This is the first pincushion I've ever made. And I would only do it for Amanda Jean.
I was thrilled when I got the news that she was designing her first line of fabric. I say first because I'm positive there will be more. While I couldn't automatically picture what she would do, without a doubt there would be red polka dots and versatility in the prints. And most definitely, there would be no purple.
Good Neighbors is the fabric line, available exclusively with Connecting Threads.
It is a mix of prints in sunny colours and they all play well with each other, and pretty much any other fabric you might have. Simple lines, pretty prints, good colours. Personally, I really appreciate the low volume prints, especially the diagonal stitch line. (Hello binding!) They work so well with others, hence the name.
It's been five years since Amanda Jean and I started working on Sunday Morning Quilts together. Five years. One of the questions I am most often asked at trunk shows is whether she and I are still friends after the process. People, we are better friends. I trust her implicitly, she encourages me like no other, and we challenge each other in healthy ways. Our friendship launched our quilting careers, but it is the friendship that matters more than books sold or classes taught. I would give all that up if I had to just to stay friends with her. (But I won't lie, I am extra happy that I still have it because then the times we get to see each other now are usually business expenses.)
When Amanda Jean asked me to be a part of her launch tour for Good Neighbors I jumped up. Not because I wanted to make a pincushion, but because I want to support this amazing woman. Bonus, I really like my pincushion.
Just a little house. One for now, but there should be another so that I can pretend she is in one sewing away and I am in the other, chatting through our open windows.

Check out all the other pincushions on the Pincushion Party for Good Neighbors fabric.
Amanda Jean
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And go here to buy the fabric itself. Available exclusively with Connecting Threads.
Amanda Jean has also designed a number of patterns that work so well with the fabric. You can buy complete kits - with fabric and pattern from Connecting Threads as well.
You can also leave a comment here for your chance to win a charm pack of Good Neighbors fabric. Tell me about your favourite neighbour or what makes you a good neighbour.
Open to US and Canadian readers only. Sorry. You can leave an entry until the end of the month.
PS Do you know how hard it is to NOT put that U in Good Neighbors? Then my autocorrect adds it in anyway.
When our son was young we had a neighbor who was a high level executive at a big company in town, but he was a kid at heart. He loved to entertain our son and other neighborhood kids. He did so many amusing things that we still talk about him today even though he moved away at least 10 years ago. We would love to have him back as a neighbor.
An older lady who lived next door, more like a great Aunt then a neighbor.
Cheryl, you had me grinning thru this entire post! Thank you for your kind words. Thanks for being an awesome friend throughout the years. Thanks for making such an awesome pincushion and for being a part of the party. You did great!!!
My next-door neighbors have been there through thick and thin. I call, text or yell over the fence. Earthquakes, rides, heavy lifting, they always come through. I try and do the same. It is the most wonderful feeling to have your back covered. And they have quilts.
Thank you for your great blog and giveaway.
You are so funny! I loved reading this insight into your friendship because that really shines through some of the sidebars in your book but is never stated outright. What a lovely thought: to be neighbors with those we love and be able to chat through open windows as we sew, even though we are distant from them in real space and time.
I live in Alabama now, far from many friends and all my family, and have been warmly welcomed by sweet neighbors with invitations to high school football games and barbecued meat like nowhere else. I like to be a good neighbor by baking treats and sharing them, giving rides to elderly neighbors, and remembering birthdays.
Cute pincushion!
Wow! That is definitely the most creative pincushion I've ever seen! So cute :-) Thanks for the giveaway.
Oh, you Canadians with your U's and RE's :) My favorite neighbors live down our road in the woods. We can always count on each other for firewood and salt for the icy spots in winter, someplace to send garden surplus (one of us loves those giant zucchinis that get away from us) in summer, and long walks and talks with our dogs (we mostly talk to each other, not to the dogs!) every day. Someone who's always there when you need them.
awwww! I think this is my favorite so far (both the pincushion and the story) Thanks for joining AmandaJean's party :-)
Our favorite neighbors have been out of the country for almost two years and are due back this fall. We miss them.
