26 April, 2013

Friday Favourite - Blueberry Park Wash Bag

Sitting in a hotel room this morning. I've worked out already, done a bit a work, and am packing up for two full days of teaching at the Superior Quilt Show. Needless to say, I am feeling quite productive! It's amazing how that is when there are no diapers to change, lunches to pack, or walks to school. But then there are no morning reading sessions, nekkid butts to pinch, and walks to school.

Small consolation on this trip is my new wash bag/toiletries bag from Blueberry Park. I've been following Karen, the artist, on Instagram and drooling over her screen prints. I adore the designs she uses. Then she was selling scrap bags... And well, to make the shipping totally worthwhile I added this bag to the order. It only made sense.

With a lot of travelling this year for teaching and the like it was time to upgrade from my standard black drugstore version of the toiletries bag. This one makes packing so much easier! Fits all my stuff - hair, teeth, skin, and my one tube of mascara - and is pretty to boot!

Karen has had a rough past week or so with the passing of her father. Send hugs, if you can.


Lee D said...

Have fun in Thunder Bay! cute bag btw

Charlotte said...

Karen is a fantastic artist and a great friend. It's always lovely to see her work pop up on other people's blogs.

Anonymous said...

Such a great bag! I love her prints too - have resisted so far, but...

Beth said...

Great bag! Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed meeting you and am enjoying your workshop a lot! Tomorrow (well later this morning) I am looking forward to having fun with my scraps and later on your trunk show!!!

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