12 July, 2010

City Quilts - Welcome to the Blog Tour

Welcome to the first stop on the City Quilts Blog Tour! And welcome to Naptime Quilter for all you new visitors. I am extremely pleased to be joining the rest of the blog tour crew. And I am very excited to share this book with you.

If you haven't had a chance to pick up City Quilts yet, make sure you enter here and everywhere else on the tour for your chance to win a copy. One copy at every stop, courtesy of C&T Publishing! And fabric too, courtesy of Robert Kauffman!

City Quilts is a really interesting book. Cherri House takes her hometown, Houston, as the main inspiration for the projects in the book. But with her work being exclusively in solid fabrics, there is a distinct Amish/Gees Bend influence. City Quilts is a fantastic example of modern quilting with a very strong grounding in tradition.

To be honest, I expected it to be a book of patterns only, but I was more than pleasantly surpised to read so much more. Incredible discussions on inspiration, colour, process, and the melding of traditional and modern/contemporary. I found these discussions detailed and informative. And when it came to the patterns, I loved reading about Cherri's original inspiration and how she translated it into the pattern. Finally, Cherri encourages her readers to play, to try new things and adapt her patterns into their own ideas. As someone who doesn't follow patterns (much) I appreciated this encouragement. And now I have more than a few ideas percolating based on Cherri and her inspiration.

Cherri and I had the opportunity for a little interview. I'd love to share that with you.

What marked the transition for you from a hobby quilter to a professional quilter?
It wasn't a particular accomplishment, it was my work, City News to be exact. It was hanging in Robert Kaufman's booth at Portland Spring Market 2008, and I knew I had done it, I knew the quality of my work surpassed anything I had done before, and that I was in new territory. It was a game changer for me.

Do you think you would be the quilter you are without the internet and blogging?
Yes, absolutely. I had been quilting since the early 80's, always trying to push myself, and improve my skills. What the internet and blogging has brought to me is the quilting community. I'm a pretty solitary person in terms of my quilt work, the term social butterfly would never apply to me. So, having the internet and blogging has given me a group globally that I haven't cultivated locally.
My LQS carries my patterns, and my book. Plus, I have taught locally for years, mostly privately, but I have started teaching at my LQS, which has been really exciting! Yes, having an online pattern business has been wonderful... the other night I filled orders for customers in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Canada (!), everywhere... Through the internet having a worldwide audience is possible, and attainable for my book and patterns.

City Quilts is great at documenting your inspiration. Once you have your inspiration, what is your process for translating that into a quilt?
After I have the inspiration, it is a matter of finding or creating a quilt pattern that will translate and mesh with the inspiration. the quilt City Circles was inspired by city traffic, but in a quilt book based on squares and rectangles, an actual circular quilt pattern wouldn't do. The Shoo-fly quilt block is made with squares and rectangles but appears circular, so it was the perfect fit. The actual block patterns are the vehicle to translate inspiration into a quilt.

When does the colour scheme/picking fabric come into the process?
There isn't just one answer for me - it's kind of a 'chicken or the egg thing'. Sometimes I want to make a green quilt, so the color/fabric will come first, everything else will follow. Other times I will design what I think is a great quilt, and with EQ6 I'll try different colorways to determine what looks best. If I'm working with a manufacturer or magazine, I may have very little say in the matter, and I create something within the parameters someone else has set.

Have you ever considered sharing that process or profiling it on the blog, a la the Process Pledge?
I've read about the pledge process and I've thought about participating, but then I think, "would someone care, would someone be interested in why I chose orange over red?" I'm happy to share whatever is going on with my work, mistakes and all. Holy crap - as embarrasing as it was, I freely admitted to falling in the lake trying to take a freakin' photo of a quilt. A core belief I've always had, is that I'm not competing with anyone but myself. I'll never be able to knock out as many quilts as ________, my machine quilting with never match ______. All I can do is better than the quilt before, the pattern before, the book before - it is a journey and through blogging I am able to share that journey.

