01 October, 2010

On the Edge

This giveaway is now closed.

In more ways than one I'm living on the edge this week. I've had what one of you called a reset (love that term!) and have crashed head first into this week. Somewhere in between early mornings, late nights, preschool duties, deadlines, lessons, and single parenting I managed to test out Pat Sloan's new Cutting Edge Rulers.

On what else, but some grey fabric? Yes, I say grey. At least consciously that's what I say and spell, but a look through my archives may reveal lapses in that intent.

I won't lie, these rulers take a bit of getting used to when you start. There is the noise as the rotary cutter blade moves along the carbon sharpening idea. Then there is the different markings. I'm so used to my yellow that the red and black lines were off-putting. But after a few dozen cuts it all made sense.

My only real complaints are that the labelling on the 6.5" by 24.5" ruler wasn't set up the way I normally use. That is, low to high out from one corner. But that might just be me. Oh, and the frosting for non-slip is awesome, but perhaps not well suited when you are cutting nothing but grey fabric!

Way to go Pat for bringing something new, but not too gadgety to the market. Want to win some? Stay tuned for the details.

Pat didn't want a straight review of the rulers. No, not her! She never does anything by the rules anyway! So I'm happily sharing one of my first quilts, and a recipe. This week, it is all about Maple. And I don't mean my dog. (Yes, that is her name.)

This is actually my second quilt. (I have no photos of the first, a single Irish Chain made 12 years ago for my first nephew.) I made this quilt for my Mom. She was living in Texas at the time, so I wanted to give her something to remind her of Canada. And it currently sits in a box in my house, waiting a hanging sleeve. (Sorry Mom.)

I'll admit, I do cringe a little in looking at it. But it is still important to look back at where we came from and remind ourselves of the potential for where we can still go.

What I find interesting in looking at this was my move into a more scrappy look. That is, choosing to use multiple greens instead a single one. I guess I started that early in my career.

And on that theme of Maple, I thought I would share this recipe with you. After all, I'm also a food writer, I should be able to give you a recipe!

(Smilosaurus enjoying her beans last year)

Maple Baked Beans.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t cracked open a can of beans to eat along side a hot dog or roasted potatoes – at home or at the campfire. Walk away from the canned goods, making your own baked beans at home is really easy. Put all the ingredients in the oven to bake then hit the ice rink or toboggan hill. When you come home smell will beg you to tear into a loaf of crusty bread and curl up with a bowl of beans. There is nothing fancy to it. If you want to keep this vegetarian leave out the bacon and fry the onions in a touch of oil.

Makes approximately 4-5 cups

2 cups dried white or kidney beans* OR 2 19 ounce cans white or kidney beans, drained

6 slices bacon

1 small onion, finely chopped

1 small can of tomatoes paste

2 cups water, stock, or bean cooking liquid

¾ cup maple syrup

2 tablespoons Dijon or yellow mustard

*When using dried beans

1. Soak the beans overnight in water with a handful of salt.

2. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

3. Drain and rinse the beans well. Cover with fresh water by at least two inches. Add half an onion, peels on, and a couple of unpeeled cloves of garlic. On high heat bring to a boil in an oven proof pot or dutch oven.

4. Once the water is boiling, cover and place in oven to cook. Bake for 1.5-2 hours until beans are tender to the bite. Drain, reserving remaining cooking liquid.

For baked beans:

1. Preheat oven to 325° F.

2. Chop the bacon. Fry in a dutch oven or oven-proof dish, with a touch of oil to get it started. When the bacon is cooked but not crispy, add the onions. Cook until the onions are tender and transparent.

3. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Bake, covered for an hour. Season with salt and pepper.

I mentioned the giveaway, right? Well, the kind folks at Sullivan's are offering an entire set of the Cutting Edge rulers for one lucky reader of the Blog Hop. You need to leave a comment at every spot on the hop. Here's the list, make sure you visit them all!

Pat Sloan

Kelly Jackson

Amy Ellis

Jackie Kunkel

Julie Herman

Amanda Jean Nyberg

Monica Solorio-Snow

Amy Lobsiger

Pam Vieira-McGinnis

Carrie Nelson

Polly Minick and Laurie Simpson

Michelle Foster

And Pat Sloan again!

