14 June, 2013

Friday Favourite - The Monster

If it wasn't for the arrival of this amazing creature seven years ago I wouldn't be here at all. I mean, literally here in this space on the internet. That's because her arrival in my life forced me to see who I really was. In order to be the best mother, the best potential role model for the tiny creature placed in my arms after months of stress, I needed to be true to myself. That meant embracing my creative side and putting them out into the world. If it wasn't for her arrival I would never have started writing again, I never would have met all of you, I never would have been honestly happy with myself.

Besides all that, she has the best giggle in the entire world, she is empathetic beyond her years, her brain works in the most awesomely logical way, her contemplative nature fights with her energy daily, her fashion sense is to be admired but not necessarily copied, and she loves people in a way that has no boundaries.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such wonderful words about the monster with us. I'm glad her arrival pushed you into the blog-o-sphere...

Lee D said...

Happy Birthday pretty little monster!

Suzanne said...

Happy Birthday to the one who made this space all happen for you!

Cari said...

What a lovely tribute. :)

Beth said...

I am very happy that your 'Monster' has brought you so very much. And she is a lucky girl to have such a talented and loving Mom.
Happy Birthday.

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope she had a great day :-) What a beautiful way to celebrate your daughter. I hope one day she gets to read these words as a mom herself!

Anonymous said...

Lovely - it sounds like you and the monster were both in exactly the right place at the right time.

Annie Smith -Online PhD in Psychology said...

I think that this was perfect. We never realize just how much our children can change us until we sit back and realize how much they already have. I have similar thoughts about my kids and how they helped me understand who I really am.

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