Great post. Loved the pincushion. Great neighbors are there when you need them, so I try to reciprocate when they need me!
This is such a great testiment to your friendship. I expected you to play with low volume but didn't expect the house.
Favorite neighbors are awesome. My sons had friends who lived across the street and down a side street but I could see their backyard from our driveway. I loved being able to hear them playing and watching them sneak through the easement to get in the backgate. Those were good times! They have since moved but we still refer that house as "theirs" even though two other families have lived there since.
Thanks for a wonderful post on Amandajean's fabric line. It really comes through that you are neighbors in the best sense. I am blessed by being surrounded by good neighbors, 5 houses worth. And Americans can credit or blame Noah Webster for the changes to the King's English. He thought those 'u's unnecessary and took them out in his dictionary.
Thanks for a wonderful post on Amandajean's fabric line. It really comes through that you are neighbors in the best sense. I am blessed by being surrounded by good neighbors, 5 houses worth. And Americans can credit or blame Noah Webster for the changes to the King's English. He thought those 'u's unnecessary and took them out in his dictionary.
When I was a child, our neighbor next door always bought every fund raising item - such as raffle tickets, items for sale, boxes of cookies - that my two sisters and I came over with. She always bought them with a smile. That is a good neighbor. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
We have wonderful neighbors that live next door. They are always willing to watch the house when we travel and feed our cat. It's good to have good neighbors! Your pin cushion is charming. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!
I am also Canadian and like the "u". We have many great neighbours, one in particular deliveres freshly made applesauce to us in the Fall. It is so sweet and delicious.....yum. Awesome pincushion and delightful fabric:)
When we moved to a new town in 2006, I answered a knock on the door on moving day to be greeted by a neighbor carrying a basket of freshly baked bread and other goodies. Such a blessing, and we have been close friends ever since:). Love her!!!
Love the little house! My favorite neighbor was years ago. Our kids were inseparable and we did so many fun things together. Any time I made a big pot of soup or dessert (which I wasn't supposed to have) I just made a phone call and to their house it went. We crafted together, cried and laughed together!
My connecting threads magazine came this morning and guess what's on the cover...I can not WAIT to get my hands on some of this!! Love love love!!!
My favorite neighbor was a wonderful woman about who we lived next door to for 17 years. She was about my mother's age and looked out for our kids, since their grandparents were 3 hrs. away. Our boys made sure Pauline's driveway was cleared after big snowstorms, since her husband was wheelchair-bound. She offered use of her extra fridge when we were having big celebrations like birthdays. It was a non-intrusive neighborship but we knew we had help when either of us needed it.
You are so lucky to have Amanda Jean as your friend and co-author!!!! I imagine her to be just as you say! My Good Neighbors fabric should arrive any day and I can't wait.
I do have a fun, crazy neighbor across the street with a delightful sense of humor!
My favorite neighbor was long ago...& actually lived across the street from me! lol But she taught me to crochet, and we sewed together, and baked yummy recipes & shared many portions! lol We had soooo much fun...and then after about 7 family & I moved from that State. Felt like I had lost my sister :(
LOVE your little house pin cushion! I would have she & I one for same reason you are making another one! Think I will make & share with my Daughter tho..she lives in NC. Miss her soooo much! & we can sew together from afar too! :) Thank you for sharing this Give-a-way!
A good neighbour shovels past the halfway mark. Always. :) Thanks for the giveaway. Lovely new fabric collection!
My favorite neighbor is my daughter--how great is that?
My favorite neighbor is Tara. She is always there to help, to listen, and to say "yes" to anything fun that comes our way!
When I was a child we lived in a resort town, my parents were hippies, & we had little money. We didn't have a TV, but our neighbor Perry did! He was very young at heart and let my sister & I come over on Saturday mornings and watch cartoons. We just had to be quiet because he liked to sleep in on the weekends. He was probably recovering from partying the night before. We didn't even lock our doors back then! Fond memories - thanks for that!
When I was growing up our street had very few houses on it, but a girl my age lived in one of those houses wayyyyy up at the other end. 56 years later, with four provinces between us, we are still best friends. Love your pincushion! If you are only going to make one, this was the one to make!