And for one lucky reader here, I'm offering something totally not quilt related. But Pat asked us to share a recipe, so I thought a cookbook would be a good addition to the giveaway. I was thrilled to contribute to this cookbook - Blog Aid: Recipes for Haiti - along with a tremendous group of bloggers/writers/chefs. It was a fundraiser for the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders in response to the earthquake in Haiti. Learn more about the project. And all commenters here are eligible to win their own copy!

This giveaway is now closed.


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Unknown said...

Need the rulers and like the recipe.

Melisa Bakos said...

Beans beans the musical fruit the more you eat the more you toot.
I love beans...lol
Neat Idea having a blog hop
Melisa Bakos Canada

Sandy said...

Thanks for sharing your story on your first quilt and the recipe.

Unknown said...

"Beans, beans a musical fruit the more you eat the more you toot!"

Thanks for the recipe, my husband loves baked beans.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Good recipe, good conversation, and a giveaway makes for a great day....grin

corina said...

I love the lookd on Smilosaurus!

Phyllis said...

Enjoyed your comments and would like one more cookbook. I hate to cook but love to look at the pictures. Sometimes they catch my attention and I try one.

Jo Anne said...

Fall is the perfect time for baked beans. Nothing like the aroma of comforting food wafting through the house on a crisp, cool day.

Linda said...

Thanks for the recipe...maybe have to try that

VickiT said...

I think we all cringe when looking back at the first thing we've created whether a quilt or dress. The recipe looks quite yummy. I always make my beans from a similar recipe although mine uses mollasses.

These rulers are just wonderful. It would be nice to have some to see how well they work.

And ooh a cookbook too? I'd be happy winning that too since I collect cookbooks myself. I LOVE cooking and before my knees went downhill you could always find me in my kitchen. That's what I'm known for to everyone that knows us.

hannah said...

Thank you for the great recipe and the opportunity to win a cookbook. I'd also love to win a set of the rulers. This is a great blog hop -- hope you'll all do more of them!!

Grammasheri said...

Thank you so much for the recipe and for contributing a cookbook for the giveaway. I've enjoyed reading your blog.

Linda in Arkansas said...

What an interesting blog you have. It was fun reading some of your past posts too. I've made many pots of different kinds of beans and this will be the 1st for putting in maple syrup - but I'm going to give try cause I bet it's really good. Thanks for the recipe.

Lyn said...

Thanks so much for hosting the blog hop ruler give a-way. I would love to have them.
Also thanks for the beans recipe and the chance to win a cook book. Thanks again

Linda said...

What a busy life! Keep at it

Linda said...

What a busy life! Keep at it

Sharon said...

I like that quilt! Thanks for the baked bean recipe. We love to eat them.

JudyCinNC said...

The Maple Baked Beans recipe sure looks wonderful and thank you so much for throwing in the cook book. Awesome giveaway. Judy C in NC judyandmartyn@nc.rr.com

Anonymous said...

Love your pooch, and thanks for the fun blog and the chance to win!

scottylover said...

That recipe looks YUMMY! Anything with maple syrup sounds yummy to me, though! Thanks for sharing it.

Sandy A

JudyCinNC said...

Judy C in NC is all in on this awesome giveaway and thanks for adding your cookbook to the prize. judyandmartyn@nc.rr.com

bargello said...

I love the look of the rulers, and am glad to be a part of the HOP. Such yummy Canadian sounding beans! I love saturday night beans in the cold season, thanks.
Kathy in Canada

bargello said...

I love the look of the rulers, and am glad to be a part of the HOP. Such yummy Canadian sounding beans! I love saturday night beans in the cold season, thanks.
Kathy in Canada

bargello said...

I love the look of the rulers, and am glad to be a part of the HOP. Such yummy Canadian sounding beans! I love saturday night beans in the cold season, thanks.
Kathy in Canada

bargello said...

I love the look of the rulers, and am glad to be a part of the HOP. Such yummy Canadian sounding beans! I love saturday night beans in the cold season, thanks.
Kathy in Canada

~Michelle~ said...

Thanks for the recipe - I copied it & printed it off! Will let you know what I think ;)

~Michelle~ said...