There is a lot of discussion these days online and in print about the modern quilt movement. You are a member of the Modern Quilt Guild and City Quilts is undoubtedly considered a modern book.  Do you make this distinction yourself, between modern and traditional?
This is a touchy subject for me, which seems kind of silly. Yes, I am a member of the Modern Quilt Guild, I started the Houston chapter. Yes, City Quilts is considered a modern book - which is great! But where I get a little iffy is the "modern" thing - what is modern? If I'm asked to identify my quilting self, I say that I create 'contemporary' quilts. I don't say 'modern', and I don't say 'art', I state that I make contemporary quilts based on traditional patterns. Everything about what I do is traditional in the terms of piecing, and technique. Maybe I'm an orphan quilter, I don't belong with the traditional group, and I'm not sure if I belong with the modern group. Seems silly to be at such a loss for a definition but there it is.

As I mention in the book, my first appreciation of solids was through an exhibit of Amish quilts at the International Quilt Festival in Houston. That a solid colored fabric could produce quilts that glowed was mind blowing to me. I also had a huge appreciation for the timelessness of Amish quilts. There are quilts from the 1800 and 1900's that look like contemporary works of art.

In regards to the simple block construction in the book, I have a passion for helping quilters to understand that simple doesn't mean boring. There are many books and patterns for beginning quilters that are a complete snoozefest! There is no need for that - we need to elevate quilting, and elevate our work. 

Thanks Cherri, for a very interesting and inspiring book, and a great interview.

To enter the draw for the prizes - a copy of City Quilts courtesy of C&T Publishing and a Fat Quarter Stack of Kona Solids from Robert Kaufman - please leave a comment on this post. Only comment once please, and make sure you have an email attached to your comment so I have a way to contact you. I'll keep the draw open until the end of the blog tour, that's on July 24, midnight MST.

Don't forget to visit the rest of the hosts for more from Cherri and more chances to win.

July 15  Pat Sloan
July 16  Spool 
July 17  Robert Kaufman
July 18  Fat Quarterly
July 20  Sewer/Sewist
July 21   Jaybird Quilts
July 22   Spun Sugar Quilt
July 23  Juicy Bits
July 24  Kim Kight

Enjoy the tour, and City Quilts!


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Anonymous said...

What an inspiring book and interview. I also have the book on my wish list so would love to win one. Being a beginner myself I love that Cherri likes to take the "snoozefest" out of beginner quilt patterns!!

MoeWest said...

This book looks so interesting. I would love to win it! The Kona solids would be a great addition to my stash.

MoxyIdeas said...

Great interview! I just love to read about people's inspiration!

CitricSugar said...

I have only caught sneak peaks of this book online and I am definitely am going to have to grab it - either by winning or buying. It's my kind of fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Cherri is obviously a great designer. Can't wait to get a copy of the book. The fabrics are beautiful. Thanks for the interview.

♥Duff said...

Fabulous interview! thanks for sharing an insider's view and for offering such a great giveaway!

Amanda Jean said...

What a great interview! I love Cherri's work. Actually, truth be told, I'm smitten with it. The simplicity of her quilts and her use of color are both amazing.

pklaw said...

I love this book and each time I pick it up I see something new. Your interview was very interesting.It is good to get to know the lady behind the quilts!

Vicki said...

I have been waiting for this book. Love both of your blogs.

carrie said...

This book is my ideal quilting style. I am just so excited about it!


Anonymous said...

What a nice site. Please count me in
, samantha

ledamewood said...

how fun to do this tour. I would love to have the book to learn even more about city quilts, and that FQ bundle is just yummy. Thanks for a chance at such a great giveaway.

Carol said...

"Simple doesn't mean boring" - How true! I'd really love to have this book.

Anonymous said...

What?! Of course I'd be interested to hear about why you chose this red or that orange. I appreciate looking at pictures of quilts as much as the next quilter but I care much more about those quilts that the maker personally shares.

The One and Only said...

the quilt on the cover totally rocks!! the fqp, OMG, please pick me puh-leaze!!

anne said...

Would I love to win a copy of this, yes yes yes, it looks awesome. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I am fascinated by the quilts in this book. Thanks for the Q&A!

Jacqui said...

It looks like a wonderful book and the fabric stack is like a purple rainbow! Thanks for the chance at winning them :)

Peach Rainbow said...

Superb book and lovely FQs- Love to win!!

Poppyprint said...

Great interview Cheryl. I especially like Cherri's response to the Modern Quilt 'classification' question. I, too share her (and your) uneasiness on the whole MQG movement and labeling quilts and quilters as such.
I've perused a friend's copy, but I'd love to read Cherri's book cover to cover! Thanks.

Stine said...

The previews I've seen so far are fantastic. I can't wait to own a copy of City Quilts!

sy said...

the patterns in the book look modern and innovative, i love the color combination. thanks for hosting the giveaway.

carly k said...

