You would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t cracked open a can of beans to eat along side a hot dog or roasted potatoes – at home or at the campfire. Walk away from the canned goods, making your own baked beans at home is really easy. Put all the ingredients in the oven to bake then hit the ice rink or toboggan hill. When you come home smell will beg you to tear into a loaf of crusty bread and curl up with a bowl of beans. There is nothing fancy to it. If you want to keep this vegetarian leave out the bacon and fry the onions in a touch of oil.
Makes approximately 4-5 cups
2 cups dried white or kidney beans* OR 2 19 ounce cans white or kidney beans, drained
6 slices bacon
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 small can of tomatoes paste
2 cups water, stock, or bean cooking liquid
¾ cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons Dijon or yellow mustard
*When using dried beans
1. Soak the beans overnight in water with a handful of salt.
2. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
3. Drain and rinse the beans well. Cover with fresh water by at least two inches. Add half an onion, peels on, and a couple of unpeeled cloves of garlic. On high heat bring to a boil in an oven proof pot or dutch oven.
4. Once the water is boiling, cover and place in oven to cook. Bake for 1.5-2 hours until beans are tender to the bite. Drain, reserving remaining cooking liquid.
For baked beans:
1. Preheat oven to 325° F.
2. Chop the bacon. Fry in a dutch oven or oven-proof dish, with a touch of oil to get it started. When the bacon is cooked but not crispy, add the onions. Cook until the onions are tender and transparent.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Bake, covered for an hour. Season with salt and pepper.
I mentioned the giveaway, right? Well, the kind folks at Sullivan's are offering an entire set of the Cutting Edge rulers for one lucky reader of the Blog Hop. You need to leave a comment at every spot on the hop. Here's the list, make sure you visit them all!
Polly Minick and Laurie Simpson
And Pat Sloan again!
And for one lucky reader here, I'm offering something totally not quilt related. But Pat asked us to share a recipe, so I thought a cookbook would be a good addition to the giveaway. I was thrilled to contribute to this cookbook - Blog Aid: Recipes for Haiti - along with a tremendous group of bloggers/writers/chefs. It was a fundraiser for the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders in response to the earthquake in Haiti. Learn more about the project. And all commenters here are eligible to win their own copy!
This giveaway is now closed.
1 – 200 of 383 Newer› Newest»Thank you for sharing the maple baked bean recipe. Sounds tasty!Please enter my name in your drawing for the set of rulers.
Thanks for the sharing - I would like that cookbook very much!!
I enjoyed your story and thank you for the recipe. The cookbook sounds like a winner, may have to go and buy one.
Oh that recipe sounds wonderful. Everyone's sharing such yummy sounding things that my keyboard is in danger of drowning as I'm dribbling!
The rulers look great and so I hope I am eligible to win as I live in the UK?
The bean reciepe sounds yummers. Love your pup, and your quilt for your momma is such a sweet touch for someone who moed away from home.
I have spent the last couple of months reqorganizing my hobby areas. I ran across my first quilt project. It's still in pieces because I couldn't find a gray I liked. Thank goodness in todays fabric it is considered a go to color. 10 years ago that was not the case. You might find a dark charcoal or something more blue than grey. Thanks for the recipe! Great cookbook project. Pat also asked that we include our email addy...azuree55@yahoo.com
The baked beans sound wonderful. And, yes I would love a cookbook. Thanks for sharing. Happy blog hopping.
Love baked beans. Would love the cookbook. But I really want those rulers!!!
I like your recipe. I have to translate it. Why do we use in America and Europe totally different measurements and degrees?
Thanks for the recipe...sounds like a good one to try this fall.
The rulers sound so interesting.
Who would have thought..cutting and sharpening at the same time.
Thank you for sharing! Oh, your dog is so cute, and I like your quilt!
Would LOVE to win the rulers or the cookbook!
I bet those Baked Beans are super yummy! Especially with a grilled hamburger - hmmmm, might have to try this! Thanks for sharing! julie stchsluv@aol.com
Your recipe seems to be delicious. And the rulers are wonderful.Thank You.