Our neighbour is an amazing lady.... She is always busy puttering around her yard and flower garden, always ready for a chit chat, we share baking and other homemade goodies, and she's great to get advice from!! Oh, and if we ever need to borrow something, she's usually got it on hand and vice versa!! I love your pincushion!!
The neighbors on our street look out for each other. We will shovel snow or mow grass when someone is away. We stop for a chat when we meet outside. I guess the chats will soon be at the mail boxes since Canada Post is taking away our delivery to the door soon. Your pincushion looks great and so does this fabric line!
My favorite neighbor ever was my mother. When my husband and I first got married, we lived across the street from my parents. Mom and I crafted together in our younger days. Now, I'm the quilter and she loves to just sit and watch me piece quilt tops and other projects. So, even though we now live about 8 miles apart, she's still my Hood Neighbor!
I moved in December, and one of my new neighbors came to my house bearing a welcome basket containing wine (& corkscrew and cups), bread and salt. It was the first time this ever happened to me. It was fabulous.
I am loving every pin cushion made from Good Neighbors fabrics! We have an agreement with out next door neighbor to dog-sit whenever we take a trip. We go over and watch Bear, the Border Collie and the two cats (who like to stay in their own home) and we take our Miss Sophie over there when we travel. They all love each other and it's a great peaceful feeling to know our animals are cared for.
Ha ha! As a Canadian, I always put the "u" in "neighbour", and "colour". My former next door neighbour was great - our daughters were best friends and we had a lot in common. We've moved away and no one else comes close. I love your house pincushion and Amanda Jean's new fabric line.
Dawn is my favorite neighbor. Very caring lady with lots of animals too!
I love your pincushion house. And your friendship with Amanda Jean. Right now my favourite neighbour is Glen, who happily chores for us when we need to leave, even if our dogs growl menacingly.
So very sweet! I just made my first pin cushion for this swap as well. It was fun! I think yours is just darling. You did her proud : )
Good looking pincushion!
My favorite neighbors are a couple who are always friendly and helpful. Just a shame that they recently moved...
Our neighbors are great because they have nice kids that play with my babes, bringing hours of fun and joy!
determineddebby at gmail dot com
Our wonderful neighbor gave us her key and let us use her shower for two weeks we remodeled both of our showers. Great pincushion too!
We were lucky to have great neighbors for several years - a fun, interesting couple with kids the same age as ours. We spent lots of time having coffee or pizza at each other's houses, babysitting each other's kids so we could get an occasional date night, and just enjoying each other's company. Sadly they moved across the country a few years ago, and now we are still friends but no longer neighbors, which I miss.
This fabric line is beautiful! My favorite neighbor is Lou, a retired engineer next door. When I'm wedding, he will come out and I can usually get him talking about his days working with planes. He is a hoot!
Favorite neighbor - when we were kids all of our neighbors were retired. And here came my parents with four little ones. And added three more. It was like having lots of grandparents! One opened our peanut butter jar when we couldn't open it.
My sister lives 4 doors down from me. It's easy to borrow kitchen supplies and help each other out with rides, etc when needed.
Love the new fabric line!
I have the best neighbour who is always willing to help out with technical, mechanical and general assistance. He is so generous with all the neighbours and we just love him!
My best neighbor (neighbour) is Jim, at my cottage. He will do whatever he can, whenever, to help. From plugging our fridge into his generator when the power is ou to looking after our cat. He recently had colon cancer. It was quite serious but he is now doing well with a clean bill of health. We realized then how much he did for us--and it was our turn to be a good neighbor for him. In cottage country, that meant fertilizing his lawn, for starters.
Sharing your blueberries with me never hurts;)
She's watched my children when they were little. She's very sweet and talkative!
Our neighborhood is great. We get together on holidays to swim and cookout. We are a close knit family without being related to each other.
Hi, neat project! Treating my Neighbor as I'd lilke to be treated works for me! Thank You for a nice giveaway!
