Doesn't that look fantastic? It was the lovely view from our room on the weekend. Hubby and I had a romantic weekend planned, sans kids. A day of skiing, some spa time, a book, a few extravagant meals, and sleeping in. I mentioned that the kids weren't with us, right?
We arrived at Lake Louise, rented our skis, bought our lift tickets, and took a warm-up run. On our second run I had a freakish, lame but spectacular wipeout. It's hard to fully describe, but suffice it to say that it involved my ski edge getting caught on something invisible, the splits, a face plant, and some somersaults. Then it involved a trip to the ER, X-Rays, a knee brace or two, crutches, and lots of ice.

Needless to say, with a handful of torn ligaments, one of which will likely require surgery, there won't be much quilting going on in the coming weeks. There isn't even that much walking going on.
OH, Cheryl! What a bummer! ((HUGS)) That is really tough.
Aaaaand you've just described the reason I don't ski. Sorry to hear about your injury! And even more sorry that you won't be quilting much because I'm worried that means you won't be blogging much and it's all about me, you know.
No way! What a rotten twist to a sweet romantic getaway! I hope you got to drink a few hot toddies in front of the fire at the chalet, at least. Hope the surgery goes smoothly with a quick recovery!
yeowtch! Possibly not the memorable weekend you were planning on? Hope you are feeling better and more mobile soon!
Oh my gosh, that's terrible!!! Did you at least get any romance or quiet time with hubby??? :(
Does this mean you're going to explore hand piecing and handquilting?
I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon!
oh cheryl...no! i hope you're not hurting too much. take care!
Sounds like some time to take up knitting or crocheting?
Hope your on the up girl!
Ick! You need some hand work to keep you busy. I'm so sorry about your fall. Hope recovery is FAST and you're back to quilting (and everything else) soon!!!
It usually is on the lame runs that one injures themselves skiing. I sure hope you have a quick recovery. If there is anything I can do from the south end of Calgary, let me know.
Oh no! I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you aren't in too much pain. Maybe you can start hand sewing.
At first I thought it was your husband...but then when I read again with out a screaming baby in my arms I realized it was you...
So so sorry.
I hope you heal fast!
Hope you start feeling better soon!
How awful! I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, no! Um, how can we look on the bright side? The kids weren't with you, right?
Here's hoping for some quick healing and lots of TLC from the family.
Oh my goodness. I was ready to hear all about the romance and then to my surprise this happened to you. I hope you feel better soon. Bless your heart.
so sorry about your accident... Hopefully you can find handwork for a bit of relaxation and a creative outlet (hexes?).
Ughh! Oh Cheryl I feel your pain! I bet the whole thing happened in slow motion, just like in the movies.
Feel Better Soon!
I am SO sorry. I feel your pain, though not as much. I fell last week too but only sprained my knee. Best wishes on your recovery.
ouch! So sorry to hear that you got hurt.
Ooh, that sounds painful. I hope it heals quickly.
Oh no. What a nightmare :( Fingers crossed that everything heals quickly.
Ugh! and here I was so envious of your post that you were off to ski for the weekend... Hope all is resolved with the injury.
Oh noooo! I'm so sorry about your injury. What a bummer! Looked like a wonderful weekend up until that point!
Anyways .... I finished my quilt I started with your quiltalong. I ended up changing the design a little as I got going. I was having trouble cutting out wonky squares without wasting a ton of fabric. I got thinking and since I was making it for my boyfriend who loves book ... I made it look like a bookshelf and then since it was for Valentine's Day .... I embroidered a sappy love poem on it.
Here is the link to my flickr set and I'd love to have you check it out.
Thanks again for all the great instructions. I'm still learning so much and each time I make a quilt with someone I a glean a little more.
darn it! My first thought upon seeing the photo was, "oh not that's her pedal foot!"
Hope you heal quickly.
Oh Cheryl...not good! Hopefully you will heal soon! Talk to me when you are going for surgery. Have had 18 surgeries...hang in there! It could be worse...you could have two arms in slings too!!
So sorry this happened. Take care.
Hugs, Nancy
Oh that was not what I was expecting, after the first photo. That really sucks. My husband and I went to SLC for a ski weekend, a long time ago. It was before kids, so the value of the free time was no where near the same. But, I dislocated my shoulder the first morning before lunch. I have no idea how it happened, also freakish. I hope you heal soon, I can't imagine how difficult it is going to be for you to take care of the little ones. Hopefully you have some help near by. Good Luck.
Bummer. Hope you are feeling better soon.
ow ow ow ow. heal quickly!
i hope you are on the mend. sure wish the weekend would have turned out better for you two....
You and your husband do like to keep things interesting, don't you? My goodness....
Wishing you health! Take care!! (Yogurt will help.:-)
Oh Cheryl, that's awful! I hope you're getting around OK! Heal quickly!
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