Elena joined us on May 13, after about 30 hours of labour. Well, technically it was 30 hours because my water broke on the Monday, but I didn't actually start active labour until almost 24 hours after that. Long story short: it was hell and a bit a scary, but we welcomed our second little girl with a successful VBAC late in the evening.
The last week was spent getting breastfeeding established, entertaining visitors (flowers are fine, but food is better), and watching her for jaundice. We had one return visit to the hospital for a night under the billi-lights, but all is seemingly going well now. I am not recovering as quickly as expected after a vaginal birth, but I have to tell myself that it is still a better recovery than a c-section delivery. The doctor assured me that my healing is going well. So, as soon as my pain subsides (tearing needs to heal) then I get get back to the basement and finish this adorable creature's quilt.
Congratulations! That's the day after my son's birthday! I've been checking everyday for that news. I hope you heal quickly. I know what you're going through there. But, she's gorgeous, and you're both well and that's what is important. Congrats.
congratulations, Cheryl!!! she is beautiful. I hope you heal up quickly and that your transition to a new little one in the house goes well.
Congratulations! What a beautiful little face. I can't wait to see what she looks like in the coming weeks - they change so much during that time, don't they?
Oh, congrats, she's such a sweetie! (And I promise the tearing will heal, though it's quite annoying until it does.)
She's gorgeous! Congrats to you on the VBAC- I know how hard it is to pull that off. Best wishes for an easy, fast recovery.
PS, LOVE her name!
Congrats! And I am somehow certain that she will nt go cold just because her quilt is not finished. :) My girls love to be in the sling while I sew, feeling the the hum of the machines, and the only problem is when I need to stop! Congrats on your VBAC, and I hope breastfeeding is going well.
Congratulations!! She is sweet!
Hey! Congrats on your new baby! She's really sweet. They grow up so fast, it hard to believe it's been almost 4 months since Mateo was born.
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