Thanks for the recipe - I copied it & printed it off! Will let you know what I think ;)

Robin C said...

love the baby pix. and would love the cookbook!

schmidt1016 said...

For a first (or second) quilt, that maple leaf is beautiful. I appreciate getting honest reviews of a product. It always takes a while to get used to something, but knowing it's worthwhile in the end makes it easier to continue. I think that the non-slip feature is even more exciting than the sharpening aspect. Thanks.
Leslie S. in MN

Joanna said...

Why do you cringe when you look at that beautiful quilt? I love maple leaf themes, in quilts or runner. And it's nice that you Mom wants to hang it. Thank you for the great recipe and very cute pictures.

Judy G said...

Your recipe is looks yummy. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the chance to win the rulers.

Kathy said...

Thank you for describing the sound! I was curious about that. As a left hander EVERY ruler takes getting used to EVERY time I think. Nothing is quite where I expect it to be. So I will have to try these rulers.

Kathy said...

Let me try again (blog address wasn't complete!).
Thank you for describing the sound - I wondered. And on markings, being left handed I am ALWAYS looking at marking so that is not a problem.

Betteem said...

Thanks for the baked bean recipe. I don't know if I'll include the maple syrup. Thanks also for the free "5" quilt tutorial. I'd love to receive the rulers that give 2 ways.
Betty duanemeissner@centurytel.net

Pat said...

Thanks for the review of the rulers and for sharing the recipe.

Amy said...

Love your Maple! Her face looks like my daughter's dog, Whiskey. He's a rescue from Qatar, part Saluki, part Anatolian Shepherd and too smart for his own good! Thanks for the recipe too! We'll be trying it very soon.

Karen said...

I love baked beans, thanks for sharing. Keeping my fingers crossed to try those rulers!!

Sharon W said...

Thanks for the recipe. I hope that I can win those rulers.

Brittainy Barnes said...

These would come in handy for my new quilt I'm planning!!! I'm super excited :) thanks for the chance!!


Laine said...

I am enjoying reading all these new blogs in this blog hop. Thanks so much for your honest review of the rulers. I am still hoping that they find a new home with me.

Patty said...

I like your little quilt, it was made from the heart for a very special lady. The bean recipe looks really good too. Thanks.

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the straightforward review of the rulers, the recipe, and the additional prize offer of the cookbook. Our bean recipes are very much like yours.

Kathy MacKie said...

We not only get a chance to win some cool rulers we also get a fab recipe~thanks!

Judy in Michigan said...

Great idea about the Haiti cookbook and baked beans is one of my favorites!! Thanks. Can't wait to get my new rulers - oh please, please. They look just marvelous.

Julee said...

Can't wait to try the rulers.

SheilaC said...

Great bean recipe, thank you for sharing!


Pamela said...

Baked beans sound great, especially since I can sew while they cook :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Thanks for the great recipe!

jean said...

Thanks for the input on the rulers and also for the yummy sounding recipe.

Louise said...

The recipe sounds good - that's one I'll print out!
I'd love to win the rulers and/or the cookbook. One can never have enough cookbooks!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm--baked beans. I'm off to start my own favorite pot of beans, thanks for the suggestion.

Deb G. in VA said...

Thanks for the ruler review. The baked beans sound good!

Kathleen C said...

I receive the feed to your blog and I enjoy it; your quilts are great. Thanks for the chance to win these interesting rulers and also your cookbook, for such a good cause.

Mary said...

I can't wait to try these rulers. I like the idea of the 1.8" markings. Please enter me in theh drawing.

webmailaddress2 said...

Hilarious baby pic!

Debbie Lou said...

Thanks for sharing your story and recipe. I would love to have those rulers. I will be back to visit your fun blog. Thanks for being a part of the hop.

Diane said...

I would love to win the rulers - great ideas.cluerm

Joan said...

What a great little face! Save that for the first date..... or rehearsal dinner slideshow!

~Niki~ said...

those beans sound scrumptious! thanks for letting me enter.

Jenniffier said...

Too fun thanks for the chance to win.

Gretchen said...

Thanks for the great recipe. Isn't everything just a little better with maple syrup?

Unknown said...

The recipe sounds easy and delicious! Thanks for your giveaway.

Loris said...

