25 January, 2010

A Little Handwork

Ugh, I have spent far too much time sitting on my ass for the last 10 days. Obviously it isn't my choice. But I have to make the most of it, right? After a near choking episode with Smilosaurus that involved EMS, only a few days after I blew out my knees so many of our friends and family asked us how Hubby and I handle all the setbacks (bad luck) life hands us. Well, if we got down after every single bad thing we honestly would never get out of bed. And trust me, we both have those kids of days.

After a couple of days wallowing in my pain my fingers started to itch and my brain started to hurt for a lack of creativity. Making up stories to tell the girls only gets me so far. So I picked up some fabric and started to sew.

Hmm, it's hard to just start sewing by hand than it is by rotary cutter and machine. That whole improv thing isn't as easy when you are working with a tiny hand needle, scissors, and your butt in a chair. I've decided that I am not cut out for hand sewing. Embroidery, maybe. Applique, when appropriate. Hand quilting, definitely. But piecing by hand, hopefully never again.

This is just a little quilt. My mom, in town to lend a hand, watched this come together and asked if it would be a block.  That might be a better use for it, but I did finish it as a mini quilt. I started with embroidery, trimmed the white, added the strip of black and white, and finished the front with the last strip of white.  To be honest. I'd planned to make it bigger, but I grew rather bored of the hand piecing. So I basted it, did a little crooked hand quilting (please don't look too close), and added a bit more embroidery.

It isn't terribly pretty, nor is the quality of work that great, but it will have an honoured spot in time behind the gong that sits above our bed. Yes, we have a gong in our bedroom. Our life is often a gong show, so why not? And this quilt is just another reminder of that.


  1. I like the idea of the colors
    black & white looks wonderful

  2. I like the little quilt. Gong away, it is really just life and life just happens. So just do what you can, but I'm with you on hand piecing!

  3. I love the embroidery...especially the bit in the first picture. Also, love that you have a gong. : )

  4. Oh my - choking is my absolute worst anxiety around child-rearing. Thank G-d nothing has ever happened, and it has become my family's favourite poke-fun-at-mom shtick. You must have been terrified, and not to be mobile... I can't imagine.

  5. That is some really cool embroidery. Keep your chin up - it'll be over soon! :)

  6. Goodness. It seems like you and your family have had more than your fair share of misfortune lately. I hope the hand sewing brought you a little slice of calm!

  7. I've never used a machine, so hand piecing is my bread and butter. I would never cut with a scissors though, it makes the pieces come out wonky, i've found. I like to relax and stare at the fabric as I hand piece. I feel like I have a closer relationship with the colors and patterns and can appreciate them more than watching them whiz throught a machine. I do hanker for a machine come border/sashing time though.

  8. That old adage, "When it rains, it pours" seems to be so true... hope the sun comes out soon and shines on you and your family.

    I like your little quilt, especially the embroidery. As for piecing by hand... I am with you, not my cup of tea.

  9. No, no, no. Not at all fair to HAVE TO sit on your butt. I'm sorry to hear about the latest around your house. I love what you came up with to entertain yourself, though. Thank goodness for moms.

  10. I actually like the crooked hand quilting, and those swirls are total knock outs. Nice job, especially for being on your ass for 10 days.

  11. it's fantastic!!! i love the swirly embroidery. you are being far too hard on yourself. this is a great piece.

  12. the swirlies are the best part of this. sorry to hear about all the chaos at home, hope things turn around soon.
