This belly of mine is round and full of flutters and kicks these days. The Monster says it looks like I ate 39 hotdogs and 50 apples. It's okay, my ass balances it out.
But those 39 hotdogs and 50 apples make it extraordinarily hard to baste a quilt on my living room floor. Alone, just me and my belly. It took me an hour longer than usual for this lap size quilt. And Hubby isn't even home to help.
Too cute! When are you due? Can't wait to see what quilty goodness you'll be cookin' up for this little one! Congrats! Jenn
So so happy for you - even if basting a quilt is like an Olympic event.
I'm sure basting on hands and knees is one of those exercises they recommend in What to Expect When You Are Expecting ;)
Hah, you just crack me up. I would totally come help you. If only Calgary were closer to Fresno...
Too funny. I find basting a quilt tough enough by itself - I can't imagine tackling it while pregnant! If I haven't said it already, congrats on your latest "project." :-)
The quilt looks beautiful, as does your belly.
I understand! I am about 7 months pregnant and just about every photo I try to take of a project ends up with a belly bit in the edge or bottom or the shot! I have taken to taping down my bottom layer and then rolling the other layers on an empty decorator's fabric tube (JF will give them to you for free) one at a time onto the pile. Sometimes I will don a mask and spray baste or I will just add pins and untape the bottom. Then I roll it back onto the empty decorator's tube and set it in the corner (I do several quilts at once so they are already sandwich for when I can get a round to each one) until all the quilt tops have been taken care of (I use the empty fabric cardboards for table runners, they wrap well), then I take a nap...lol.
Hey, I just realized what it is you are basting! That I gotta see! I'm still in process on mine but what else is new? :-)
LOL oh the honest things that most women DON'T say about being pregnant! LOL Soon my dear! And whne it has been 10 years since your last you will kind of (for like a half of a second) miss the fact that you will never agan be pregnant! Double edged sword isn't it!
Time to buy a frame.
Hope all is well in hot dog and apple land.
i haven't been on in ages. Congratulations!! quilting with baby bumps are always a fun challenge. Hope you are feeling well.
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