12 March, 2010

My Favourite Gadget

Do you know what this is? Hands down, it is my favourite tool for quilting. I'm not a gadget, multiple rulers, fancy papers kind of girl. But the day I discovered this was revolutionary.

To be fair, I think it was my sister or Hubby who actually discovered it for me. I remember getting it for Christmas one year. how I survived without it is beyond me. If you are a pin baster then you NEED this.  It's the best $20 you'll ever spend on quilting. The handy Kwik Klip saves your fingers and a heck of a lot of time when you are pin basting a quilt. It essentially lifts the bar of the pin to close it. Instead of you pinching it yourself. Finger saving, I tell ya!

I've seen these at every local quilt shop, but I've also found them on-line.

(If you do decide to search for them on line, be careful of your search terms.  If you only use Kwik Klip the internet seems to think you are looking for a specific gun accessory!)


  1. I've heard of these things--I think I need one. I quilted a big quilt a couple of weeks ago and actually gave myself a bunch of tiny little blisters from pin basting! I'm more careful now, but I could use a tool like this.

  2. ooo....I'll keep my eyes out for one of those!

  3. Ok, I was just thinking of this yesterday as my skin under my thumb separated from my nail!

  4. Oh, dear. I will go for a few FQ's instead of something practical like this. But perhaps I really should get this. You are right. It is everywhere! Thanks for the heads up!

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kwik Klip! I was telling a friend new to quilting how badly she needed one and that she wouldn't understand until she tried it. Totally worth money! Kudos to Paula Jean!

  6. Oooh, cool gadgets! I'll have to put this one on my wish list! Although whether you can get it in the UK is another matter...

  7. Ok, you can get it in the UK. Sweet!

  8. I thought that's what it was before I read this blog entry. I love my kwik klip!

  9. Neat tool - I use an old teaspoon, that seems to do the trick and now lives in my pin tin(and I got to spend my *savings* on fabric! lol)

  10. I have to agree, it's a finger saver. I never baste without it.

  11. I needed those one night and since it was too late to find at a local place I googled. Turns out a bamboo skewer broken in half works well too! I agree it saves fingterips.

  12. I've seen these before,but never thought I needed one. Now, on your recommendation, I think I must have it.

  13. I haven't seen that before but I love discovering new gadgets like that--it really sounds so very handy!

  14. I used to ruin my nails every time I pin-basted. I found it works quite a lot better when I lay the needles sideways to close them, then just push the half with the head over the pointy bit and down into the quilt while holding the half with the pointy bit in place. Tricky explanation, and you already have a tool to make this technique obsolete, but hey it might break and now you have a nail-saving alternative :)


  15. I love that thing...I got one in my first class I ever took.

  16. Im gonna ignore the KK - and focus on that top! Woo heee ! that is cute! love it! on my list of must do's ... but alas....

  17. I'm with you! I have two Kwik Klips just in case I can't find one when I need it.

  18. I purchased this tool some months ago, and it is ALL worth it - even the silly high postage from the US to Denmark (I did not think to look any further, when i finally found a dealer, heheh)!

  19. i really need one of these. i pinned two quilts in the past week and my poor poor thumb is hurting in a bad way. esp. under the nail. ouch!
