28 May, 2010

Chicken and the Egg

So, which came first? The chicken or the egg? In my case, was it the quilt or the bike?

Talk about life imitating art! Hubby bought me a bike for my birthday last week. I'm not allowed to ride my mountain bike because of my still bad knees, but a cruiser was given the OK by my physiotherapist. We walked into the bike shop and I knew immediately which one I wanted.  Thankfully it actually felt pretty comfortable to ride.

But if I didn't know any better, I would have guessed I made the quilt after I got the bike!

The only problem is that I don't think my yellow helmet with bongo playing skeletons is much of a match for the bike.

I am ridiculously happy to be moving on the bike.  I rode in the evening sun, drinking in the colours and smells of our neighbourhood - a riot of spring. Movement has never made me so happy.


  1. Love it! Both the quilt and the bike...

    Jennifer :)

  2. Ride it. Wear it. Definitely.

  3. That is the COOLEST BIKE EVER!! Oh yeah ... love the quilt too.

  4. okay, how cool is that!!??? I love those bikes!

    You could decoupage your helmet with leftover quilt fabric. LOL

  5. Oooh, I'm jealous how much you enjoyed riding your bike! Unfortunately, it'd take a knee injury for me to appreciate riding more than I do now. For me it's just utilitarian, getting from A to B - I don't usually bike around for the fun of it...

    Glad your knees are improving!


  6. oh i want a cruiser too! bet you weren't riding around yesterday! Are you going to Heritage Park tomorrow?

  7. That is just too flippin cool.

  8. That is an amazing coincidence in similarity!

    (And man, did you score one awesome bike!!)

  9. I have never wanted a bike so badly in my entire life!!! My colours! I adore that quilt, too... This is a whole post of happy! Enjoy the ride.

    Though it looks like your weather is about the same as ours...

  10. WHOA! That is a dream bike! Luv it! So cool that it matches that very cool quilt as well. I'm very green. ;^)

  11. THat is SO funny! I love love love the bike....I want one badly! Love that quilt too...that goes without saying. :)

  12. Lovely, Cheryl. Both, actually all three is we count the helmet. Wonderful that you can ride again.

  13. Love the quilt - oh, okay, and the bike. Love the idea of bike-quilt-bike.
    Gotta stay strong! (Knees be damned)
    (want info on that quilt!! older post? tutorial?)

  14. Oh, it must feel so good to get back on two wheels again! And two cute wheels at that - what a crazy coincidence in design.

  15. that is so funny that your bike mirrors your quilt. your bike is a beauty!!! and you already know how much i love that quilt. :)

  16. That is so funny how much that matches your quilt. For just a second there I thought you went crazy-crafting and painted your bike to match the quilt!

  17. I love the bike so much. I'm even more envious of the awesome helmet.

  18. Beautiful quilt--and besides being beautiful, the bike just looks fun to ride! And a bit more comfortable than mine. :)

  19. Yes, it's tough to choose which I like more...but why choose?
    I guess I will have to live with quilt envy AND bike envy! hrumh. :-)

  20. So did a ray of sunshine beam down and angels sing when you saw that bike? So perfect!

    What other helmet would you wear besides a bongo skeleton helmet with that bike. Seems like the perfect choice to me!
