01 November, 2011

November 1

It's hard to get any work done when the dining room table/desk looks like this.

It's the day after Halloween and the day after I returned from Quilt Market in Houston. I want to share a lot about Market, but I'll save that for another post. Today, it is recovery day, clean-up day, follow-up day, and try not to eat all the Reese Peanut Butter Cups day.

(My tiger and leopard. Tiger costume courtesy of some fake fur and even some sewing by my husband. That sewing which required me sitting on the Market floor walking him through threading my sewing machine from Houston. And she's a real tiger, thank-you very much, not Tigger.)


Josie McRazie said...

mmmmm peanut butter cup hangover! I SOOOO understand!! LOL

Unknown said...

Its just not right that the kids go to school all day and leave the candy for us mom's to be tempted by all day. Just not right...

Anonymous said...

Your girls look so cute! Great pumpkin carving too.

Looking forward to hearing about Houston.

Suzanne said...

What loot!

Ginette said...

Nice costumes! I must say you are very brave to let your husband use your sewing machine! Mine is barely allowed to use the iron!! :)

CitricSugar said...

The image that pops in my head of your "tech support" for sewing from Houston is priceless! The kids look great. :-)

Victoria said...

Very cute! Hope you had a blast at Quilt Market. Looking forward to hearing about it. Hope you have an easy clean up and a restful day... and good luck on resisting those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... they are my weakness!

Andrea said...

Can't wait to hear about Quilt Market. I want all the deets!
I'm feeling the peanut butter coma too - from the wunderbars. They've all been bagged up and are in the garage - waiting for my husband to come home so I can lock them in his car and he can take them to work. i have no willpower at all.