I live in the country. We watch each others house when we leave town. No next door neighbors so we watch out for each other from a distance... Your pin cushion is adorable, AND, the fabric. thank you
I love how Amanda often speaks of your friendship in her blogs. It's solid, that's obvious. I can't believe this is your first's so neat as a house. Yep, I can see you crafting another one and have your door(s) window(s) open chatting up a storm w/your
neighbor(U)r. Many of my neighbors are great in that they often take my trash totter to the designated area, pick up junk that folks have strewn on the sidewalk so I won't break a leg walking to my car w/hands full of fabric and projects:) , Shovel my walk way in the wee hours after a fresh snow and are respectful people period.
Thank you.
What a great line of fabric; the more I see it the more places I can see it being used in! Great job! PS Love the little house; love wo see more in the neighbourhood!
Our neighbors keep an eye on the house, pick up any packages that get delivered while we're away. etc.
I'd love to win!
bcastiel (at) excite (dot) com
love this! great choice on pincushion.
This is the best example of how to use this fabric line. Perfect Good Neighbor. My perfect neighbor lived 4 doors down and was there for good and bad for years. They helped us shovel and watched my dogs when needed or for my vacation. They were there for picnics and birthdays and holidays. Just plain good people.
We were friends with our now next door neighbour before we bought our house. It worked out perfectly as we all knew each other already!
Iain.ross30at gmail dot com
Our neighbors are all great about helping whoever needs an extra hand with a chore or just watching out for each other. I love the house pincushion.
My favorite neighbor is Cathy, she is always there to help out...especially when I'm missing an ingredient for dinner!
I don't know any of the neighbours in my neighbourhood (even though I've lived here nearly 10 years). I remember when the kids were little, and we knew all the neighbours (and even had a great neighbourhood block party every summer).
I don't know my neighbours. I wish I was a better neighbour. Unfortunately our beagle has a lot to say...
My favorite neighbor lives in our little apartment building. We became good friends after she moved in. Our kids play together, go to school together and run back and forth between eachothers apartment consantly. She's like the sister I never had.
We have a lovely neighbour who is a retired music teacher ... the only noise he makes is toodling away on his guitar or French horn. It's lovely. Our cat particularly enjoys the guitar while sitting on the deck ... Thank you for the giveaway! (And I would just leave the "u" in ... I did when answering a question about my favourite colour on another blog ...)
I am a good neighbor because I don't make a lot of noise or make messes in the walkway or park in 2 spaces. I help out when requested, but otherwise I tend to keep to myself.
My favorite neighbor lived next to me as a child. She was funny and caring and just a nice person.
My favorite neighbors are two families that we had to move away from for my hubby's job. Even though we are separated by several states, we still see them a few times a year!
I live in the country and country people help each other all the time. Need a ride you got one. Need your dogs cared for, no problem, plants watered, done. Whatever, whenever, no job too big or too small if we know how to do it or can figure out how.
My favorite neighbor is the family of farmers that live down the road. They are just nice folks, and who doesn't love looking at the baby sheep and calves. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
My favoUrite neighboUrs are right beside us. Their boys are in their twenties now so they like my two little ones. Mr. Andrew hides coins in an old turtle piggy bank that mysteriously roams about our two yards and my girls are allowed to help themselves to the apple trees. LOVE those people - so nice to have around.
What a great pincushion - beautiful work. My favorite neighbor is one who minds their own business yet is friendly and quiet - no loud parties!
Cute, cute pincushion! Love this fabric line.
A good neighbour doesn't have to be a great friend, or even live on your street. The wonderful neighbours who realized that our garbage cans were on fire and called the fire department did so without ever wanting a "thank you". They have long since moved away, but I often think of how close we came to losing everything.
Love the little pincushion house, that's adorable!
OMG, your house pincushion is sooooooo cute. Just love it!
A good neighbor will take out the trash when you're away!
