I was wearing my spring coat this week, a pastel yellow trench. Paired with my new yellow, cream, and taupe striped scarf I felt very sunny indeed. When my physiotherapist noticed it we started a conversation about the optimism inherent in the colour yellow. Despite a somewhat frustrating physio session we kept talking about optimism. On my way out she encouraged me to "Find the Yellow" in my day.

2 Quilting detail
3 Apron trim
4 Stack of quilts (for the article "The Family Quilt" in the Winter 2010 What's Up magazine)
5 Pie crust
6 Yo (from the files, at the Bowden Sun Maze last August)
What about you? Have you Found the Yellow today?
For me, today has gone by in a blur (its 12am Saturday morning). It was a week long where I was fighting to regain my reputation from last year (I wast not at fault here - long story). And i guess I was on cloud nine when my new line manager pulled me out to apologize for what happened last year.
Lovely post:) Who never quilting could be color therapy.
I found the yellow in a bright sunny morning, a new jacket, and the fact that I have Monday off.
Thanks, Cheryl - keep finding the yellow.
What a lovely sunny idea. That yellow chair is fabulous. I will look around for yellow today.
Great idea. I love that chair!
Early on in my quilting career I was told that quilts should not have yellow! How crazy is that -- I love yellow and it goes in my quilts. It makes me happy. And just like everyone else who's commented, I love your chair!
Lovely post! I am going to start looking for the yellows right now :0)
Great post! I've been kinda fed up after having my wisdom teeth out because it's a complete pain in several ways. But your post sent me on a search for yellow things and it a) cheered me up and b) made me realise I have very little yellow in my flat and that needs to be corrected because it's such a lovely colour :)
what a beautiful post. there's a lot of metaphoric ideas in quilting. I"m learning alot about myself through the process. It's kind of weird.
I love yellow. It's happy, it's bright, it gives off light, and I have none of it in my house, or in my wardrobe. My kids think I have yellow stripes in my hair, does that count? LOL.
I just love that yellow chair! I'm loving the yellow of the sun as it has been shining lots lately!
Yellow is just about my most favorite colour and more and more of it is being spread about the house. Yay for golden sunshine! DD, who worked in the green house basket trade, says every garden needs yellow in its flowerbed somewhere.
Ummm... That yellow chair needs to come live @ my house. I picked up a similar old wood chair a few weeks ago, & I'm pretty sure it's going to be yellow now!
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