25 January, 2010

When Hubby is in Charge of Cooking

My mom just left after a weekend of cooking, giggles, and laundry. She came down to help us after I blew out both my knees skiing last weekend. Hubby still isn't fully healed after his broken collarbone so taking care of the three of us girls is a bit much on top of working as well. So mom came down, fixed us up with some great dinners, and put some soup and pyrohy in the freezer.

But before she came down Hubby spent the week cooking.  One night I walked him through a leftover change-up, we enjoyed some meals from the freezer and from friends, and one night Hubby made wiener wraps. Hot dogs, plastic cheese, and the packaged dough in a can. He was in heaven, the girls loved them, and even I ate two. But I did eat most of the carrot sticks I convinced Hubby to prepare. I can't wait to cook again.


  1. "Wiener wrap a dog. Make it roll over. Teach an old dog a new trick!" I remember that jingle and begging my mom to make these. Yup, plastic cheese and dough in a can... I can't stand the thought of these now, but loved them as a kid.

    For the sake of your arteries, I hope you can start cooking again soon, too!!

  2. Yieeeeiiii - skiing is hard on bodies!!!

  3. Ah...my kids would LOVE this meal...and I'm certain it would be their Dad who would make it for them. I hope your knees are on the mend...ouch.

  4. PS - I love your new header...great photos!

  5. Oh wieners in dough. Classic!!
