19 December, 2011

Cherish the Snowflakes

Like a snowflake in her hair.

Fleeting, fragile, yet for the moment it is with us, breathtaking.

We gathered the girls around us this weekend, spoiling them with fun and affection. It was all we could do as we coped with the news of death. It was a death that we knew was coming, one that provides relief with the grief. The death of a little girl, however, is heartbreaking regardless. There was nothing we could do for our friend as her family moves through this new challenge and sorrow in their lives. So we held ours close and remembered to cherish even the tantrums.

There was sledding and hot chocolate and cookies and reindeer and candy and snowy drives and saws to chop trees after stomps in mountain forests. There was the indulgence of a little, fresh tree of their own, lit up and decorated in their room. There was family. There was love.

And there was a little hand stitching too.


Andrea said...

:-( I'm so sorry to hear that news. it was a great idea to get out and just be together and appreciate life as it is.

Mary said...

so sorry about the news. It is so easy to take our children for granted...good reminder for us all.

CitricSugar said...

My heart goes out to her family. Loss is never easy but when it's a child, it's.... There really are no words, are there.

Sounds like you spent the weekend enjoying what's really important.

Josie McRazie said...

our prayers to you and the family who is without their angel for this holiday! One of my Husbands fellow Firefighters has a daughter going through chemo and has a very dismal outlook. Less than 10% survival rate. It makes you hold your own kids a little tighter!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the time, it is precious.

Ann said...

Oh, the sting in my heart!... And I do even not know the poor family, I am just a Mom. What a wonderful post, thank you!

Suzanne said...

thanks, Cheryl, for the reminder to savor all those moments.

Ray and Jeanne said...

So sorry to hear that news. But so happy you are taking the time to cherish the family and love you have. Thanks for a gentle reminder to enjoy each moment. ~Jeanne

Emily Day said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of that family. It brought tears to my eyes just reading it, and it's a good reminder for us all. :(

My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

MariQuilts said...

Thank you for reminding me to embrace the ones we love. My thoughts are with you during this loss.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of your writing about this loss fills me with sadness and hope.

Camilla said...

Love to your family & friends - life is precious. ((()))

Victoria said...

So sorry. My heart just breaks when I hear of such young loss. My daughter lost a friend at the end of this past summer. They had known each other since nursery school. I think of her and her family almost daily, and it helps me to keep life with my daughter, and what is and is not important, in much clearer perspective. Many blessings to you and your friends. xo

Bernie said...

My best friend and her family lived thru the death of their 3 year old almost 18 years ago to cancer. Not a day goes by that they don't think of her and we think of her often. Her short life taught us to appreciate everything around us - I try so hard to remember this daily - it's my legacy to sweet little Victoria.
Cherish you and yours over the holiday season and every day.