For Smilosarus' birthday the other day we got her some Crayon Rocks. Hubby was very skeptical about my on-line purchase from Stubby Pencil Studio. You see, we have a ridiculous amount of markers, coloured pencils, and crayons all over the house.
Markers and crayons, however, cannot be used without supervision because a certain small, smiley girl will either write on the walls, eat them, or break them. And there just doesn't seem to be enough satisfaction for her with the pencils. I figured it couldn't hurt to try these Crayon Rocks.
What a huge success! They are perfect for little hands, easy to clean up, and not one has made their way into a mouth yet. And the colours! True and lovely. She handed me a pile of them yesterday and I was struck by the random combination in my hand. A new project?
Those are awesome! Wish I had known about those when my daughter was little. The colors and the shapes of them are very inspiring... I'll be interested to see what you come up with.
Jennifer :)
I'm so glad to hear a comment about them, I've been considering them for my 1 yo who has an uncanny ability to make the washable crayolas fall apart. I recently bought her the huge fat ones and she's doing well with them, but now that I know these are good, I think I'll pick some up for when the huge ones are worn down.
I got some of those for my grandkids. Mine are all bright colors though.I really like yours. Great inspiration.
New project? Yes, please! Love those colors. Would love to do a neutral quilt!
Whenever I get my two littles (4y and 2y) new art supplies it results in a flurry of creativity. I love it! Sometimes it's the new colors, a new medium, or a new shape (like those cool rocks!) that makes them want to explore and express themselves.
Rock crayons or a fabric delivery. We all need supplies. ; )
Oh, how the artistic eye finds inspiration in the simplest things!
Lovely where inspiration finds itself! Look forward to seeing results :)
Fabulous idea, and I love the colors!
I'd say those crayons rock!
(Sorry, I can't resist a bad pun).
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