28 September, 2010


We've just returned from an almost garish weekend trip to the East Coast. Yes, I jauntily flew 5 hours (one way) for a weekend. What an indulgence. And oh so necessary. Now, if only the lottery folks would understand that I need to do this more than once every 3 years.

My soul is well, better now. I was reminded of my love for my husband, my love for friends (old and new), my love for Halifax and all its rotten charms and tourist traps, my love for the ocean and falling leaves and leaves falling in the ocean, my love for foghorns and even cruise ship bellows, my love for beer, my love for simply strolling, my love for me and my soul.

Just a sailboat, as seen from our sailboat.

Coming home with Kate and her family after we sailed and ate. A day spent with friends old and new. Capped with beers cuddled under Kate's mom's quilt and quiet conversations about love, grief, picky eaters, firefighting, vegetarianism, health care reform, friends, creativity, writing, boats, and love again.
PS Barb, I'm sorry we missed each other. Next time!

Celebrating the marriage of one of my oldest friends to the woman who clearly makes his heart dance and leap.
Boys being boys at the Seaport.

Colourful inspiration at the farmers' market.

Waterfront details that warm the cockles.

Halifax details that blow your mind with stories.

Late night shenanigans with the best man on Earth. We got ourselves sorted out in Halifax over 14 years ago and did so again this weekend.

It's a good thing I have my soul, because I'm pretty sure my heart was wrenched from me, tied to a heavy rock, and thrown in the Atlantic. At least I'll have a good excuse to go back.


  1. Sounds like a great trip and I love the photos. The one of you and your husband cracks me up!

  2. I'm embarrassed to admit, your post inspired me to check out a map of Canada. I guess, like most Americans, I never paid attention to how far west Calgary was.
    I'm glad you had such an enjoyable trip and spend some alone time with your husband. The photos are fabulous. I am strictly a coastal gal so I love any kind of water views.

  3. Ah, such beautiful photos! I'm glad you had a good time. I have been to Halifax once, have great friends who live in Calgary (have never been to Calgary but see them once a year on the coast of California...)

  4. sounds like a wonderful weekend in NS. Love the pictures too. I miss the water's edge too.

  5. ohhhhh what a cool trip to feed your soul. I SO get the need!

    and i was in Halifax in June with a quilters cruise!

    smooches to you and your soulmate

  6. Sometimes we forget ourselves, our needs, our souls. It feels so good to reconnect and get a 'reset'.
    Lovely photos, by the way.

  7. My sister is there in Halifax right now. When you said East cost, I wasn't ready for you to say Halifax!!! She is leaving on the 18th and has been there for 18 months. I would have liked to go visit her while she was there. What a fun time it looks like you had.

  8. it looks like the perfect weekend away. i love the photos!

  9. Great pictures. Great quilts hanging on the fence at the market place. Glad you had a great trip.

  10. Oh how great trip could it be. Your pictures make me a little bit jelous :-)This is my first visit on your webpage (but I think not the last one). Your love block is so smart.So I'm glad to be in Pat's blog hop and "meet" you. Have a great weekend! Györgyi

  11. Love your blog post! Thanks for sharing.

  12. It's a bit disconcerting how a place can steal your heart. There's a few places for me that have a piece of my heart, but the place that owns it is the very ordinary seaside town where my Nanna lived. It's a long way from where we live now, but each time I make it back there, it truly is like coming home, even though it was never actually home for me. My mother grew up there, and it seems to have a hold not only of her generation but also of ours. Like I said, the power of it is quite disconcerting!

  13. Sometimes you just have to go, no matter how far.
    Great pictures!

  14. In your photographs,I like the sunset.The other photos are good.Love your blog post! Thanks for sharing.

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