29 June, 2010

Focus Girl, Focus

Have you been paying attention lately? There hasn't been much quilty goodness shared here of late. It isn't for a lack of quilting, just a lack of anything to actually share. Despite my commitment to no obligation, I feel a tad bit guilty. 

The reason for little to share is that I've been buried under commission quilts. Namely, 13 doll quilts and 1 baby quilt. I haven't nearly made the progress I've wanted. Here are 8 of the doll quilts in various states. 2 finished, 2 with binding ready to hand stitch (yes, I still handstitch on commission quilts), 2 waiting for binding, and 2 waiting for quilting. I have the remaining 5 designed and waiting to be sewn.

As for the baby quilt, the special order fabric has arrived, the sketch is made, and the plan is set for a spree starting in a week. It must arrive before the baby!

And after all this, I can get back to the outstanding projects I just want to finish. Like this one, this one, and even this one.


  1. Go girl! Those little gals take as much energy as the big ones!

  2. They all look really pretty! Especially the wee stars!

  3. They all look great! Must say I'm really looking forward to what you do with those indigos.

  4. That's a lot of little quilts! I always look forward to seeing what you're doing.

  5. Wow! You've got a lot going on! The doll quilts are looking very cute. I can't wait to see all your finishes!

    Jennifer :)

  6. Your pieces are wonderful and whoever receives them are lucky folks. I don't know the first thing about commission pieces but I just had someone ask me if I ever make quilts to sell. Eeks! Any tips?

  7. I hear ya. I think I got bogged down by making to sell last year. You're always an inspiration, though.... and definitely a blog shouldn't be an obligation. Still, as I write that I'm feeling a tad guilty about not posting on mine. Easy to hand out advice....