I really want this book. alot. I love cities after living in NYC for a few years!

Marit said...

Lovely interview, you made me very curious about the book...

; )

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the opportunity to take part in this give away. It's great that th einternet breaks down the barriers. Karen karenmundt@bigpond.com

Deborah OHare said...

I love Cherri's work.
She shows us the beauty in uncomplicated piecing, with a great use of colour

M&K said...

Beautiful quilts, can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the book. How long before it makes it down under? Thank you.

Jackie said...

i love kauffman and would love to make a quilt with this fabric

dutchcomfort said...

Thanks for the interview!

I’m already the proud owner of a signed copy of Cheri’s book. Cherri House is an inspiration to work with solids.

Anonymous said...

that book is on my "to have" list as I follow her work closely
and a Kona stack, well, who wouldn't love to get one

Lesly said...

great book - great quilts!

moira said...

this book looks awesome - I'm just waiting for it to arrive!

Betsy said...

Thank you for the chance to win. This book is on my to buy list now!

Vicki said...

Thanks for the lovely interview with Cherri House. It sounds like another book for the wish list :-).

Ann Marie said...

Great interview. Count me in as an orphan quilter. Cherri echos my sentiments too.

Barb in Mi said...

What a great idea, this book tour. Every time I read about it, I like it more! Thanks for the giveaway!

Fulvia said...

I enjoyed the interview. Thank you for the giveaway.

grendelskin said...

I've been drooling to own this book for ages it seems! This was a terrific interview with lots to think about, thanks so much!

Moosters said...

Super interview. It's always fascinating to me how creative people find ideas. Gorgeous stack of solids too! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

JoyceT said...

I want those fabrics........and the book would be nice, too.

KarenH said...

I love these quilts. I would love to make them all!

Becky said...

What an insightful and inspiring interview with Cherri. Lots to think about. Would love to have a copy of her book. Many thanks!

brown robin said...

Wow, Cheryl! That was an eye opening interview. Thanks for sharing it. Your passion is always inspiring, friend.

Dusty said...

I just love the quilts in this book. I've yet to try making a quilt (although I do have fabric for one sitting in my queue), but this book really makes me want to give it a try.

Felix said...

Love the use of colour and form and divergence from the norm - very inspirational!!! Thx for the chance to be a part of this :)

Cindy said...

Great interview! I can't wait to get this book in my hands.

Debbie said...

I haven't used solids in a long time. Looks like I may get back to playing with them

anita said...

This book is so inspiring. I'd love to have it in my library!

Emily Sands said...

So much inspiration in this book. I have always been afraid to use solids because I thought that a little print would help hide my mistakes.

KatieQ said...

Thanks for the great interview. I can't wait to see this book.

Kitty said...

Wow! What a great book and interview. I have trouble with picking out colors for my quilts and this book would really help. I love the use of solid colors and the contemporary twist on traditional piecing. mcthekat(at)gmail(dot)com

Leslie said...

I love this book and the fabrics!

Shari said...

Love, love, love the book!

Carol said...

Looking forward to seeing Cherri's quilts together in one place.

Doris said...

Wow, that stack of Kona solids is L*O*V*E*L*Y! Great new book, too!

Shari said...

Love, love, love the book!

ixy said...

OOO This book is on my wishlist, it would be great to win it!!


Gari in AL said...

I don't mind beinb #259, it's a good number, I hope. I recently won City Quilts so I am really going to enjoy getting to know the author. I have never used solids so it would be great to win some to begin my journey through the book.

Unknown said...

I am enjoying reading about Cherri and her new book, City Quilts. The quilts are just beautiful and I would love to win a copy of the book! Great giveaway!

cakegirl said...

Great book and fabulous fabric. Thanks for your generous giveaway.

Jocelyn said...

Wow, beautiful fabrics, great book, and interesting process! Thanks for entering me :-)

Me? A Mom? said...

I've been drooling over this book ever since I saw some preview shots on her blog. Would LOVE to win. Universe, please let me win!!

Jolene said...

Oh I would love to curl up with this book, (or the fabric). I'm just loving quilts made with solids.

Karen said...

I have always said that I learn something new with every quilt I make....great interview!

Denise :) said...

What a beautiful array of colors in that stack of fat quarters! Count me in, please! :)

ps -- I love the name of your blog!

