14 January, 2011

Geese Going South

Participating in bees has been a challenge. I'm notorious for not finishing things on time. But I feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one in my group. And just yesterday I found a block that I finished months ago, but never got popped in the mail. Yikes! It will go in the mail this weekend, along with the fabric for my month.

This month I've chosen a Flying Geese block. I've sent out a generous FQ of yellow, plus some greys, whites, and a touch of turquoise. I'm not picky about the size or shape of the geese within the block or how many you put in, I only ask that they all fly in the same direction. You can also make the geese any way you are comfortable doing. Some tutorials for you here and here.

Finished block size will partly depend on how many geese you do within the block. My preference is for a block either 12.5'' square, 12.'' by 18.5", or 18.5" square.

I've had this quilt in my head ever since the bee started. The one thing I don't like about bees is feeling like someone else's sewing factory. I personally, prefer to be challenged to create something a bit more unique. I also like to get something unique to the quilter back. Then I love the challenge of making it all work together. That's why I'm excited about our Mid Mod Bee and my month here at Pieced Together.


  1. Love the different sized geese in your block. Should be a great quilt. Love the new blog header too :)

  2. The block looks great - and the color choices are so cheery!

  3. Your blog is always fascinating to read.

  4. Great block! Your fabrics are nice and cheery for this time of year! And I believe that is how bee's should be too...much more fun for all involved.

  5. how do you manage to be up so early!!!???? I have used a chalkoliner. Great little tool and it just brushes off. Only draw back is you can't draw a whole quilt at once as it will brush off. There are different colour chalks to! no inks or dyes or chemicals leaching into your fabrics too.

  6. Having gone through two rounds of our bee (which I really have enjoyed), I echo your feelings Cheryl. Working on something unique is a fun challenge - of course this is coming from a woman who asked all of you to follow a pattern! Oh well, live and learn:)
