12 July, 2011

Calm Complexity

Option 5 won out. Sort of.

After an evening of doodling/sketching and staring at the layouts, Hubby and decided on a wilder pattern that was only indicated by Option 5. So I set up a temporary design wall by taping batting to a beam, put the sprinkler on (and the TV later) for the girls and I spent the afternoon working out the puzzle. After the girls were in bed I picked up the mess made when my youngest (aka Evil Genius) purposely walked through the hanging batting and Hubby helped me finish the puzzle.

(don't ask me why my winter slipper is in the midst of that when this was taken on the hottest day of the year so far.)

It was a fantastic, contemplative exercise. I definitely picked the most complex of the options. Not because I like to make my life difficult, but simply because that's what spoke to me. I could happily have made any one of the quilts, and likely will at some point. Thank-you for all of your opinions.

And maybe, just maybe, I would love to keep up the design wall... It looks good from the front and back.


Anonymous said...

I think you nailed it here! Very cool layout.

And this would be . . . . said...

I really like this layout! WOW!

mjb said...

Geometry is so cool. (Said as only a math major can).

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Great layout, and definitely leave up the design wall!

Sonia B said...

awe.some. Love it!

Lisa said...

Very cool! Looks like a garden maze. Love it.

Jennifer said...

i like this look-- you made a good choice.

Jody said...

I LOVE the layout and choice of colours!

Terriaw said...

This looks really cool! I love how the design looks from the front and back. What a great way to work out a design.

Jess said...

Love this. Great movement!

Urban Patchwork

~Michelle~ said...

oh wow... this looks fantastic!

Kris said...

very very cool! I love the versatility of HSTs. I've always been drawn to the diamond layout, but this new twist is my favorite so far.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Yay, I liked option 5. I love the puzzle you laid out. Very cool!

Unknown said...

Whoa...I love it.

Suzanne said...

It's so great that quilting is a family activity in your household.

elle said...

Oh, Cheryl! Brilliant.

Amanda Jean said...

this layout is so very you. i'm glad you picked it.

i would have been so frustrated about your little one plowing through the design wall if i were you. but i guess that's the risk of quilting with kids. (oh, boy, don't i know about that one.)

Victoria said...

Wowee! This layout really keeps my eye moving. Very exciting!

Arita said...

It's looking great. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.

Andrea said...

very very cool. it kind of looks the way I feel. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I not only love the layout but my favorite colors too. I once had a design wall up like that and move a fan and poof they flew everywhere!

Unknown said...

I love the lightness and pattern of it. The finished product will be wonderful.

Cynthia F said...

Oh wow- very cool! Love it!

Kelly said...

I love this quilt top and have pinned it to my "Quilty Goodness" board on Pinterest (with proper credit, of course!). Feel free to follow me if you'd like: http://pinterest.com/lipglass/quilty-goodness/