25 November, 2012

Machine Quilting Options (Weekend Reads)


I made that massive list of WIPs and UFOs a few weeks ago. Then I set to cleaning and purging. My mom was in town and she is so good for the push to get stuff organized and done. At least when it comes to my cupboards and the corners of my house. The day she left my MIL arrived, with intentions to help us get set up in the finished basement. Not surprisingly, we weren't ready for that. And with all the cleaning done we needed a change of plans for her visit.  So she took care of the kids, including preschool volunteering, while I sewed and caught up with a bit of work.

Let the record state that both my Mom and my Mother-in-Law are awesome.

Let the record also state that I uncovered 2 more WIPs.

Needless to say that it felt good to get a quilt top finished and 3 tops basted the other day. So, so good. I'm hoping to get at least two of those quilted this coming week, even though there is no extra help in the house. Late nights ahead!

This morning I pulled out my machine quilting books to browse for ideas.

Free Motion Quilting by Angela Walters is a most excellent resource. Prep work, design considerations for the modern quilt, and line drawings with very clear instructions. I've turned to this book, and Angela, more than once for guidance, inspiration, and quilting.

Modern Quilting Designs by Bethany Pease, Mindful Meandering byLaura Lee Fritz, and One Line At a Time by Charlotte Warr Anderson are all in regular flip through rotation for me as well. Sometimes it can feel like there is only one way to stipple an all over free motion quilt design. Pulling out these books gives me a chance to explore some other options, ones I may not have thought of before. It can be repetitive, at times, between all these books, but they do offer unique options as well. All of them are for the quilter who has done at least a little free motion quilting before, and therefore knows the basic technique. Generally, they consist of line drawings. Literally, hundreds of options.

I'm not entirely sure where I've landed when it comes to quilting these quilts yet, but I sure and enjoying the hunt for a good idea!


Lee D said...

Glad you made some progress with the Grandma's. you are so lucky to have them help out. And this week you might get another quilt basted?!

Suzanne said...

How productive you were!

If you had to choose only one of those books for a beginner to FMQ, which would you recommend?