26 November, 2012

Giant Hexies

In looking at my inventory a few weeks ago I realized there are projects there I haven't shared. And some I never shared progress for. I must rectify that, starting today.

These are my bee blocks from the Unscripted Bee. It is a group of Canadian ladies with a love for all things improv and modern.

I asked for giant, giant hexagon blocks. Each friend was sent a a stack of fabrics and a template for the hexagon. It was up to them how they would actually put the block together. They all finish at 16.5'' across, on the flat sides. And, as you can see, they got very creative in how they did it. So much fun!

There are two outstanding blocks, plus my own to make. I do want to make it with straight edges so then I need to finish off with all the outside pieces. Now that I have these out I want to play!


Kathy B (from MD, USA) said...

How big is each Hexie? They are so awesome!

Carla said...

The BEST shape ever. I love hexagons. I want a six sided house some day ; )

Esch House Quilts said...

Fantastic blocks! I'd want to play too :)

sew katie did said...

these are fun!

Jantine said...

Wow, those blocks are stunning, love idea, colours and composition!