19 October, 2010

Her Name, Big

Please ignore the odd shape of the M. Coming up on 4 weeks of more or less solid single parenting. I get the odd break with a babysitter or Hubby unpredictably arriving home, only to leave again a day or two later. But he's working the whole time he's here too. Needless to say, exhaustion and crankiness are evident.

That being said, it is all the more managed now that I am home with the girls instead of in an office. I had a particularly bad day last week and in between crying and fighting with Hubby on the phone he commented that quitting my job was supposed to make this better. So the wrong thing to say. But I was somehow lucid enough to calmly (or so I think) point out that at least this was only one day. Prior to quitting my job that would have been everyday.

And having the opportunity to quilt nearly everyday during naptime (whether I take it or not) goes a long way towards keeping my mental health in check. A long, long way.

This afternoon saw me finish the main part of one of the girls' quilt tops. Our oldest asked for a quilt with her name on it, all over. Like a good artist who takes every commission with a grain of salt I modified her request. I went for her name once, and made it big! This will cover nearly an entire twin mattress. All that is left is to sew the rest of the top to this.

Oh, and actually get the twin mattress and the bed it is supposed to go on. Pretty sure I'm winning the race.


  1. My husband was traveling for work all the time when our son was small so I can identify. I didn't have quilting to keep me sane during naptime, though. The quilt is going to be awesome. I'm sure the person who commissioned it will be thrilled!

  2. oh my friend, deep breaths on those days, and just know that sometimes it just feels overwhelming. DH and I were just reflecting tonight after dinner - how on earth do dual working couples do it it all? You are entitled to have 'bad' days, and they will come, it's especially hard when headquarters #2 is away for work for longer stints of time. Hang in there!!

  3. Hang in there! I'm lucky enough not to have had an absentee husband/father for any length of time, but both my sisters have. It is hard on everyone. I truly believe in the sanity preserving nature of quilting, so keep on sewing!

  4. Hang in there. I can't imagine doing it all on my own for a solid week! Naptimes are sacred time in my house. Try and enjoy every second of it.

  5. I have those kinds of days and my husband DOESN'T travel. I can't imagine how you are holding down the fort for such extended periods of time.
    When I am having 'those' kinds of days I try to atleast find a few minutes during the day for myself. Even if its only to step onto the back deck and breathe deeply a few times while dinner is cooking. It helps me put it all back into perspective...until I walk back inside and break up another argument with my boys...but atleast I had those couple of minutes ;)

  6. I've definitely got the absentee husband thing going on here as well, but luckily our "kids" are cats so it doesn't begin to compare. good luck with that. wheee on the fun name. that's a totally readable M - it's got style.
