07 May, 2012

Here and There

Okay folks. While it may seem quiet here lately, with good reason, I've been up to a few things. Here's a little update.

* Check out the Mompreneur feature interview I did with my friend Megan from The Art of Homemaking. I absolutely love her corner of the internet, you will too.

* I've updated my website with classes and events coming up. There are some great workshops booked and a few trunk shows. Remember, I'm available to travel and teach for you.

* Keep your eyes peeled for the next issue of Studios magazine. This next issue will feature the first of 3 articles on my basement studio development. They called it "The Seven Year Studio". Oh, so, so true.

* Don't forget about my upcoming launch party for Sunday Morning Quilts. This Friday evening at Traditional Pastimes.

* Next week I will announce my Quilt Market events for those of you going to Kansas City. I'm looking forward to that trip. (I'm bringing both the men in my life) and I get to hang out with Amanda Jean for only the second time!


Amy said...

It's so exciting for you to have a book out, Cheryl! I'm super excited for you! It seems like such a big project to undertake, and I'm impressed with all your hard work. Way to go!

sulu-design said...

Wow. I got tired just reading this. You're one busy momma. Good for you!

Suzanne said...

As you said, there's a lot going on behind the blog scenes.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I figured you had enough going with the new baby and two girls :) You have been so busy! Hope to see you in Kansas City!

Carolyn Friedlander said...

Lots going on! Looking forward to seeing you in Kansas City!

Victoria said...

Whew! All of that and a new baby too?!? You go girl!!

sew katie did said...

You forgot to bullet 'had baby.'

Hopping over to some of these events and so wish I could have seen you at market!

Amanda Jean said...

no wonder you are so tired!!!!

Carla said...

Got my copy of studios mag. Can't Wait to see more.

Blogger said...


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