07 December, 2011

Coming Along...

I will not complain about the noise. I will not complain about the mess. I will not complain about all the people in my house.

That was my mantra during a very loud, messy, and hectic month.

And I will not complain because it means that the electrical is so, so close to being done, the framing finished, and insulation has been sprayed in. Progress is being made.

Of course, it has been silent for 3 weeks now because Hubby is working out of town. And I will not complain about that.


Suzanne said...

It's hard to be patient but that is going to be one great space!

Andrea said...

seriously. you could put your machine in there already. let the workers work around you and your mess. purple walls are fine. just get them to wire that corner and you're all ready to go. ;-) You are uber patient with this madness going on.

Anonymous said...

Love that purple insulation! You still have the fun of drywall dust to look forward to :)

Hang in there - it will be all worth it in the end. I can't wait to see the finished space!

Amanda Jean said...

hang in there, friend! just like anything else, no pain, no gain. it's true in pregnancy, in book writing, child rearing, everything. it's so gonna be worth it in the end. (but, i'm sure it's still not easy!!!)

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

How fab will it be when it's completed and being used for its intended purpose ?~! Happy Winter, Cheryl.

Unknown said...

Wow Cheryl...thats some major stuff happening over your way. Can't wait to see (online and in person someday ;) the finished result.