Love to eat beans :-) Thanks for the recipe!

Mary Beth Oberlin said...

Such a cute baby!

bobbie23nc said...

I collect cookbooks and I need a new ruler.

Julia (Grammy) said...

I love cookbooks. this looks fun.

Sooz said...

O.M.G. The picture of that baby made my week. Thanks for the blog hop.
Best, Sooz

Anonymous said...


lisa said...

hey, I like yoru first quilt! it has some characteristics of my fifth quilt....I am still a beginer here but have moved past novice =)

Thanks for the beans...my girls LOVE baked beans and I keep thinking there has to be a way to make them at home, and make a HUGE batch and freeze them!

gaydra said...

Absolutely LOVE this blog-hop!! Thanks for all the recipes and fun things that have been posted!

❦Bayside Gal❦ said...

Yay for Fall! Baked beans are great this time of year (for me anytime of year lol) but Fall especially. Now the rulers are something else...I am new to quilting and always looking for help finding the right tools. This might be my lucky week..

Debbie said...

Maple Baked Beans are now in my recipe file (cute picture included)
Thanks for sharing
Debbie in WA

Kristen said...

Both the recipes and the reviews are great! Congratulations on the contribution to the cookbook!

sharon said...

Thank you for joining in on the ruler give away! Also the recipe for the Maple beans! Sharonj.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That baked bean recipe sounds fantastic. Thanks for the recipe and a chance to win rulers and a cookbook.

JJ said...

Cookbook collecting is almost addicting as quilt books. The rulers look great.

Mama Pea said...

I think those baked beans really look scrumptious! Mama Pea = Stephanie in Michigan

Michelle said...

Thank you for doing such a great giveaway!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Great pictures! :) Thanks for participating and sharing your recipe!

Bonnie said...

I definitely need new rulers so pleeease can I win! :)

HeyJudee said...

I grew up with my Mom's maple baked beans but not the same recipe. I'm going to have to give yours a try. Those rulers would have come in handy for me today. Hope I win them as my blade needs sharpening!

Cyn said...

Loved the picture of your smileasaurus! Too cute!

And the bean recipe sounds good. It's chilly here this weekend and would be fun to try.


Linda said...

the recipe sounds just great --thanks....

janet platzer said...

love the blog and recipe

Jane Biles said...

Thanks for the new facts about the Edge Rulers. Each reviewer has had just a little different idea about them, but I'm very interested. I like your maple leaf quilt and the recipe sounds like a "fall" treat. Have fun with the "hop".

amroth98 said...

Thanks to all the designers for participating. I'd love to win a set of rulers, they're king of notions (along with their queen, the rotary cutter) as far as I'm concerned.

Julie S said...

Thanks for the fun and extra prize!

Kim said...

Thank you for the giveaway, little smileasourus is just adorable.

deserae said...

Now I am hungry thinking about baked beans! :)

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Your bean recipe sound so good. Thanks for the giveaway chances!

Linda said...

thanks for the great recipe---love the Hop...

jackiero said...

Oh my gosh, I am in love with your dog and your child! Fabulous photos!!
Thanks for the yommy recipe, your own giveaway (umm, foody here) and sharing your 2nd quilt (you did a great job, why cringe?).
Take care :)

Karen in Tucson said...

I can't wait to measure my fabric and the saguaro cacti in my yard with my new rulers.

Cecilia said...

I enjoyed your story. I would love to win the rulers.

Mama24Monkeys said...

Quilting and cooking my two favorite things!

Sharrieboberry said...

I've used molasses to sweeten my beans. I'm sure it's a location thing. You use what's available locally. Yours sound delicious!

Amy said...

Baked beans - my favorite. Thanks for your review of the rulers.

Debby, crowefan0517 said...

So nice of you to also offer a giveaway! And an honest review of Pat's rulers.

-debby, chester ny

S. said...

Baked beans! I should add some maple syrup to mine. Thanks!

Linda H said...

I've enjoyed this blog-hop tremendously - thanks for taking part!

Wendy said...

Thank you sincerely for the beans recipe. I love baked beans and can't wait to make them at home ... without a can opener :)

Christine M said...

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Tong said...

i LOVE that picture of your daughter enjoying the beans, just adorable!!!!

momto2wasd said...

