21 June, 2013

Oh Canada! Pattern Update

Thank you so much for the response to my Oh Canada! pattern. And thanks for all the orders. Your support is greatly appreciated and I'm thrilled that you all like the pattern.

Now for the sad news. If you ordered a printed pattern there will be a delay in delivery. Our city is being flooded right now thanks to a lot of rain and a ridiculous amount of spring run off in the nearby mountains. And my printer is in an evacuation zone. No word on any damages for them, but all my patterns were waiting for me to pick up this morning.

Thank you for your patience, I will contact all the people who ordered directly as well.

Think good thoughts, send prayers, and keep all of Southern Alberta (and British Columbia) in your hearts as we deal with the immediate waters and the devastating aftermath sure to come.


Valerie said...

Stay safe!

Brenda said...

keep dry! the pictures on TV look overwhelming! is it raining there now?

Ali said...

We have family in Calgary so are praying for you all. xx

Patti said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Such a crazy amount of water. We are down river from Calgary so wondering what we are in for in the next few days/weeks. Take care.

Arita said...

Stay safte

Beth said...

Will keep you all in my thoughts. We had flooding here too in April. It is messy and scary. Hope the rain stops and gives everyone a chance to dry out.

liz said...

SEnding wishes for continued safety for you and your loved ones, and all of the residents in the affected areas. I have a nephew in Calgary.. trying to find out how he's doing.

Cruz said...

Just checking in as I recently "found" your blog and enjoyed getting to know your work. So sorry to hear about your environmental troubles.

MariQuilts said...

We are totally in shock as we watch the news.....i can't believe the amount of flooding. Thinking of you.

Elsa said...

Hope all is well today, sending good thoughts your way.

Leanne said...

I sure hope you are safe and dry. It has been a stunning spring in Alberta.

Erica said...

Not very nice up there now (we are just south of you) and watching the news this morning am glad there is a possibility of reprieve in sight.

Curious, how big is the finished Oh, Canada quilt? I love it!

Sarah said...

Hi Cheryl. I heard of the floods in Calgary today on the news (surprising really. Coz Australian coverage of international news is shite) and thought of you and other bloggers I "know" from this region. I hope you are safe and some relief comes to those affected soon.

liz said...

Hope you can check in with an update telling us you and your loved ones, as well as your home, are safe!