This is such a sweet post about the friendship you have with Amanda. I hope you do make another little house pincushion so you can both be neighbors and talk over the back fence. :-)
My favorite neighbor was a lady I lived next door to for over 7 years. Her name was Pat and she was an obsessive gardener who loved roses and peonies. But she was allergic so she grew tons and tons of lovely flowers and urged me every single day to cut them and enjoy them for my own since she couldn't have them inside her house. It was something that always brightened my day. She also loved our 3 dogs and looked after them and often brought them treat. She was joy to have next door.
buffyh_6 (AT)yahoo (DOT) com
I love your house pin cushion!!!!
I love my little neighborhood. So many quaint little houses built in the 1940's!
That is so sweet, sharing how u feel about ur friend. What makes me a good neighbor is sharing. Whether it be time, sugar, an extra sewing machine or over-abundant veggies.
We have great neighbors- we always look out for each other!
Angie was the first neighbor I met when I moved into my first apartment after leaving home. We became good friends and looked out for each other for two years until I got married and moved away. I wish everyone could have a good friend and neighbor like her. -- soparkaveataoldotcom
Our neighbor and us have an informal "sidewalk angel" thing going for each other. We're both often gone, so if we're out there shoveling and the neighbor hadn't been out yet, we'll do the other's sidewalk as well.
It is hard to pick one neighbor! All of mine are the best ever!! We are always surprising each other with meals!
I remember having a neighbor living above us in an apartment when my husband and I were first married. She'd stick her head out the window and call for her son. "Matthew" she yelled drawing out the name. You'll never guess the name my husband wanted to name our son. I said no since every time I would call him, I'd think of her calling her son. So we don't have a Matthew but we do have a Jonathan, Zachary, Jeremiah, and a Benjamin. Cute house pincushion (do you have a tutorial or patter?) and very cute fabric. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com
My first neighbor became a life time friend of ours. We have kept in touch for over 33 years.... we helped each other, and now laugh and cry together.
Love your little house. My favorite neighbor growing up was Mr. Rogers. lkline2010 at gmail dot com
My son & his wife are our neighbors! Couldn't ask for anyone better!
Opps....forgot to mention my great neighbour next door who enters cooking contests and brings us the leftovers!!! wonderful man who is a fantastic cook!!
I love having the neighbor kids here to play, it lets me have time with occupied kids to quilt!
I love that pinnie! Would love a tute on how to make it. :)
One thing I enjoy about the few neighbors we have is that they are respectful of being quiet at night. Simple joy but that's about as good as it gets around here.
The treasured friendship you enjoy with Amanda Jean glows so warmly through your writing!!
I SO miss the friendship I enjoyed with my neighbor, (who actually knew my mom during WWII, long before my parents married and I was born!)
I think of Meta and still feel close to her... I now sew with her Singer 301 sewing machine (my absolute favorite!) that I bought at her family's estate sale...
Thank you!... for the chance to tell you about a beautiful, loving, Dear Friend!
I was a very fortunate little girl when growing up. I lived on the same street as both sets of my grandparents. I had a path worn through the back yards from going back and forth between all the houses. I was much loved, and I have many happy memories.
THAT. IS. TOO. ADORABLE !!!!!!!! I love it so much!
A good neighbor is friendly, keeps up their side of responsibilities but also is willing to help in a pinch, and lets us know if we should do better too!
I love the book that you and AmandaJean wrote together. It is one of only about 3 quilting books I own.
Neighbor: the one who walks with me every day, brings the mail in when I am out of town and who has a can of evaporated milk when I've forgotten to buy.... :) thanks for the chance to win, here's hoping in Idaho!
My husband thinks the best neighbours are those who mind their own business! That's small town life for you. I think that sadly we're mostly just all too busy working, doing yard work, cleaning, cooking, and doing kid stuff to get to know our neighbours the way our parents did.
My mother-in-law is the best neighbor! She's always been there to take care of my kid and I needed her help
So cute! Our favorite neighbor took care of my parents in the middle of the night if my dad fell...and always helped both of them. He is always ready to help me and my husband now. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @
Cute pincushion.
My favorite neighbor is a woman my age who loves to read and discuss books she's read. She always admires my quilted projects so why wouldn't I like her?
Making this using nice clothes is a beautiful technique of DIY. It adds beauty to the home when you make beautiful things using clothes.
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