With utter joy at the success of the Games and just a little sadness that it's all over, I had to share the most recent Arkison family portrait.
And yes, that is rapini and kale in the girls' bouquets. And binding strips making up the ribbon on their medals.
And how awesome is it that we now hold the record for # of golds won in a Winter Games?
Vancouver went bananas when Sid The Kid scored That Goal.
Your bouquets are dead ringers for the ones at the Games! What a party! The Olympics have really passed all expectations. So proud of all our athletes.
The hockey game today was so exciting that I only whined a little when Canada won. It really was a super Olympics. I think the Canadian gold medalist ice dancing pair are now my all time favorites skaters. They were breath taking.
Great family photo! Thanks for sharing.
YOu guys are too cute! Now what do we do since the games are over?
That is such a great photo!!!
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