27 August, 2010


I'm not really sure how to explain it, but I'm kind of digging pink lately.  I find myself drawn to pink images, and especially pink fabric. Maybe because it feels indulgently girly? Or simply because it makes me smile.

Strawberry Sour Cream Ice Cream, courtesy of David Lebovitz. It tastes exactly like my summer berries and cream.

Binding one of the last doll quilts. Thrilled with that Amy Butler as a binding.

Hanging on to late summer evenings and celebrating Smilosaurus' new obsession with a pony tail (this is as good as that gets).

Baking pies with my girls, still in their PJs on a lazy weekend morning.

Experimenting with some new low volume ideas.

In love with my new, custom necklace from SuLu Designs. In love more that the girls notice it when I wear it and tell me how much they love it too.

And where do you see pink today?


  1. I just scored a fat qtr of Amy Butler pink coriander fabric, so that is the pink that I'm seeing today!

  2. Things are more red than pink today. But definitely on the bluish side. Kinda like that lovely necklace.

  3. I LOVE that ice cream! We made it a while ago and oh my lands, it was incredible. I got out my daughter's pink shorts today, and when I went to put them on her, she exclaimed, "Oooooooh, Mommy!! You found my pink shorts!!" I guess it made her pretty happy.

  4. Got up late, had a cup of coffee and a slice of pie. Now I am reading interesting blogs...doesn't this look like a pink Saturdat?

  5. As my boys grow older, I find that I pull pink into my life more and more, especially pink polka dots. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. Pink is my cat's tongue on my hand to say get out of bed or at least wake up and pet me adoringly like I deserve...

    Love the necklace, Cheryl! Reminds me of pomegranate seeds.

  7. Pink has been sneaking it's way into my conscience lately...

    Beautiful photos!

  8. i adore her little pony.. how sweet is that!! and that ice cream is to DYE FOR... ok.. now i want to go do something PINK!

  9. David Lebovitz rocks my ice cream world!
    The pink I am loving right now...hmmm... I think I may need to incorperate more pink into my life~

  10. I've been collecting pink and orange for a "me" quilt...someday I'll get to it. Love that low volume string pink fabric.

  11. This post is full of so much color and things I love, very inspiring. thanks for sharing!

  12. I'm so glad that you (and the girls) like the necklace so much. I'm so pleased to see it on you here.

    I'm seeing pink in my cheeks today. My summer tan is fading as the season is changing which makes my rosy cheeks come out of hiding.

    Love the shot of those little helping hands!

  13. I like your post especially in the pink color ice cream.Ice cream color is looking fantastic.
