05 July, 2011

Decisions Decisions

The versatility of the half square triangle is liberating. It can also be paralyzing when you actually examine the options for laying out a quilt from nothing but HSTs. If you are a person who has a hard time making decisions it is best not to play with layouts. Go with your gut the first time out.

If, however, you are like me and enjoy playing with layouts, then grab a beer or a tea and contemplate away.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Option 8

Option 9

This is just a small sample of blocks, the finished quilt will likely be 16 or 17 blocks across and down.

Now I'm not generally someone who has a tough time with decisions. I learned a long time ago that too much is wasted contemplating "what ifs". That being said, I've got no clue where I want to go with this one. I'm bringing you and Hubby into the fold. You, my readers, because you always point out interesting things I may not see. And Hubby, because this is now going to be a wedding present for friends and if he wants his name on the label then he has to help.

So... opinions?


LT said...

I'd vote for Option 4. I like the offset triangles. But there are way too many fun ways to put HSTs together. Good luck deciding!

BijouxBaby said...

I vote for option 2 because that's the way I'm leaning on my own HST quandry.

Leanne said...

I love doing this with a group of hsts too. I especially like option 2 and 9 is a close second. Of course I also love the zig zags especially 1 with these colours.

Elena said...

Kinda feeling option 6. Don't see that large of a zig zag too often.

Lisa said...

I'm liking option 6 too,but they are all fun. The colors are great! What a wonderful wedding present, lucky couple.

And this would be . . . . said...

I really like number 5.

I get my Hubby to make decisions all the time for quilts that his name is going on...like the one I made HIS MOTHER! He kept asking why was I asking him things and I said this way you can say you "helped".

Sara said...

Oh, I like #5.

Is this just part of the quilt top? If so, I would IR-regularize the zig-zags, so they are more like a bargello.

Susan J Barker said...

when I don't have a particular project in mind I sew HST's. I love them! Now if you add some plain squares, either the same size as your HST sets or twice the size your options open up a hundred fold!! I cannot help you decide as I have a shoe box full of HST's that need their own decions... except I would avoid option 5 simply because it is easier to do that combo in flying geese and save a seam...

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

I am really liking #3 and #6! Great color choices in the fabric. I like playing with layouts as well, but I usually do it in Illustrator. :) This must be the 300+ HSTs you had to trim? I did this recently myself. Skyping with friends helped the time go faster. Such a grueling job!!

Amy said...

I like the ones that are the least static and orderly (of course) - 2 and 9. 3 is quite nice too. Really, they are all good. You might consider if the couple is more of the adventurous or orderly type and see if that helps you choose.

Anna said...

I like option 1 - I've never thought do do zigzags vertically.
I only do HSTs when I already have a plan or I spend the rest of my days wondering these same layouts!

Sonia B said...

I love the possibilities with option 5 . . . a giant maze made of HSTs. Good luck deciding.

zarina said...

I love layout 7 and 2 comes in close.

I know what you mean about layouts - I have one coming up soon but holding out till I finish FMQing a quilt (that is giving me threading problem).

Anonymous said...

I'm liking 4 and 6

Jody said...

Hmm...options are endless aren't they? I think today I'm liking options 6 & 7....think whatever you choose will be great!

Tanya said...

When I've done HST's, I did option 8. I just like it for some reason :). I also like the zigzags, but not the vertical zigzag. I don't know why, but I'm not a fan of the vertical one.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Loving option 5, but they are all fun.

Anonymous said...

Option 5 with the long zigs and zags would be fun!

Anonymous said...

You know what I see when I look at no.3? A beginning school of fish. Too cute. I also love 6 with the bigger zags.
And I always ask my husband's opinion - even when decorating, he seems to have a good eye for colours.

Jennifer said...

i like 2 and 9!

elle said...

oooh! I've always liked 9 but I'm thinking too predictable so 4 looks more intriguing.

Lesly said...

2 is always my favourite with HST, and 3 is my second choice. But really this is just a question of how you like your diamond cut - still a honkin' great diamond, no matter how you slice it!

Unknown said...

I love #5 - a little bit unexpected, and fun. Good luck deciding!!

Megan said...

Loving #2. A lot. So much that I'll probably start making some HST myself.

Jackie Russell said...

I like #3!

felicity said...

#6 made me sit up and take notice - I like the "big zig" look of it. GREAT fabrics you've got there.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

this is why you can't make just one of these, the layouts are all fun!

Suzanne said...

I like 6 for the longer zigzag and 9 becuse they remind me of geese. I know they are not geese but I still like them for that reason.

Kristy said...

I really like 4, it is one I don't think I have seen before.

JennX said...

Oh gosh- 5 or 6- loving the zigzags. I'm afraid I don't like 2 or 9 at all- which appear to be the winners with others. Hunh. Interesting to see what people gravitate towards isn't it? The zig zags are just pleasing to me.... I guess I like order (which- looking at my own quilts, I wouldn't think that- but that's another comment I think...)

Anonymous said...

I think #s 2 and 5 are my favorites, but you can't go wrong with any of them.

pinkbrain said...

I like #3 it's very pleasing to the eye and unique.

Heidi said...

I like option 1, 7 and 5

CitricSugar said...

I find Option 2 to be the most interesting visually. It was the one that jumped out at me immediately and doesn't scream "I'm made entirely of HSTs!" :-)

Dütt un Datt said...

I'm a regular reader to your blog and since I am such a beginner compared to you (who lives at the other end of the world), I've never dared to comment so far. But this post made me nod and laugh in sympathy and understanding, because it made me think of my own recent decision problems with HSTs. I posted some options in my little blog as well, got some opinions - and in the end I came up with something completely different...
I don't think I have reached the end of the line in HSTs yet - so I'm very much looking forward to future posts on this quilt! :-)

Unknown said...

I like 6 the best

Jolene said...

My gut says option #4 first and #7 second:)

NiCoLe said...

I really like option 3. Its fun and a little unexpected.

Live a Colorful Life said...

5. Definitely 5 does it for me. :)

Elisa Black said...

I see what you mean about decisions!! It looks like a lot of fun playing with all the layouts. There are so many options that I like-- I'll leave the decision-making to the others.

Greta said...

Option 2. Can't say why. My eye just likes it best.

Samantha said...

Love it... in all its forms. I get bogged down by decisions so much myself, I can't offer advice!

Anonymous said...

Option 2 has a fabulous optical effect. I love the colors. It will look fabulous no matter which one you pick