14 March, 2010

Bean Burgers Yum!

If you've been reading a while you know that I was the mom who went crazy anal about making my kids' food when they were little. Or you just know me and that fact isn't surprising at all. But the one thing I did buy was some bean burgers from a local manufacturer. The Monster absolutely loved them. But they were expensive. Damn expensive.

I launched a search to make a good bean burger myself. And I searched and tested and searched and tested some more. And I had no success. Nothing seemed to work.  They were all too dry or too wet, so I gave up.

Then the Blog Aid: Haiti cookbook arrived. Catherine McCord at Weelicious included a recipe for garbanzo burgers in it. The old challenge poked its head out of my subconscious and forced me to make her burgers. And you know what? Success at last! 

Of course, I did adapt it a bit.  But that's because I had a 19 ounce can of chickpeas, not 14 ounces as in the original recipe. To compensate I added some pistachios when I was making the breadcrumbs and threw in some spices. The girls and I happily ate them, as did our vegetarian friend who was visiting. Even Hubby, the devout carnivore, ate them without grumbling. Much. But he did clarify that they were actually patties and did not deserve the name burger.

Garbanzo Patties
Adapted from the Weelicious recipe in the Blog Aid:Haiti Cookbook

Makes 12-15 patties

1 19 ounce can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 small carrot, chopped
1 small onion, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup finely chopped pistachios
2 tsp sesame seeds, toasted
1-2 tbsp oil

1. Blitz the first 8 ingredients in a food processor until it is a consistent mixture.
2. Stir in the bread crumbs, pistachios, and sesame seeds.
3. Scoop about 1/4 cup of the mixture (it will be wet) into your hand and form patties. 
4. Heat oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Cook patties for 5 minutes, flip and cook 3-5 minutes longer.

Particularly tasty with Edgar Farms Asparagus Relish. Or a nice green salad.


  1. Oh yum! I wonder if I could serve these to my three carnivores? Love the addition of pistachios.

  2. I have eaten such a varieties of burger but haven't heard of any such kind of burger as it is not also available here in the restaurants. I don't think it will be served in the restaurant's available here but thanks to you that you have provided the dish with the recipe to make it.

  3. I, too, have taste tested many a homemade bean patty looking for something delicious that the others will eat. I'll give yours a try this week! Thanks for the recipe.

  4. I have searched for a delicious veggie burger recipe for a while now. I still loves the Money's and want to try and duplicate them somehow. The search may be over:D

  5. These sound great! I made some a few weeks ago with black beans and quinoa...I don't have a recipe, but they were VERY tasty. My husband, though, like yours, had to point out that they shouldn't be called burgers. I think because my "patties" really looked like beef, it threw him off even though I never pretended it was supposed to taste like hamburger. Ah, husbands. :)

  6. As well as tasting fab, cod is an amazing low-calorie source of protein - rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Though it really doesn't sound good - food rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help control blood pressure, protect against cancer and can even protect agai

  7. Now the secret here is that the website lists these beauties at $99 but Andrew got mine at REI for $69 (sorry, I'm not supposed to know that but when you're the Accounts Receivable and the Accounts Payable department it's hard to hide things like that fro

  8. As well as tasting fab, cod is an amazing low-calorie source of protein - rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Though it really doesn't sound good - food rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help control blood pressure, protect against cancer and can even protect agai

  9. I think that if i serve this to my dog he would surely love it and would want to have it every day in its meal.
