07 September, 2010

More Catch-up

Managed to get a little naptime sewing in.  Actually, I think it might have been Friday night sewing while Hubby watched Inside MMA. (Side note - I can't wait until I have my own sewing space!)

So I cranked out some bee blocks, a quilt top (to come later this week), and a binding. And no major mistakes at that hour!

This is Jess' block for our Mid Mod Bee.  It seems simple, and I really, really wanted to do a funkier block.  But if you look at her inspiration sketch she has a number of blocks like this. I was worried that she wouldn't get any of the simple ones because the others are too fun to make. Hopefully I'm not the only one who thought this way.

This one is a Valentine's themed block for Samantha of our Pieced Together 2 bee. I could have done hearts, but it seemed boring.  Or maybe I needed a challenge after the previous block? I chose some pieced letters a la The Unruly Quilter. And this was loads of fun to do. I see more letters in my future...


  1. great start on the letters. now that you know how, you won't stop, believe me. I've had lots of fun writing on quilts.

  2. Those are both great blocks! I love having my own sewing space--and my own TV, although I hardly ever turn it on. The TV in the family room is not MY TV, it is HIS TV, and now it's always tuned to football.

  3. Those are great blocks! I haven't tried any letters but I'm wanting to...

    Jennifer :)

  4. Never even considered letters!!! Love it.

  5. I love the LOVE square! I just discovered your blog, and I think your quilts are wonderful. The vegetable garden design in your header is so neat! :)