Thank you for sharing your recipe, and for an opportunity to win the cookbook.
I can't wait to try the rulers. Thanks for the bean recipe. My husband loves beans.
The cookbook fundraiser for Haiti looked like such a great success. How cool that you were a part of it. I'll have to try your recipe as it looks perfect for the football season at hand :)
You may cringe at that quilt, however, I think it is just lovely!
I would love to win the rulers AND the cookbook! Thanks for the chance
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Thanks so much for the chance to win, and for sharing your recipe!
mmmm-those beans sound good-I have never made my own before. I am going to try it!Thanks.
Add my name to the list for the rulers.
I think your quilt for you mother is delightful and that baby is the cutest! Thanks for the bean recipe and you can never have too many cookbooks. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing. I cant wait to try one of the rulers.
Wow, Smilosaurus is a cutie-pie! Please count me in for the give-aways.
Your Maple is a sweetheart!! :) I adore dogs. And look at that sweet baby face with baked beans. Adorable. These recipes are making me hungry!
Thanks for the great recipe. I am always a little underwhelmed at canned beans and this sounds delicious. I live in Detroit, which is almost Canada (just kidding-although I can see it from my office)!
Thank you for the recipe - I grew up in New England and we had home-made beans all winter. Can't wait to try yours.
Susan in NC
Thanks for a great recipe! Would love to own a set of these rulers
I like the use of multiple greens in your quilt. Much more interesting!
Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook and rulers!
The beans sound great...I think I'll try them today! Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook too!
The beans sound yummy - thanks for the recipe! The cookbook giveaway is a nice bonus - thank you. Thanks for the honest review of the rulers - good tips so whomever wins them will have a successful start with them.
That's a good first quilt! I'm impressed...diagonal lines even!
Thanks for a great recipe - we are veggies but I can adjust it for sure.Thanks for the giveaways!
You're first quilt is cute. I did flying geese on my first and boy oh boy...there were very few points on that quilt, which is still being used.
I've made baked beans before too. Very yummy and easy.
Those beans look good and I have really been trying to cook with beans more often. Thanks!
I love baked beans nothing like comfort food and your quilt for your Mom is special to. Linda
Thanks for the recipe. Beans always sound good in the fall. Looking forward to using those awesome rulers.
Looking forward to trying your recipe. Thanks for the chance to win.
This blog hop has been so much fun. Thanks for participating!
Quilting and food- what a combination. I love to win either. Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
Great recipe to put on in the morning before we start sewing/quilting and then it will be ready to serve for dinner! Thank you!
Love the bean recipe. Looking forward to making them.
Deb S.
Maple baked beans. Wow that sounds like a totally new taste sensation, I've never heard of that combination before.
Enjoyed reading your blog this morning. Thanks for the recipe and the great photo's.
These rulers have me intrigued and I would love to win a set.
Thanks for the photo and recipe!
Love to get the rulers.
You ROCK Cheryl!! Thank you so much for being in my Hop!
And I ADORE Maple... your cutie patooie doggie, the quilt (yes you HAVE changed.. but we ALL have!) and the recipe... oh you!
thank you for adding in another giveaway.... you are truly wonderful!
I've never even considered a grey quilt, but your fabric looks so restful, I may have to start collecting! Thanks for the baked beans recipe...my favorite on a cold winter's day! Yum!
Great recipe, love your quilt for your mom. Thanks for the chance to win a cookbook, too. Something else I collect! Enjoyed your honest ruler review. Would like to try them for myself :) Thanks for hopping with Pat.
Thanks for the recipe! Sounds yummy! And for a great cause!
Love the rulers! Can't wait to try them.
What and adorable foodie!!
Thanks for the recipe and the chance for the cook book not to mention the rulers I would love to try them out
Thanks for your review of the rulers. I would love to win a set! (and the cookbook, too)....
what a brilliant idea a ruler that sharps while rotary cutting! Thanks for sharing your quilt story & a recipe...!
