14 December, 2010

Always Learning

It was our Christmas party at guild the other day. We had instructions to make a stocking, according to this tutorial, then fill it with treats. Um, okay.

Except when you have to eyeball the pattern because your computer/printer connection is spazzing. Then you eyeball that pattern quite oddly and make a little elf toe that refuses to get turned right side out. At least the string piecing went well. And you just know that your mostly traditional guild will balk at the bright colours.

Well, maybe they didn't balk at it. I would say, however, that mine was certainly the brightest on the table! The rest were all gorgeous though. So much thought put into the details and some very fine work.

These stockings are a perfect example of the guild for me. There are a handful of us under 40 there. The rest of the ladies are full of more life and I love sitting and listening to their stories and advice. I've got a lot to learn and to live. It's the same when it comes to quilting. There are some incredible skills in the room - from painting to embroidery to machine quilting to handwork to design. So much to learn.

Don't knock the elf toe and don't knock the traditional guild.


  1. great stocking. good advice on the guild. even if other quilters don't have the same choice in colours and fabrics as us, we can all learn from each other. I'm sort of the odd one out in my guild, and they love me anyway.

  2. We just started a Modern Quilt Guild in Colorado Springs, and even then, there's only a few of us under 35. The funny thing is, though, that I think the oldest member of the guild might be the most modern (and stylish--holy crap--she had sweet knee high boots on and everything)! I think it's going to be fun to learn from them--even if we implement it a little differently, it sure is great to have a wealth of experience around!

  3. cute stocking and true words were spoken. ;)

  4. what a fun idea! And glad you found a group where all have something to share and something to learn - that helps make a great guild!

  5. What a cute stocking! I love how whimsical it feels. Sounds like a fun group project. So cool to be around such amazing women, to learn from and share stories.

  6. Oh I just LOVE that table piled high with little elf stockings! Yours is sweet and perfect just the way it is. We have many more "traditional" quilters in our MQG here in Portland and I love that they feel welcome and comfortable sharing their quilts and process with the group. We can all learn from each other!

  7. Cute stocking! Although is "over 40" your breaking point into older? I'm 43 and still have a toddler, so I really don't feel old. The closer you get to 65, the younger it sounds!

  8. Your's is cute! Definitely the only string block stocking I can see. You went outside the box! Good for you! Jenn

  9. As you say, I'm sure there are things you can learn from the guild members. If they pay attention, they just might learn a thing or two from you too :)

  10. Love your words and your stocking!!

  11. Love those stockings so much....I'm crazy about anything "elf."

  12. Sounds like a fun group project.What a cute stocking!Keep going a good post.

  13. It sounds like a really awesome group - the stockings are great.

  14. Love the stocking. I'm new to quilting and in the under 40 group too. Did you string piece onto your lining fabric and the just sew front and back together or did you sting piece into a rectangle and cut out our your stocking? Thanks

  15. Just to clarify, that I string pieced the quilt by cutting out the two linings and piecing on to that as my foundation. And there is no batting.
