13 September, 2011

Sketch to Reality

Must. Finish. Projects.

I'm on a kick this last month and I feel the need to finish up a bunch of stuff before I start anything new. It must be September. I've long since considered Labour Day to be my New Year more than January 1st. It's felt this way since I left university and feels even more so now that I've got one in school full-time.

This quilt has been basted since some point in the spring. I was in charge of a basting demo at my guild and used this. Then I got stuck on what quilting design to sew. I browsed this site for days. I sketched and doodled. Nothing ever felt right. Then I was chatting with Amanda Jean and she commented that she was coordinating her quilting, thread choice, backing, and binding. I hadn't thought this far ahead, but it made a thread colour pop into my head. From there I made a few more doodles while hanging out with the girls and a plan was hatched.

I honour of the New Year and because Amanda Jean posted about her nearly whole cloth quilt I felt the need to pull out mine yesterday. Now the trick is to realize that sketch...


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about September being the true New Year - I think it comes from so many years in school. September has always seemed full of new possibilities.

Love the quilting design!

Quilty Conscience said...

I too am finishing up projects this month. No new starts! I have to check to make sure I have enough batting and thread...and if not I have to shop ONLY for batting and thread. (Sure!!) Toni

Victoria said...

I agree, September has always felt more like the start of a new year, then January. All those childhood school years... the start of each one promising something better! Good luck with your quilting!!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I also agree with September feeling more like the new year. I would LOVE to get some things completed as well, before the holidays, and I always get in a fall cleaning/organizing mood too. My plan is to get all those quilt tops out, take a look and make some plans.

Suzanne said...

I might borrow that line and make it my mantra. Starting is easier. Finishing, well that's another story. Love the brevity and punctuation of it as well.

NiCoLe said...

I love your quilting idea. I too must finish more projects!