14 May, 2010

Shout Out

Nothing homemade today.  No more digressions on modern quilting.  Just a simple shout out to my baby girl.  Smilosaurus turned two yesterday.

I've been choked with nostalgia, yes, nostalgia, over where we were two years ago.  First, in anticipation of the birth.  On Mother's Day I remembered being in early labour. I laughed over my water breaking in the proverbial gush as I stood up during a conference call (from home, thankfully!) I fondly reminisced about the walks we took to get labour going when it seemed all contractions stopped. I cringed just a little at the memory of the nurses, shocked because we stopped at Starbucks on the way to the hospital.  Hey, it was early!

What I did not feel nostalgic about was the actual final push of labour.  Not fun.  Not fun at all. But then I had my sweet little girl.  She nestled in right away and was nursing within minutes. The second time around you are so much more relaxed and can actually appreciate so many of those little moments. Like her big sister, not even two herself, walking in the room after not seeing me for a few days and only having eyes for her little sister.

I could write a love letter to my daughter right here, but I took care of that already and tucked it into her momento box.  Instead I will share my favourite picture from yesterday and simply say, Happy Birthday Smilosaurus!


  1. Oh so cute. Nothing like a 2-year-old to keep you on your toes.

  2. Happy birthday, little one! and happy mom-iversary to you!

  3. Pretty cute and she has more teeth than Josh! way to go!

  4. She is adorable with that enormous smile, Cheryl. Many happy returns!

  5. what a sweetheart! Happy Birthday to her.

  6. Smilosaurus indeed! Happy anniversary of her birth, mama!

  7. Happy birthday, Mama and Smile-O! You are appropriately named and such a darn cutie pie.

  8. happy birthday to your precious little one!!!

  9. How sweet! The twos are wonderful!

  10. oh my gosh, she's so adorable!

  11. Aw, what a cute smile!

  12. A perfect nickname - what a smile she's got! Happpy birthday to her, and enjoy the fond memories to you!

  13. happy belated birthday smilasaurus! she is a cutey. my oldest turns 18 this week which is scary!!!!! cars, girls, grad, drinking too much to handle. a different easy when they are 2...you know where they are all the time!

  14. What lovely memories, and it's wonderful that her big sister gets to play a part in them too! We're expecting number 2 in October, so if everything goes according to plan there will be a 22 month gap. Here's to the many many years of special memory-making to come for you and your family :-)

  15. What a sweet post! I am following your blog now; great stuff!
