22 June, 2011


The sun is FINALLY shining here in Calgary. It feels like forever ago that we had it. It's been a rainy spring, one that makes us happy we spent so much money waterproofing our basement a few years ago.

So now The Monster is out of school and out of sorts. We're trying to establish a rhythm to summer without doing too much. I'm trying to find the time to quilt and write without resorting to PBS Kids as babysitter. We're all searching out the summer. Here's where we are so far.

Last touches on that Shades of Grey quilt. I can photograph it now that it's stopped raining.

My husband's labourer, also a part-time tattoo artist put to work with sidewalk chalk and a book about pandas.

In all his fashion glory, this is my husband mowing a maze in the park across the street. The City doesn't seem to be quick to mow it this year so Hubby goes out every time it is sunny and mows paths for us to explore. The stellar fashion choices are always there.

Time spent watching an ant (singular) try to move a dead bee.

A precious visit and loads of snuggles with our latest nephew.

My reflective girl on her 5th birthday last week. Okay, so I caught her trying to look away, but let me have the mystery of her contemplative look. Here's one way we celebrated her birthday.

My youngest, having ANOTHER fit. Such an impatient, stubborn, and tempestuous little girl. And she's three.

But she is also phenomenally silly, adventurous, and obviously inherits her fashion sense from her father.

And now, a whole bunch of pressing to do. I need a break from the cutting - my wrist was killing me the other night when I was slicing my squares into these. I hope I'm not adding carpal tunnel to my summer plans.

Bring it on, summer! We can take it.


Lee D said...

Looks like a great start to the summer!! Enjoy the sunshine!

Joyce said...

You are so lucky to have sunshine. We are expecting 5 cm of rain from last night to tomorrow morning. Enough already! Hope the rest of the summer is a sunny as the start for you.

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos. My six year-old sounds like your three year-old. Fashion sense included. So fun. :)

M-R Charbonneau said...

Fabulous pictures! My munchkins finish school this week so we'll be trying to figure out a similar routine ourselves. I'm contemplating instituting a mommy's sanity hour each day during the youngest's naptime. I'm not sure it'll fly. ;) Looking forward to seeing your shades of grey. Is that some colour peeking out the back?

Mary said...

Your first photo looks so familiar. Looks like the start to a relaxing summer!

zarina said...

My ongoing quilt is also using half squares - 16xx times two. What I do is cut for a few blocks (since I'm using scraps), sew them and sew. The next round, the same thing but adding joining the rows into blocks. I have already completed 13 out of 41 blocks.

Unknown said...

So glad you have sunshine! I always feel a little better when it comes to stay. Summer routines are always a challenge, just as soon as you are settled in it's time to start thinking about going back to school! How's your knee?

Can't wait to see shades of grey...

Bridget Boyle said...

Thanks for a glimpse into your summer. It's hard to get into a groove, but it will happen. Loved your 3 yr old's photo....made me think of mine at that age.

Samantha said...

thank you for sharing the great photos... And I LOVE the maze paths your husband mows- how fun!

Unknown said...

LOL great photos of your girls and your younger one's fashion sense!

Anonymous said...

Changes in routine make me grumpy too! Hopefully your Smilosaurus will return soon.

Looks like you are all off to a great start on summer. Hope your knee is healing well.

bernadette said...

the sun was fabulous wasnt it...
lv the munchkins photos so remind me of mine when they were little now there just big and bad i say that in fun .. but now its motorcycles... and girlfriends.... what fun ... my fabrics like yours are in the a costco pir plate waiting to be played with maybe this weekend take care b

Amanda Jean said...

Lovely photos, Cheryl! Enjoy your summer weather. We could use some here! It's been rainy here and the sun is scarce!

Unknown said...

I totally love your husbands outfit!

JennX said...

Oh 3... I am so there with you. I'm trying to make myself look forward to the 4th birthday when he'll miraculously calm down??

NiCoLe said...

Looks like you will have a great summer! Your girls are so cute. Hope your knee is healing well too. I can't wait to see your finished Shades of Gray quilt.

brown robin said...

Yeah for summer!!! Love the pics of your girls and can totally relate... these wonderful, beautiful, fiesty spirits we have for children. Glad you're balancing it all out with continued quilting!

Karen said...

Clearly you are lucky to have very different personalities with each child.
Spend time with your strong willed girl. Find out what upset her and what makes her happy. That is the KEY. I once was that child. My two aunts took the time to discover me. They gave me the time and I blossomed. Please be that person who finds the very unique individual. You both will find common ground and enjoy each other wonderfully.
Good luck and have a great summer...K