It seems that your quads are the first muscle to atrophy when you wreck your knees. Despite the layers of insulation covering those large muscles of mine it is quite noticable that they aren't so large anymore. Neither are my calves. But sadly, my ass is still as big as it ever was. Needless to say, ice cream is probably the last thing I need right now.
But oh how I need ice cream. The last 6 weeks have certainly screamed out for comfort food. My mom make us pyrohy, we've eaten countless bowls of pho after The Monster's dance class, managed more than one batch of cookies, and indulged in a heck of a lot of beer during the Olympics. Not once, however, have I been able to convince Hubby to buy ice cream. Bloody diet nazi.
So I added heavy cream to the grocery list. Ha Ha! Combined with the very large bar of bittersweet Bernard Callebaut chocolate in my cupboard and I got him back. The girls and I set out to chop chocolate, dissolve cocoa, cook a lovely custard, and anticipate the ice cream. They were diverted from cooling time and the churning with snow play.

I did save the first taste of ice cream for an Olympic hockey game. At least my brain hasn't atrophied. Kids and a bowl of cold ice cream means nearly a period of peace for Hubby and I. It worked so well that we used it repeatedly throughout the Games. Minus the bowls I snuck for myself.
The recipe I used was absolutely phenomenal. It was so decadent and rich, and just perfect. In truth, it was exactly like a frozen pudding. With a bit more effort on my part I could have enjoyed it with a brownie and salted caramel sauce. The knees however can't hack that much work yet. And my ass can't handle that much in the absence of a good workout.

With thanks to David Lebovitz and The Perfect Scoop. I followed the recipe word for word and it was perfect. And thanks to Tara at Seven Spoons for the photo inspiration on that top picture.
I've made David Lebovitz's chocolate ice cream. It's like frozen chocolate truffles -- and that was the eggless Philadelphia style version.
This is what convinced me to buy an ice cream maker and forego the supermarket versions. I don't eat ice cream as often, but when I do? It's worth every calorie.
Speedy recovery to your quads! At least eating ice cream gives your arms a workout.
Umm...hello...that looks AMAZING! I have my ice cream insert chilling out in the freezer---I think I'll be sending Mike out for some heavy whipping cream tonight :) Thanks for the inspiration!
(and not that I need chocolate ice cream a week after delivery and hoping to lose this baby weight...but what the hey---that looks way too good to pass up!)
Must. Eat. That.
Mmm this looks so good! Thank you for the idea :)
BLISS!! I am such a sucker for ice cream - chocolate in particular. I must make this, but it's the last thing I need too. Can you get muscle atrophy without having blown out your knees? If so I think I have it. Which is not to say my thighs are any smaller.
You know, I make ice cream all the time in the summer, but have only ever tried David's vanilla ice cream recipe. I think I need to remedy that this year because this looks fabulous.
now THIS is gourmet ice cream!
OMG. Now, I need ice cream...
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