May.

...Balance promoting Sunday Morning Quilts with the pregnancy and birth of our third baby. All while staying sane.
...Find the sweet spot between motherhood and work on another major project.
...Finish a handwork project.
...At least two baby quilts, one for the dragon in my belly and one for my sister's peanut.
...Make bacon at home in order to keep up to the consumption of bacon and maple syrup of the girls.
...Survive our basement reno, hopefully without the ridiculously giant TV my husband wants.

And do it all with a smile, a laugh, a hug, and hopefully a little bit of style.


Aimee @ Simple Bites said...

Happy New Year! Great goals - and I had to smile over the making bacon. Can't wait to follow that project!

Anonymous said...

It certainly will be a busy year! I'm sure you'll negotiate the inevitable bumps in the road with grace and style :)

Suzanne said...

Happy New Year, Cheryl.

Love the bacon, the dragon and the peanut. You were in a dream I had last night making magic with fussy cuts and fabric. It was lovely.

elle said...

Happy New Year, Cheryl. Nice calendar!

Josie McRazie said...

Hey there is nothing wrong if you have to throw something at someone along the way, too!! LOL or just throw a tantrum!! Hormones and all!! Use it while you can!!

Svarta Malin said...

Happy New Year Cheryl!
Good Luck with everything!

Amanda Jean said...

happy new year, cheryl! i loved reading your post. it was delightful and so you. i'm intrigued by the bacon part. mmmm. i love it!

susana said...

no merezco dejar este comentario despues de AMANDAJEAN ,pero que puedo hacer ella es la ultima.
SU ADORABLE MENSAJE ,ME ENCANTO,mi meta es poder hacer todo,hasta lo mas pequeño,con la sonrisa ,la risa,el abrazo,el estilo es suyo,que bien lo demuestra.

felicity said...

I do goals vs. resolutions, too - yours sound great! Happy 2012!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Happy 2012 to you. Loved your post.

Unknown said...

I love these. It is on my 'to do' list to make my own goals list for 2012...that seems weird but whatever ;)
It will happen. I just need to figure out what exactly I want to tackle this year and what to let go until another year.

Hugs dear friend!

Jan @ Family Bites said...

I can't wait to read about the bacon making. My boys would totally be into that too, although they haven't tried it with maple syrup: one likes it plain and one prefers it with Nutella!

Bernie said...

enjoy your blog and your perspective. Hm - I do words for the year rather than goals. Just one word - lasts years was disengage (I have adult children livign at home!). this year's is balance - I'm leaning both ways as in figuratively and literally. I need to work on balance and fitness to promote other areas in my life.
I love the "dragon in my belly". Love you end sentence.