I hope to get used to those rulers!! Hop Hop Hop...!!
Thanks for sharing the recipe and the review.
Yum, nothing like a big ole batch of bubblin baked beans to get your mouth watering. Thanks for the recipe
Thank you for sharing your quilt and your baked bean recipe. I'm sure your Mom will love the quilt whenever she gets it!
Great picture of the little cutie enjoying dinner - was it baked beans?
It is fun to go back and look at old projects. I was at a friend's house and realized a pillow I made for them early in my quilting had GIGANTIC stitches...but I remember them being so perfect.
Love your honest input. Im sure it takes some getting use to with any new tool. Love the look of your blog. Your quilts are wonderful.
Cute baby does it for me! And that 36" ruler might just do it too.
Sounds like a great recipe. Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow....maple bean recipe, cookbook giveaway, AND a chance to win a set of Pat Sloan's sharpening rulers.... I must have landed in Heaven!!!!!!
Thanks for the recipe and for the chance!
The beans sound wonderful! I am guilty of opening a can of beans.
Your maple leaf quilt is so cute. I don't think my first quilt looked that good.
I have enjoyed the hop. pam
Oh what a cute picture! He must love beans! :) I just made some yesterday with hot dogs! I have to try your recipe!
Count me in the giveaway please :)
The recipe looks great - can't wait to try it. Love your quilt!
That recipe sounds wonderful and thanks for a chance!
Love the grays. I think the cook book is a wonderful idea. After all, we quilters need to keep our strength up, oh yeah, I guess we need to feed the kiddos too. :-)
I think your second quilt looks great. The recipe sounds great. Winona
Thank you for sharing the recipe and for the chance to win. And also... your dog looks SOOOO CUTE!!
Great fall recipe with the baked beans Ymmm. Fun blog and another take on these rulers!!
Thanks for blogging! Maple is adorable!
Thanks for your review of The Edge Rulers. I need a set so badly! Mine are so nicked from way back when I was first learning to control the cutter!
PS Where do you find enough water in AB to go sailing? That looks like a pretty big body of water.
Your little beaneater is so cute! Thanks for the ruler review
Oh the recipe sounds just as good as the rest of the participating blogs. Hope to see the rulers in a shop close by soon, or better yet, win them.
I LOVE the maple leaf quilt. My Gramma was from Canada and you inspired me to start one of those for my mom for Christmas!
Those fabric edges look Great! Love these rulers!
Thanks for sharing the baked bean recipe. Smilosaurus is adorable! The rulers would be put to good use and so would the cookbook.
I wondered about making baked beans... my kids love them, and would eat some every day with their lunch if I let them! I will have to try your recipe for sure. The rulers sound very interesting...
I, too, am a scrappy quilter. The more the merrier. The rulers sound like a great way to keep my blades sharp. Kathie L in Allentown
The rulers sound great. I go through a lot of blades. Will have to try your bean recipe as DH loves beans in any shape or form. Thank you for adding the cookbook. My BF's daugter, an MD, has been to Haiti. She stated everyone was so grateful to the medical personnal.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts today. I enjoyed your review.
Hello, just blog hopping for the giveaway, nice to see a Canadian blogger on the tour. Oh, and sounds like a good recipe book in your giveaway.
thanks for sharing the blog for Haiti. Bless you for all you do.
Thanks for the recipe--I can make a meal off baked beans! And your first quilt is nothing to cringe about--that's a great first quilt! You should see mine! Anyway, thanks for the chance to win those rulers!
please put my name in the virtual hat, I'ld love to give them a try. Sounds super clever. Greetings from Germany
I am really interested in these rulers. Thanks for the honest comments. I'd love to win them but will be ready to buy if I don't! Thanks for the recipe and the chance to win a cookbook. And speaking of books.....I received the City Quilts book. :-)
You have been a busy bee!! Thanks for your giveaway as we;;. I can feel those rulers coming closer. See positive thoughts. Sunny smiles from Queensland
Love the photo of the baby - I think they know how to enjoy food!
