07 December, 2010

Valuable Finish

Values Quilt
66'' Square

Finally, a finish. Well, almost. I haven't come up with a name for this one yet.

This one is a long time coming. It feels like it, at least. I started this one back in April. I'm usually much faster than this. Oh well. I fully claim life as getting in the way. It happens. And I'm okay with that. Lately, however, I've been craving finishes. I've got a few more going on, I'll keep you posted on those.
Once I got it basted it only took me a week to finish it. Really it took only one full day to quilt it. The one day Hubby gave me and I took it. Another evening and I had the binding on it. We went away for the weekend two weeks ago and I stitched away happily in the evenings at my MIL's.

The quilting is pretty darn simple. I can see why so many stick with simple straight lines. It's mindless, sure, but it gets things done quickly. For the one square section I went with these freehand and rather primitive hearts. The Monster is very big into drawing hearts these days, so that's where these came from.

The binding is this blue green. I found the quilt to be quite pink/red. Lots of warm tones. So I bound it in blue. The quilting is actually in two different blues as well. I think it balances things out a little bit better. What do you think?

Someone else has already taken to it quite quickly.


  1. What do I think? I love it! Everything about it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. The quilt is stunning! Beautiful. :-)

  3. I love it! It has a real "ripple" kind of feel to it.

  4. Oh I love the colors! and the binding is fantastic.

  5. Just beautiful!! I love the offset diamond and all the rich colors and textural interest-yum! ALSO-think of straight lines as "snuggly" not easy :)

  6. Really very beautiful! I always love a scrappy quilt and yet I'm scared to make one. This is fantastic.

  7. This really appeals to me! I love it!

  8. Are you kidding? My favorite kind of quilt!

  9. Seriously, you're talent is incredible. I'm in awe.

    And maybe just a little jealous... :)

  10. I Love value quilts--And yours is no exception! I think I love the "offset" ones best.

  11. This really turned out well. I really like it. I hope to see it in person.

  12. a valuable finish, indeed! it's quite lovely. i love how the values are really defined at a distance yet the squares blend together up close. also, i think if i ever did one of these (as is the plan), my quilt would have many more cool tones, so i would have to bind it with warm tones.
    the simple quilting is spot on. can you tell that i LOVE this quilt?

  13. this is great - I think it's very balanced... the design is off-center, but that just serves to remind me to life is too! great job quilting!

  14. Lovely quilt and very pretty baby Girl :)

  15. Cheryl, it's wonderful! It reminds me of throwing a pebble in the pond and watching the ripples. Plus I really like how the "pebble" is off-center.

  16. OMG! I just love this one. I love all your quilts, but this one sings to me. I can't put my finger on it... the offset design, the colors? I think it's just the whole darn thing... absolutely gorgeous!

  17. I think the quilt has a great mix of colors and that the blue binding works great. Simple quilting is the only way to go as far as I am concerned. I do about 2 a year with a lot of quilting and all the rest have simple quilting.

  18. Hand it over sweet little girl! I am LOVING this quilt. Loving doesn't quite explain how much I want to jump through the screen and snatch it.
    I may have to figure out how to quilt from patterns to do this. Where did you find the pattern?

  19. simply beautiful. I'd like to have it too, but I see there are others in line before me :-)

  20. I love the way you off-set the square/diamond. It really gives the quilt great movement. No wonder your sweet bunny loves it.

  21. great quilt - I like how you achieve the values somewhat unexpectedly - the colour choices aren't the conventional lights and darks (which are frequently actually tones....), though to me the blues really do jump out 9contrary to being a cool colour) - great job!

  22. great job quilting!This is fantastic.Thanks for sharing!

  23. GORGEOUS!!! I made a value quilt out of my fabric stash last year and its one of my favorite quilts, so much to look at!

    I've been a bad bee'er. I've got quilt squares finished and waiting to be mailed out!Yours included!

  24. Love it of course! I have an offset at the shop, it's my favorite and I'm hoping to replace it so I can snuggle under it.

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