21 September, 2011

Binding Choices...

On a roll now... I've got this almost whole cloth quilt finished up. I'm just stuck on binding choices. It seems like a no brainer when you only have two neutral fabrics on the front, but it is remarkably hard for me to narrow it down.

It is completely quilted with a vivid orange thread. The back is a combo of bold fabrics, so nearly any colour would work there.

What do you think?

And while you are helping me out, take a moment to check out some other WIP posts at the newly launched Needle and Thread Network. More Canadian love! It's great to see this out there as I've been unable to carry on with the Workshop in Progress.


Anonymous said...

JMHO, but I'd probably go with the top one with the small white dots. It will make a nice frame for the quilt, but won't compete with your wholecloth focus.

Anonymous said...

JMHO, but I'd probably go with the top one with the small white dots. It will make a nice frame for the quilt, but won't compete with your wholecloth focus.

Lee Ann L. said...

I'm inclined to agree with Esch House Quilts... The top one might be the best fit. My other choice would be the second one (from top) which also seems calm and won't compete with the quilt (wholecloth) itself.

Rossie said...

solid spring green. that's what popped into my head. : ) good luck deciding!

Rachel said...

I would agree with the others so far...top fabric would frame the quilt nicely (assuming it is orange, not red?). My second choice would be the bottom fabric, assuming the background of the polka dots plays nicely with the lighter color (I think my monitor is having color issues, lol)

And this would be . . . . said...

I think either of the top two. I like the top one the best.

Jessica said...

the second dot from the bottom, what is it? coral and light blue. it matches the soothing feel of the front.
thanks for asking~

Heather D. said...

I'm partial to orange, so though it's hard to tell from the photos exactly what colour these are on my monitor, I'd go with one that's cream with orange dots.

Unknown said...

I am kind of loving the big tangerine polka dots...but I'm a polka dot kinda gal ;)

elle said...

I'm for the middle. A tiny bit of excitement and a hint to whats on the back!

mjb said...

I like rossie's idea of green. Give some contrast to the orange instead of matching.

~Michelle~ said...

I would go with the fabric you're most unlikely to use for a different project!

Unknown said...

I love the third one from the top....can't wait to see it all!

Anonymous said...

The second from the top is such nice compliment over all- ties everything together and frames so well...strong enough/ yet rhythmic -calm. I really like the quilting - the neutral colors versus a playful flip side ... Very fun quilt!

Anonymous said...

would love to see you use on of the bright colors to bring it all together. I love the orange and cream number myself!

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

I think the tiny dots on the top of the stack! It will give it a nice pop of color on the front with small detail, which I think would be good for an {almost} whole cloth quilt. :)

KendasCrafts said...

i vote for the orange dot fabric

Suzanne said...

I will be no help. I can find a suitable reason for every single one of those to be my favourite binding. (See, I threw in a U for you.) :-)

Amanda Jean said...

my first thought was the top fabric (oh, how I love that fabric!), but the second from the top seems more like YOU! any would be lovely...they are almost all dots. :) i LOVE dots on binding. can't wait to see what you choose.

Dust Bunny Diva said...

Orange polka dots!

Anonymous said...

first of all, I think you have the ah fabric on the front that I drooled over online and then it was gone. I like those swirls, but have to say I would play it off with the wee pin dots for sure.

p.s. been thinking about the girls room and that quilt. i think you could talk them into pure periwinkle and it would be divine.