Thanks, Cheryl, for the recipe, your comments on the rulers, and for particpating in the giveaway. The cookbook sounds great! Naptime Quilter sounds awesome, too!
I think we all cringe at our first quilts, but they are a learning experience.
Those beans sound wonderful, but that face is precious! Our family always enjoys a good bean pot.
Thanks for the bean recipe, I always need new ones:) I also appreciated your honest review of the rulers. I'm excited to try them, but like knowing the downsides too:)
mmm, I love baked beans! I've only recently discovered maple syrup. I grew up on cane syrup being from Louisiana. Now we live in Maryland and maple syrup is alot easier to come by!
Real baked beans-yum! Anything with maple is GOOD. Thanks for the chance to win the rulers and the book!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the rulers. The recipe sounds great.
Thank you for sharing your quilt and recipe with us. What an adorable little dinosaur you have there. :-) Take care and God bless, Cory
What a good girl, eating her beans! I can't wait to see those rulers.
Thanks for your post and your objective ruler review. I particularly liked the photo of the Smilosaurus. :)
Great recipes. Thanks for sharing
Love the picture of your Smilosaurus and the Maple puppy--they are a hoot! I can't wait to try THE RULERS, and couldn't imagine winning a whole set. That would be wonderful. Thank you for being a part of this fun blog hop. Thankful~Threads ~Kathleen
That baked beans recipe sounds delicious! Too bad I'm the only one in my house who'll eat them. I'll keep it in mind for the next family get-together though!
cute pic's thanks for the review on the rulers.
Hope you have a great day.
Thanks for a great review and the yummy bean recipe. I always spell "grey" and "creme" and I'm in the U.S.! I long to be bold and to write "colour" and "cheque" too
Thanks for your story, the recipe sounds very yummy! It's nice to see a fellow Albertan blogger for a change! The pictures on your previous day's blog were amazing as well. I love the ocean too! What are we doing on the baldheaded prairies?
A chance to win rulers or a cookbook - so great!
I have an awesome hot-stuff southwestern baked beans recipe, but my s-in-law loves maple, I have to try the recipe. Thanks! and would love the rulers.
Thanks for "visit" fellow Canadian ;-) Those beans sound wonderful and will be sure to make them this winter when we all head out ice fishing here in Ont. Thank you for your give-away!
Thanks for the yummy recipe.
Thanks for the recipe! Please enter my name for the giveaway.
Beans are a favorite of my husband. Winter seems to bring out the beans too. Yum. Thank you for the candid review of the rulers. I'd still like to try them out on my own.
loved your blog, especially the wonderful baby picture, but I really can not believe all the quilters that have their first quilt, mine was gone so many years ago...
loved your blog, especially the wonderful baby picture, but I really can not believe all the quilters that have their first quilt, mine was gone so many years ago...
I would love to win the rulers! I cringe when I look at my first quilts too--that was before we had all these great rulers. Thanks for the recipe!
Karen in Breezy Point
Thanks for the recipe. Love the baby pic!
Thanks for the baked beans recipe, Cheryl. My mom was from Truro, Nova Scotia and they had baked beans every Saturday night. Thanks also for a chance to win those wonderful rulers.
Thanks. Rulers RULE k.bugbee@att.net
Love your idea of the cookbook giveaway. This blog hop has been a fun adventure. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the rulers.
Thanks for the chance to win a cook book (and rulers).
GO and put the hanging sleeve on that quilt and get it sent to your mother. Not only will it give her pleasure - you can mark a UFO off your list.
I'm enjoying all the recipes on the blog hop - thanks for sharing!
Looking at Smilosaurus, I realize that's pretty much what I feel like today. *L*
Beans sound yummy! And one of my early quilts is almost just like yours. as you said, we need to rememeber how far we've come and celebrate the beginnings!
