There has been a jelly roll of Doe fabric and a stack of screen prints patiently waiting their turn to be used. Every time I opened up my stash closet they taunted me, asking to be used. But I needed to clear space - mentally and physically - before I starting something new. I finally felt prepared to do just that this week.
A few hours of play and experimenting with a new shape and I'm very happy.
Diamonds. Not squares turned on their sides like a certain cereal marketing campaign of a few years back. Actual diamonds. It all comes down to the first shape you start with. Just a slight change in the angles on the corners and a whole new world opens up.

Playing with basic techniques in new ways is a wonderful way to explore improv. Log cabins are one of the oldest techniques in the quilting handbook, but that doesn't mean your log cabins quilts have to look old.
I'll be teaching Improv Log Cabin Variations at the Wonderfil Threaducation Centre next week. Come out to play, explore shapes, and dip your toes into the improv pool.
June 24
6:30-9:30 pm
Call 403-250-8262 or register here.
Even the trimmings are pretty. I have a friend who makes mixed media collage and she periodically takes my little trimmings. She's already got her eyes on these.

Very fun looking!
Very fun! And YES YES YES, diamonds, not squares on their sides. Quilters do that all the time and for some reason it makes me mental. I have issues...
Stretching in new directions is good! I'd love to see the work of the friend who takes your scraps too.
Lovely, just lovely!
So happy to see all those screen prints being used - looking forward to more of them :)
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