Great recipe! It's hard to find baked bean recipes that isn't just doctoring up some canned baked beans. Thanks!

Annieofbluegables said...

What a neat invention.

Leah said...

Great post!

Unknown said...

I'll try your bean recipe. It is quite different from mine, which uses brown sugar and ketchup instead of the maple syrup. I'll also go take a look at the recipe book site. Of course, I'd love to win the rulers!

Brenda said...

way to go single mom,I was too,an now all 4 kids are grown,an I have 8 grandkids,thanks for the chance to win the new Rulers, see ya Brenda in Utah

SoozeM said...

I have to say that for a second quilt your maple leaves are awesome!! And thanks for a great recipe, I can't wait to try it out!

Bec Clarke said...

those beans sound amazing and I don't even like Baked Beans, maybe I will like home made ones...

PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

Hmm beans sound good. I love that you include the directions for dry beans, makes it easier.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Love the picture of Smilosaurus! Adorable.

Anonymous said...

Yum - I love maple syrup - love it for a dog name too!

Pam said...

Gray fabric is growing on me...your recipe sounds great!

Rhonda Beam said...

Loved the little bean eater picture. We have one about the same way. Thanks for this hop.

~ Sara ~ said...

The recipe looks great, perfect for the time of year...

Sarah in Houston said...

Love your pictures

Michele T said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I would love to try those rulers - amazing concept! Thanks for the chance. micheletimms@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

updating my ID so they all match on this hop

Carlie said...

I really like your first quilt and this blog hop is great with all the great looking recipes and quilts and those rulers look good too. would love to win me some!!

peggy said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop. It's been great fun.

Sara said...

Your daughter is too cute!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Peach Rainbow said...

Thanks for the chance!

mennikelly said...

When is the best time of year to go to Halifax? Thanks for the recipe for the baked beans.

KarrieLyne said...

Maple is sooo cute!! and that photo of your wee one, priceless!! That face! Hahahah!! The recipe sounds wonderful. Too bad I'm the only one in my household that would eat them. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the total review! You've answered some of my questions about the rulers. They sound great!

Anonymous said...

Your greys are pretty and relaxing. If the baby likes the beans, I'll bet they are good.
Glad to see your review of the rulers. Still want them.

marilyn said...

what a great way to help Haiti. Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook and rulers.

Blog Editor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacqui's Quilts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacqui's Quilts said...

Love your first quilt. Nice to see a Canadian quilter on the blog hop too...those maple leaves are great!So Canadian :-).

Jacqui in Canada (Ontario)

Marcy said...

I love homemade beans, and the smell of cooking all day in the kitchen is to die for mmmmmmmm

sandrasc said...

Even if I am not the lucky winner of the rulers, I will have to at least buy one to see how I like them...one can never have too many rulers, right? The bean recipe looks yummy. thanks

EngrSandi said...

I'm looking forward to trying these rulers as soon as I win them or find them in a store.

ytsmom said...

I really want to win the rulers, but a cookbook would be great too!

quiltmom anna said...

Baked beans with Ham is one of my favorite dishes from my childhood. My mother always used white dried beans and soaked them. I am not sure if she ever makes it now but I do remember that dish with great fondness.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a cookbook and the rulers.
I really like your maple leaf quilt- we do learn by doing and trying different things. Our color choices change and so does our skill level.

Barb said...

Thank you from a fellow maple-lover and quilter who went from quilting during naptime to needing a nap during quilt time. Yup. I've been quilting that long!

BeachQuilter said...

Thanks for being part of the hop! The beans sound great as does the cookbook!

Ruth B said...

Wonderful pictures! My husband would so love to make those beans. Great fall food.

carmel said...

love those rulers!
thank you so much!

Susan Ingram said...

Thanks for your review on the rulers. I can't wait to try them out. Thanks for the fun blog hop.

Georgette Mitchell said...

Thanks for the review on the rulers. Wonderful blog hop.

Leslie said...

Maple syrup and Canada.....a perfect pairing. Would love to win the ruler set.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the honest review of the rules. I think I'd like to try them!

Unknown said...

Great recipe! All in all, your review sounds like that ruler set is a must have!