Thanks for the recipe -it does sound so much better than canned. Thanks for doing the hop-so interesting to read all about you varied ladies.
Thanks for the read! Count me in. Would love to win those rulers.
arjanz at xplornet.com
I think we are all hard on ourselves and pick out our imperfections. The average person is not going to be looking for those, they are going to see the beauty in what was made.
Thanks for adding the cookbook giveaway!
Enjoying the blog hop. Where do you find the time to do all the other stuff in addition to 2 blogs! Yikes. Would love a set of these rulers.
Thank you for a great recipe and blog. I've enjoyed reading all the different blogs! What a great group of talented people!!
Thanks for the great recipe. It's always interesting to look back and see our first quilts and how far we've come since them.
Great review of the rulers--appreciate it. And the recipie. Beans are popular here with tri-tip steak and other BBQ'd foods. I'd be thrilled to win rulers and a cookbook!
Adorable Smilosaurus and Maple! Lovely giveaway.
Love bake beans and the weather is heading toward the time when the warm oven is nice. Cookbook and rulers, wow great gifts. Would love both but!!! either one would be great.
Thanks for the review, I'd never heard of those rulers before :)
Thanks for the great post!
It would be so nice to have a closer look at that cook book
Thank you for the opportunity to win the rulers and also the cookbook. Have a good day!
I spell grey the same way! Looking forward to winning those rulers ;) haha
Mmmmmm mmmmmm maple! Rulers and a cookbook--what better?! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Thank you for sharing and that's for the chance!
the Maple Baked beans sounds yummy! And thanks for the cookbook giveaway. :-)
Thanks for sharing. Homemade beans are great, thanks for sharing your recipe. Baby and doggie are both adorable!
We are the same quilters...I quilt and sew during naptime of my two wonderful children. Rulers would be a great addition to my quiltiness!!
The baked beans sound yummy! Thanks for sharing!
Love maple anything, and cookbooks. Enjoying reading the blogs and sharing quilting stories.
I love the pix of the baby eating beans! Love the chance to win some new rulers too!
Those beans sound good. Thanks for the review.
Great post, thanks for the recipe.
Thanks for the chance to win the rulers!
Ha ha! I cringe when I look at my first quilt too. I'm definitely going to try that bean recipe. My toddler would probably LOVE it! thanks!
Enjoyed the post. Thanks for the opportunity to enter for a chance to win the ruler!
Your bean recipe sounds great (I especially like the baby photo).
Thanks for your honest opinion of the rulers. I think overall, I'd really like the blade sharpening aspect of them to save on blades.
I love cookbooks and would love to win a copy of that cookbook; recipes from all over...I see good cooking ahead for someone...
I would never have thought of using maple syrup in baked beans. Thanks!
Now that's what I"m talking about - two giveaways in one post!! The beans look great - I'll have to try the recipe for the baked beans - yummy
Mmmm, your baked bean recipe is very similar to one I make, only yours takes much less time. I will have to try it and see what dh thinks......thanks for sharing.
Love baked beans and will have to try your recipe. Canadian maple syrup......yummy.
Would love to win the rulers or the cook book.
I can always use another cookbook! And maybe my kids would actually eat beans if I flavored them with maple! Thanks!
Thanks for the recipe, it sounds yummy. I love the baby picture, eating was so messy in my house I was tempted to carry her and her highchair outside to be hosed down.
That baby picture is priceless! Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook or rulers!
Amazing, would never thought of using gray in any quilt & yet they look like a great combo- please post when its complete as I'd love to see what you do with all of it! Am loving all the comments about the rulers, it helps when trying to decide about anything new. Thanks for sharing & blogging.
baked beans are one of my favorite foods. And the picture to go with is just precious
Thanks for your honest review of the rulers ... I appreciate that! And for the yummy recipe, too. We love baked beans, but I've never tried making them myself ... looks easier than I thought!
I like your quilt. I've been wanting to make one with leaves. You should finish it up and send it to your mother. I'm sure she would love it.