Béa said...

Wonderful giveaway, I will be very happy to win ! Hugs from France

Béa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dana Gaffney said...

Great giveaway, thanks.

liberal sprinkles said...

wow, what a cool book. Thanks for the interview!

Rafael's Mum said...

Thanks very much for a lovely interview and the chance to win! So interesting! Am looking forward to the rest of the tour!

allsewnup said...

The book sounds wonderful and the fabrics are delicious. Please include me.


Bree said...

I'm always amazed at her ability to make solids look so awesome! Great giveaway :)

Junk It Folk said...

So inspiring! Thanks for the give away!

Mary said...

What yummy colors of fabric! Thanks for a great interview.

Elisha said...

This is the first quilting interview I've read and it was fascinating. I'm always curious to hear different quilters' answers to several of the questions you formulated. :)

cathy said...

I love this book. I just don't know where to start. So much inspiration.

Anonymous said...

The book looks amazing. And fabric is always always a welcome prize. hehe

Stacy said...

Fantastic giveaway, thanks for a chance to win!

CJ said...

Great quilts and great giveaway!

Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox said...

oh! i would love a copy!!!! I have been admiring this book and HOPING I wouldbe lucky enough to be picked!

Anonymous said...

Wow - the City Quilts are stunning!

Unknown said...

Love Cherri's quilts. I have made several of them but never get tired of looking at them and hearing about her process. Truly awesome book!!

Brenda said...

I really like your comment about making "contemporary quilts based on traditional patterns" and abouat not calling yourself a "quilt artist." I've always thought that if quilters have to label themselves as an "artists" and their work as "art," their insecurities are showing! I like your attitude.

Angelina S. said...

I can't wait to get this book! It looks wonderful!

Thanks for the chance to win!



Elizabeth D. said...

Oh my goodness, I love the name of your blog! So glad I found you, through the book tour!! Boy, I sure hope I win this book, it sure sounds awesome!!

Briscoe said...

This book looks great! I'm an architect and a quilter and I love seeing quilts inspired by the built world.

Kathryn said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wishing for this book.

Victoria said...

I haven't seen the book yet but will keep an eye out for it, as I definitely appreciate her great use of solid color and the beautiful quilts shown here! Very enjoyable interview, thanks for sharing!

patti said...

i have been looking forward to City Quilts for a while. thanks for the great interview.

Sarah said...

Beautiful looking quilts!

NorahS said...

Great interview! She does beautiful work.

Crystal Hendrix said...

Looks like an amazing book! :D I am glad you are doing a giveaway with it too!

Joy said...

I really appreciate Cherri's thoughts on competition ("All I can do is better than the quilt before...") - very helpful! Thanks for a great interview.

Barbara said...

I live in the country but would love City Quilts!
Next time we're in Calgary we'll have to meet, I'm SweetSalty Kate's Mom!

silversmith said...

fantastic interview with cherri!! i'm lucky enough to be in the MQG with her and am amazed at the beauty she produces in her quilts. plus... she's a funny and kind woman and she really does love color. what's not to love?

deserae said...

Great giveaway! :)

kevnjacks said...

Thanks for the great interview! I've always been intrigued by solid quilts and Cherri's been an inspiration! :)

Unknown said...

I am a newbie in the world of quilting. I just love Cherri's style, and can't wait to try out one of her patterns!

Victoria said...

I love these quilts and have this book on my own wish list.
vicmil at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm enjoying the City Quilts book tour, for sure. I love reading all the interviews.

Lauren H said...

Great interview. I've been wanting this book - would love to win it!

Freda said...

That is such a great giveaway! I don't have the book yet either, but I really want it now!

Anonymous said...

Great stack of color to get started on these quilts!!

Kelli said...

Lovin this book, I agree with Cherri's comments on Modern Quilting. How do you define "Modern"? I am gonna go with that we are making quilts without rules. They are still pieced the same way after all this time but we don't have to make THAT pattern in THAT style and fabric. The Sky is the limit!

Donna said...

The first time I saw the cover of your book was through Pat Sloan's blog. I was so excited at the simplicity and decided this was just what I was looking for. Kids would be able to make this, so I showed them and then the excitement started. The kids sat down and started to decided what colors they would like and we will start in the fall. I Would love to win City Quilts. Thanks.

Jeanne said...

Love those Kona solids!

Lisa said...

This book looks fabulous, thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

Jody said...

