07 June, 2010


The last month has been nothing more than a giant game of Catch-up.  Is that a game? Probably not. In truth, though, it feels like I am Sisyphus - achieving loads, only to have my deadlines roll down the hill and force me to start over.

When ever I get like this - sadly, not an uncommon occurrence for me - I have my little freak out, make a list, then just start moving. One foot in front of another.  One obligation or deadline met and on to the other. At some point it eases up. At some point...

So, I've been tackling the quilting side of things by catching up on my Pieced Together 2 Bee. Three months behind I was - yikes. (And apparently I am so tired I am now speaking like Yoda.)

This is Colleen's block from Not Quite Vintage. Some Kona Ash paired with actual menswear shirts. I couldn't get over the blues, so in love was I.

Sandy's Cathedral Window. Good for her! I love the way this looks, but I never want to make one again.

Finally, these are Michelle's blocks.  Some beloved to her fabrics that came together really well - Denyse Schmidt and Heather Ross. And my beloved half square triangle.

And, because I am indeed a little crazy, I started a new bee with Rossie. A random comment, a quick idea, a bunch of emails, and we have a new bee.  I am rather excited about it - it feeds my design love for all things mid-century modern.  Sigh. Busy, but happy am I.


  1. Busy you are! Gorgeous blocks! Stay sane....

  2. hey I am playing the catch up game too...but am really loosing. grad events, birthdays, dance recitals, soccer games, work, housework, quilting, makes for one crazy mom right now.

  3. Oh, boy, do I know that feeling right now! Sadly for me the really pressing things involve housework, but I will get to the craft. Eventually!! Great to see you're getting the reward of crossing a few things off that list :-)

  4. What a cool block with the shirts. And i am loving the new header of yours. It is so clean and crisp looking.

  5. i LOVE the new header! it's amazing! you made quite a variety of blocks. i'm becoming a lover of the HST...between that and my new applique love, it's like a whole new quilting dimension is in my future. hurray for pushing into new realms!

  6. yes, I LOVE the new header as well!! I'm excited to see what you do in the mid mod quilt bee. Confession: I was born in the 50's (shhhhh)and while I hated the furniture growing up ("blond" wood? yuck!!), I would now trade all the furniture in my house for some nice mid century furniture with all those clean lines.

  7. thanks for the star wars reference - i think there isn't enough star wars in quilting.....perhaps there is room there for something :)

  8. Am I the only one who got a complete case of the giggles with your comment about the cathedral windows block?! Really, I can't stop cackling. I've imagined that that is exactly how I'd feel about them, but gosh they're pretty. Maybe they're the perfect thing for a Bee? lololololol, there I go again...

    I clearly need to go to sleep. ;-)

  9. Bees are good opportunities for me to also try new techniques that I may never want to repeat again. Hurray for your list and one foot in front of the other approach to catch-up.