Thanks for a great giveaway.
Oh how I wish the rest of my family loved baked beans.
You baby is absolutely adorable. thank you so much for participating in the hop.
Have a great weekend
Thanks for sharing. I ejoyed skimming through your blog. Ann in NC
All your Maples are cute! I made a similar wallhanging for a friend many years ago.
Love the picture of the Smilosaurus! That is precious. I thought your first quilt was great! thanks for a chance to win the rulers.
Love the picture of your baby, too cute! I also love the cookbook you're giving away, that is so great that its for Haiti
Hi precious baby..adorable Maple.
really delishus sounding baked bean
recipe..I WILL try..you are a very
industrious talented woman..I'm
impressed. loved your blog and
would love the rulers and the cook
book project is great...XXOO
Thanks for the recipe. It looks like a great one to try this fall & my husband will love it. Thanks also for the chance to win the rulers. I'm anxious to try them.
How wonderful to find a fellow Canadian quilter who has a blog. Baked beans are my husbands favorite so he can make them today while I'm off to a quilt show. and the rulers would be awesome. Keeping my fingers crossed that I win.
Love that baby picture :o)
The rulers look so useful...please count me in.
Thank you for sharing your honest insight about the rulers. I'm looking forward to checking them out.
I can't wait to try these rulers.
Ever had maple-flavored bacon? So good! I used to dip bacon into maple syrup, but they actually sell it already flavored at the grocery! Yum! Thanks for the recipe--I will definitely use it.
Thank you for the recipe! Your second quilt is actually really well done! I think I threw mine away years ago. LOL
I am really liking the rulers! I like the big clear markings and the sharpening edge.
Thanks for the recipe! Love the rulers.
I think the rulers are a pretty neat invention even though I have not used them myself. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you so much! I am having a ball hopping from one creative blog to another! Thanks! ♥
Wow, a cookbook - very nice. Thanks for the chance to win!
I wish I had a picture of my daughter eatin spaghetti....or wearing it...bowl on head. HA! So funny
I am hoping I win those rulers.
I love the pic of Smilosaurus!!
The photo of your baby is adorable(who doesn’t love a baby learning to eat??) and Maple. I’ve never made baked beans myself, I’ll admit, but love a big ol’ pot of any other beans – (with cornbread!!!) I think your first quilt is great, but please, do get a sleeve on it or just give it to your mom (she can use it as a nice topper!), she’s gonna love it any way!! Can’t wait to try the rulers, and thank you for the recipe!
Beans sounds delicious!! Seeing everyones first quilts has been so much fun..my how styles & taste change!! Would love to try the new rulers.
LOL I just made a batch of beans the other day! Our recipes are quite similar. I've got my eye on one of those rulers, would love to win some new ones! Thanks for the chance!
I love all those greys you found. I think it is hard to find some nice greys that don't have a lot of flowers in them. The beans sound delicious. Thanks for sharing.
Love the gray fabric
It's so interesting to see how much your quilts have evolved. Thanks for sharing!
Grey's are hard to find for me. Dollartistcarla@aol.com
Hmmm...way too hot for baked beans today, but if this winter's anything like last winter, there will be plenty of chances to enjoy them! I'd love to try those rulers anytime tho!!! Thanks for sharing the love.
Hmmm...way too hot for baked beans today, but if this winter's anything like last winter, there will be plenty of chances to enjoy them! I'd love to try those rulers anytime tho!!! Thanks for sharing the love.
The cookbook sounds great...Thanks for the opportunity to win a set of these rulers... By the way, your Smilosaurus is pretty freaking adorable!
lovely post and great receipe, thanks for that
Cook book sounds interesting, recipes from Haiti. Thanks form the giveaway
Thanks for the honest review of the rulers. And for the recipe!
oh those beans sound so scrumptous and I am so anxious to try the rulers as well!
Thanks for the yummy recipe. This is a fun blog hop!
Love the adorable photo.Thanks for sharing.
Those beans must have been really good!
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