Over the winter the spot to store the quilts became the table in the family room. It is supposed to be a table for playing games, doing puzzles, and gathering around as an alternative to the TV. We've used it as a fort or secret TV watching space as well. In truth, it's main function was to hold the precarious stack of quilts.

Nothing was functional - including the quilts themselves.
Then I discovered these racks. Long story short, I found myself with unexpected free time and a case of the grumps. So I went to Home Sense, which is a discount home wares store along the lines of TJ Maxx or Marshalls for my US readers. I went in hoping to find a little table for my son's room, but found these racks instead. I picked up the two they had to test out at home.
(See, I thought I had a genius idea for quilt racks that my husband could make, but I also wanted the quilts off the table before 2017. His business builds cabinets so he has all the tools, but not the time. We are the cobbler's kids with no shoes.)
The racks are PERFECT. Each one easily holds 10-15 quilts. I was so pleased with them that I drove across the city (something I hate doing) to another HomeSense, fingers crossed, to get another one. I'm a firm believer that instead of getting more and more storage one should have less stuff, so three will be my maximum.
As for the brand, to direct you to get your own, if so inclined, I can be of no help. They simply have 'Organise' on the label. I've done a quick search on line and can find nothing. Maybe you will have better luck. For reference, they seem to be a painted or powder coated lightweight steel.

There are currently 32 quilts on these racks.
I should address the sheer volume of quilts. As soon as your write books, have trunk shows, and teach, the quilts pile up. And you can't give them away because you need them. Not always, but enough to need them readily accessible. There will come a time when I don't need to pull out every single quilt from Sunday Morning Quilts, but for now I still need all that scrappy goodness around.
Not to mention that I'm still making, still trying new things. And we won't mention what would happen if I actually finished the quilts on my Quilts Under Construction list!

They look pretty on the racks.
I like those racks and will be looking for something like it. People are always asking what I DO with all of my quilts and I tell them I need 50-75 tops and finished quilts when I do trunk shows. I have to have class samples too.
It makes for a lovely artistic display and you can always rotate what's on top to change it up. I can totally see those racks being good for fort building too.
Awesome! Will check out my local HomeSense to see if they have some here. Thanks for the tip, Cheryl!
Luv Home Sense! What a great and functional idea.
Oh, to have such problems! If only I had your skill, talent, and energy! I want to be wading through piles of quilts in my own home!
You know my favourite quilt. You know my address… I'm failing to see the problem with connecting those two dots?
It's amazing how well an attack of the grumps can turn out in the end!
A perfect solution! It must be such an incredible feeling to look at all these wonderful quilts hanging there... so much inspiration!
Can we see the racks without any quilts on them so we know what to look for? And how much did you pay for them? What are they being sold as? Towel racks?
Those racks are great! You should have bought them all and then sold them to your readers!
I will check my local HomeSense too. Somewhere, a HomeSense employee will be wondering, why the heck these racks are all disappearing from the stores within the span of a couple days...
Could there be a yummier way to decorate a room? And now you have no excuse to avoid those board games :(
They now look like textile art work displayed like that!
What a great idea : )
Great way to display them, easy to get to and they look great. The modern look of the display things is fun also. Smart idea.
Those racks are awesome and some company is missing a perfect marketing idea. The are also missing out on great advertizing because of bad labeling. I wonder are they a garment hanging system in real life?
Awesome! Beautiful and functional! The stack of my quilts that didn't fit in the linen closet reached a critical mass yesterday and fell over into a heap on the floor. So this post was very timely! Thanks! Great dog too! : )
Spectacular idea! I will have to look for something similar here in VA.
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