13 June, 2011

Looking Down

Inspiration comes from the strangest spots.

There I was, insanely groggy from anaesthetic and painkillers, looking down at my hospital gown, and all I can think is, "Gee, that would be a cool quilt."

I debated snitching the gown and using it for fabric. But for one, that would be wrong. Two, the health care system doesn't need any more shortfalls. And three, it was a poly/cotton and I'm a fabric snob. I remembered that my camera was in my purse, asked the nurse for a bit of help, and snapped a photo.

Surgery is in the past now. Recovery ahead. The anaesthetic did me in more than it ever has before. My sister so kindly pointed out that I am getting older after all. But the knee is doing okay, better than I expected. I'm hoping that with more time and some therapy it will indeed be more or less 100% as the surgeon hopes. I'm anxious to go for walks with the girls, ride my bike, and test it out. Baby steps.

For now maybe I'll work on some sketches...


Amy said...

Hope you are about and about in no time! I hear you about anesthetic. Really throws me for a loop, but I have learned to talk to the anesthesiologist in advance about it and they are able to tailor it more for me and I felt SO much better afterwards the last time! SO funny that you took a photo of your gown! There's no stopping you. :)

Lisa said...

That would be a very cool quilt indeed! Can't wait to see ho wyou approach that one. Glad your knee is on the mend. Take it easy and don't push "too" hard!

Joyce said...

I hope your knee is 100% in no time. Baby steps is the answer for sure.
Our mail is certainly random these days. What would we do without computers?

Kris said...

Hope your recovery goes smoothly and I love that pattern!

CitricSugar said...

Glad to hear it went well - rest up and recover!

Katherine said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Cheryl!

Who knew that hospital gowns could be inspiring? ;o) You never know where an interesting quilt design may be waiting - good thing you had your camera with you.

Suzanne said...

Between you and Amanda Jean, I'm now looking up, down and all around. She took photos of carpet at a library on a trip one time.

Jody said...

Phew...that's over with...now you can rest, recover and be better than new!!! Take care of yourself!

Victoria said...

Good to hear all went well. The last time I had to go under it took me days of in-and-out grogginess to feel like myself. Keep resting and hopefully you will be riding bike and taking long walks very soon.

(And I agree, that fabric pattern is inspiring! Very cool!)

Jacqui said...

It is nice fabric! I seem to remember my last time under the knife my hospital gown was indeterminate blue and the curtains were some sort of pastel floral - not worth remembering really!

I had back surgery in November last year and was really taken aback how long it took me to recover from the anaesthetic, because I haven't had that trouble before. Not sure if it was a different combination or my advancing age, but it was at least 4 days before I got it out of my system and came right. Healing from the surgery was a breeze in comparison!

Anonymous said...

That fabric is really interesting!

Hope the recovery is smooth and quick!

Jan said...

That has quilt pattern written all over it!! We can't turn our brains' inclinations off no matter what the extreme circumstance!

Kristy said...

I love the quilt design idea, and best of luck with your recovery.

After I had mine done I found getting up and moving was the best way to be on the mend. But not painting a four bedroom house with your partner while your mother in law is away - I think the anasthetic was still too much in my system when I thought that was a good idea...

anti snore said...

I hear you about anesthetic. Really throws me for a loop, but I have learned to talk to the anesthesiologist in advance about it and they are able to tailor it more for me and I felt SO much better afterwards the last time!

Samantha said...

That is a wonderful pattern- and it makes me smile that you found it even under the influence! Take care!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Lovely pattern and here’s to a solid recovery and life’s knee-necessary moments returning. I miss bicycling too. Happy Summer.

Tonya Ricucci said...

stupid knees. good luck with the recovery and I know what you mean about the anesthesia. ugh.

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to this.

Hope you are feeling top-notch soon.