BarefootThunder said...

Your smilosaurus makes those beans look Yummy !! I like the quilt you are working on for your Momma, I have a "Momma" quilt too, queen size, quilting it by hand.

Carol Sc said...

Thanks for you honest evaluation --- I always think it takes a little getting used to, when changing to different tools. I am anxious to try one of these rulers --- it makes sense to save the sharpness of the rotary cutter.

the girlfriend gap said...

If you can get a baby to eat beans they got to be good! Do you use real maple syrup? Thanks for the chance to win an extra something special. Comfort quilts and comfort food go hand in hand to all around yummy!



Bette said...

Awsome blog!

bwilder said...

Your quilts are very cute and creative.

Melissa said...

That sounds yummy! (The rulers and the recipe!) Thanks!

KatieQ said...

Thank you for sharing the bean recipe and your take on the rulers.

Deb said...

I'd love to try the rulers and all the yummy recipes too!

Anonymous said...

Ok - I love baked beans, and now I just HAVE to try this recipe out....Thank You!!

Miss Jean said...

I must admit that I usually crack a can of baked beans and doctor them. This recipe sounds just as easy!! Thanks for the ruler opportunity.

Nancy Sue said...

Thank you for sharing your history with us. Maple is a lucky pooch to have a great owner like you. You even named a tree and baked beans after your pooch :)And lastly thank you for adding your own little giveaway. What a thoughtful book!

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

great stories, great food, fun blogs, great times!!! am worn thin blog hopping and working! need zzzzzzzzzzzzz's

Shruti said...

I'd love to win therulers... I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Sandy said...

That sounds like a great recipe to try this winter. Thanks!

Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

thanks for the recipe, and thanks for the chance to win some great rulers! Oh, and for the chance to win a cookbook for Haiti relief.

Hannele said...

Great giveaway - thnak you :)

Avon said...

I would love to try the new rulers. Enter me please.

polly said...

Thanks for the recipe! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Quiltluver said...

Thanks for the bean recipe. It sounds yummy! Word verification "wineu"--does that mean I'm going to win this thing?

Stacey said...

that sounds awesome, would love a chance to win both!!! thanks

Kim G said...

Would love to win these rulers! What a great blog hop!

Carol J said...

Wow... a quilter and a food writer - you must be in heaven!! Love your moms quilt. I seem to lean towards the scrappy look too for some reason. All these scraps.... new rulers would be sooooo handy!! Thanks again for sharing!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Here's my comment: Love Maple the dog! I don't cook, but my daughter does and I will pass the cookbook along if I win it. I'm keeping the rulers though if I win them.

Anonymous said...

I'm too lazy to do all that hopping, but have to say I your dog's name is too cute.

Virginia said...

Love the baby pic - so cute. I must make the baked beans.

Sylvia said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

MoeWest said...

Thanks for your review of the rulers and an interesting post. I've never made my own baked beans, so it's about time I gave it a try.

Sheryl said...

Your blog is very interesting and enjoyable to read! Thank you for being a host for this fun blog hop.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the recipe. Would love to win the rulers or recipe book.
Jeanne in MI

Carol said...

Wow! The chance for rulers and a cookbook! Zowie! Choose me! Choose me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honesty with regards to the rulers.. Baked maple beans yumm!!nNurse Payne

cakegirl said...

I am always interested in a good recipe for baked beans. They are a favorite at my house.

Janet said...

I like the quilt you showed...Thanks for the chance to win the rulers. I love baked beans as well.

caron said...

So much goodness in one post!

I think you can declare it a sign of true artistry that you can create great work in more than one "genre."

Nancy said...

Thank you for sharing about "reset" - I like that! ANd thanks for the giveaways!

an encourager said...

Oooh, so glad to have found your great blog! And a food writer! Fun!

Brenda said...

My goodness, I don't know how you get anything done with so much on your plate. Just reading about it makes me feel ready for a nap.

I'd really like and do need the rulers but won't say again what I've said several times in the past. Use whatever influence you have with Pat or her magic random number generator to pop me up for these rulers! Thanks in advance.


stock trading said...

Thank goodness in todays fabric it is considered a go to color. 10 years ago that was not the case. You might find a dark charcoal or something more blue than grey.

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