08 October, 2010

For the Girls

So I need to start a new quilt, or two, like I need a bad knee. Oh wait, I've already got two of those, so why not start two new quilts?

The girls have shared a room for almost two years. Now that Smilosaurus is out of the crib they've been stuck even sharing a big bed. Truthfully, they seem to love it - choosing it over sleeping separately when presented with an option. It works for them and 95% of the time it works for us.

You see, we put our girls to bed and then pretty much ignore them. They can talk, giggle, fight, or whatever - as long as the lights stay off and they stay in bed. And 95% of the time that works. The other 5% of the time one wants to stay up while the other sleeps or they fight over the covers. That 5% of the time I am desperate for them to have their own beds.

We've been shopping with little success for twin beds we like. Hubby is actually getting them made now off a design we put together. New beds, however, necessitate new quilts. By the time I get these done they might have new beds. Maybe Hubby and I should have a race?


stacie said...

Love all the colors!

Meghan said...

Ooh, I love the orange stack! You and the hubs should definitely race :)

badlandsquilts said...

Great colors!

brown robin said...

A little competition between spouses? Could be a new therapy technique. Can't wait to see what you create. I love twin size quilts... something about the dimensions, space, etc. Maybe I'm a little out there though.

Unknown said...

Great fabric combos! You should totally race.

Cristin said...

My sister and I had bunk beds :-) LOVED them! Although... I never did get my own room until... ok, never. I still share a room, with husband! haha
LOVE the stack of oranges!

Suzanne said...

I really like the dots. As for the spousal competition, I love a good race with mine especially when he doesn't know he's in one. :-) On your mark, get set, go!

Anonymous said...

Lovely fabrics! How wonderful that you and your husband are both creating this new stage for your daughters.

elle said...

I just started another orange quilt so I'm particularly studying your oranges. We finlly had a set of bunks made for the grandkids. They'll need sheets and quilts as the size was custom. Yup, race away!

jess said...

Aw man, memories. I couldn't kick my sister out of my bed for years! But it was so nice to know I was needed.
I would love to make a bed, since we need to get a new one for #2 son.

Amanda Jean said...

great fabric pull! i love that color combo, but you already know that, don't you now?

i think a race between you and hubby is a GREAT idea!

Kris said...

I love the colors! My sister and I shared a bed as little kids too. After a while, the middle of the night fights over covers got to be too much and my parents had to go to twin beds too...

KateKwiltz said...

Love the color combination! Looking forward to seeing who wins the race!

snore stop said...

the colors are fantastic and amazing.I like orange color very much.Great fabric combos.i enjoy your post. thanks for this post.