I personally love the simplicity and modernity of quilts made from solids! I would love to win a copy of Cherri's book or the fabric! Thank you for a great interview Cheryl and an awesome giveaway!!


Karen W. said...

What a great book and interview. Glad I happened upon this!

Smeeker082 said...

I am super excited for a chance to win Cherri's book and some fabric. THANKS!

Trish said...

What a great give-away! Beautiful colors. Trish www.quilttalesandcattails.com

SheilaC said...

I would love to win a copy of this book! And those Kona colors are my favorites :)

thank you for the wonderful give away and blog tour


debbi d-w said...

Loved your interview questions - nice to learn even more.

Julie said...

Love all the information!

Dandelion Quilts said...

Looks like a good book!

Karen said...

This looks like an amazing book! I would love to win it and to have some great Kona fabrics to make one of the projects!

Tracie said...

I am fairly new to quilting and I am finding myself drawn to the more contemporary style. Although I love how Cherri uses traditional patterns with a contemporary twist.

Tracie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

I;d really love a copy, it looks great. Thanks for the giveaway. jill.stemple (at) gmail.com

corina said...

What a wonderful idea to have a blog hop. Hopefully I will be able to add the book to my library. I think it will be very hard to decide which quilt to start with!

mamammelloves said...

I love Cherri's quilts and I would love to add some of those pretty solids to my stash! :) Thanks for the opportunity!

KylieC said...

Really want to get my hands on this book. Looks exciting.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, saw this book at the Vermont Quilt Festival....shoulda, coulda, woulda but the book booth was packed with folks. Maybe I'll in it here! Thanks for a great interview.

Johanna said...

Oh, I love the book! I am taking part in a virtual quilting bee and I have no idea what to do! So a little inspiration (and of course some fabric to send out to people) would come in handy :)

Nova said...

thanks for the great interview. I love solid quilts and love Cherri's work. Her book looks awesome.

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Cheryl, your interview was brilliant; you asked questions I was thinking. The fabric stack is way into my colors; I would love to win on your blog!!

Little Miss Shabby said...

I would love to be entered to win this wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much!

Little Miss Shabby said...

I would love to be entered to win this wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much!

Lisa said...

Love the look of this book! Very inspirational. What a lovely giveaway.

lag123 said...

I have never made a contemporary quilt but would love to try! Thanks for hosting this tour!


Mary P said...


Carolyn P. from Canada said...

Thank you for the great interview. It was very insightful and taught me to use what I see around me for ideas.

PS: I don't have a blog, how do I leave my email?

Lynn said...

Oh, I love kona solids. I looked at a friend's copy of the book and I love that too. I like the inspiration photos paired with the quilts.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

I would like to see that book, sounds great. Those fabrics are fabulous too! Love those colors.

Donna B. said...

I loved reading about Cheri's definition of a modern quilte versus traditional. Thank you so much for your interview :-) It is truly amazing that solids can make such outstanding quilts to me also.

Mary said...

Love the interview, made me SO want to go get the book!

Patty1 said...

So many exciting possibilities! Thanks for the giveaway.

Cecilia said...

I wold love to have that book! and the chance to use R K fabrics

lplayter said...

Would love to win a copy of this book. It looks very interesting. Linda

Beverly said...

Great interview! I've been looking forward to this blog tour. Thanks for a chance to win.

Beverly said...

I don't know what happened to my first post. I'm so sorry if you get two from me. I've been waiting for this blog tour. I love to see all the blogs. Thanks for a chance to win!

Erin M. said...

thanks for the interesting read. I would like to so something with some solids and it seems like I should just start trying.

Quilting Fool said...

Can't wait to read the book and the Robert Kaufmann fabric -- yummy!! Hope I win it!

momid5 said...

oh you are a good interviewer; lots of fun info...thanks for offering the chance at the giveaway!

Pam said...

What a great give away ..thanks for the chance to win!

Janet said...

Wow! Great giveaway! The book looks excellent!

Gretchen said...

I would love to win a copy of the book! Thanks for the great interview. I am really intrigued about reading more of Cherri's design inspirations.

Jen said...

I really like the discussion of contemporary versus modern. I will have to add this book to my wishlist...I've long been an admirer of Cherri's quilts.

Martha said...

Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest.

Karen said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I love the title. My children are all in school now but I well remember quilting during naptime!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I enjoyed reading your interview. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just received the City Scapes pattern, so I can imagine how wonderful the new book will be to have, and the colors of the fabric will be perfect.
Mary Ellen in FL

Roadrunner said...

I would love a chance at either the book or the fabric. I am new to quilting and need to build my stash. Thanks for the giveaway!

Arita said...

A work friend loaned me this book a few weeks ago. It's a great book that I would love to add to my library. Thank you for the great interview.

Angie in SoCal said...

The more I read about this book, the more I want to get my hands on a copy. I hope I win!

Great interview.
angie at lvbfan(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Lisa said...

Thanks for the great interview of Cherri.

Melanie said...

I can't wait to get a copy of this book. It's on my Amazon wish list. That stack of solids is beautiful!

Michele said...

I have the bookand love it

carmel said...

o, i now i would love this book!
thanks alot!

Dee said...

The answer to my hand died fabric - just waiting for something special. Love the book, love the information on color and inspiration. Deej

Ronna said...

Whats NOT to love??! I picked up the book in the bookstore and instantly put it on my want list. What a joy!

sue said...

This is great fun!

Anonymous said...

Wauw, I love those colors!

Teresa Marie said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you fell in the lake and am glad you were fine, thank God, but that story was hysterical! The quilt is beautiful too, by the way. I like to see what "modern" quilters create, as I think my tastes lie somewhere in between what is considered traditional and modern also.

Rori said...

Yippee!! Thanks for hosting the blog tour. Now I can add your blog to my quilting blog favs.

Jen said...

I'd love a chance to win the book or the fat quarter bundle. Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

love the giveaway & really appreciate you sharing the interview! thanks so much!!

Abbybeth said...

great interview, I'd love to have this book!

Karey said...

Can't wait to see this one!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time reading your blog. Thank you for the chance to win.


Sondra Millard said...

wonderful tour!

Sondra Millard said...

woops! I'll try that again this time with email:)


Anonymous said...

Hello from France ! I don't know this book at all ....Never seen in my country.


Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Love the photo in your blog header of the yellow chair with the quilts on it. Makes me smile. :-) Thanks for the opportunity to win one of the lovely prizes you all are offering!

Gena's Garden said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway. I would love to have this book!

Anonymous said...

Great interview - City Quilts looks to be a very interesting book - I'll have to start looking for it!

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Nancy Mc said...

Enjoyed the interview. Would love to win!!! Thanks for the chance. nancy_mc@live.com

Joanna said...

The book looks great.

free indeed said...

yes great interview. I love the internet for all it's ideas and inspiration...it has changed my quilting!

Deb said...

I think this blog tour is fun. It is exciting to find a lot of new blogs. Thanks for the chance.

MadeByMeaghan said...

I love this bundle of solids! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Pam said...

can't wait to get that book. If I don't win it, I'll be buying it. thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interview, the book is on my wish list! I'm looking forward to actually seeing it!
Linda P in IL

Anonymous said...

Great interview. Great giveaway! Thanks.

Cara said...

Awesome to get to know Cheri better! Thanks for the giveaway too!

karen said...

Wow - what a nice blog you have -I sure would like to win a copy the book or the solid fabric. interesting discussion you had with the author

Unknown said...

Love the book. I love, bold, bright colors so that many of the different quilts work well with my stash.

d1o9n5n5a@yahoo.com said...

Being from Houston, I'm going to have to check out the book! Great Interview.

tropicslady said...

Love, love, love the quilts!

Unknown said...

Oooh! Those Kona Solids are fabulous! I also can't wait to get my hands on the book! Thanks for the interview.

Jennifer said...

What a great giveaway! Crossing my fingers here ...

Thanks for the interview with Cherri. She's quite talented and creative.

Paula said...

I am really inspired to delve into my stash of solids and get busy sewing! Thanks for the inspiration!

AnnieO said...

Cherri's contemporary quilts appeal to me precisely because they ARE traditional in structure. Another great interview! Thanks for the chance to win.

Barb said...

Love all of the quilts that I am seeing! Would love to win a copy of the book, City Quilts! Thanks for the opportunity. Great interview too!

Alli Forsyth said...

I'm so exctied about the book...thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...




Sharon S said...

Really enjoyed the interview. The internet is a wonderful thing when it somes t quilting.

monique said...

The impact and beauty of simple solids is amazing! It really takes someone with vision to create such stunning quilts.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to both of you. I love the book and I love visiting blogs that I am not familiar with.

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