19 March, 2010

An Overdue Thanks

Back in August I won a copy of Bend the Rules with Fabric from the author and designer herself, Amy Karol. It was quite a treat really.  I continually pull it out and plan some ideas in my head.  I even went so far as to buy some fabric paint for a specific home decor project, but Hubby vetoed the addition of stamps on the curtains. But Hubby's been away a lot lately.

No, I didn't go ahead and stamp the curtains, but I did make what is known as a Daddy Doll in this house.  You see, the Monster fully recognizes that Daddy is away and come bedtime she gets upset. Personally, I think it is more her knack for melodrama than actually being upset, but who am I to argue with a crying three year old? Then I remembered a specific project from the book.

With a little help from a good friend at work and her Photoshop skills (I have none) and a drawing of Daddy that The Monster herself made I turned this:

into this:

To be honest, it isn't the best example of what the concept is. We had a major printing error where the head, inexplicably, printed itself about 3 inches from the body.  But the printable fabric is expensive so I had to figure out a way to make it work.  How very Tim Gunn of me. So I cut out the shape, without making Hubby look a little too male, and hand appliqued it on. Hubby picked the fabrics, it was his doll after all. And I rescued the filling from an old, unused pillow. It isn't quite the same effect as the original concept, but the end result is the same - less crying at bedtime when Daddy was away.


  1. What a sweet idea and even sweeter photo of your little one with her daddy pillow. I absolutely love it. So sorry your hubby has to travel so much. I can't stand when mine is away from home.
    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Great idea. Also really like her pillowcase...

  3. That's pretty awesome! Good thinking :)

  4. Fantastic idea and great execution - I love "Dad's" body - what a hunk!

  5. LOL! This is so cute! What a clever idea.

  6. Cute! I just made a few of they guys too. Not in the likeness of your husband, though, because that would be a little bit weird.

  7. Very sweet. It is hard to distinguish between drama and real feelings-good call to error on the side of grace. What a great mommy.

  8. beautiful, wish I had one when my youngest was little.

  9. So cute! I'm going to have to give that one a try. Though I'm more likely to put animal heads on people bodies.... :-)

  10. Ahh poor baby! Great idea though to make a daddy doll. It would be cool if you would make one of each of you guys.

  11. Pure genius! I used to love watching my children sleep when they were little. It's not quite the same now that they are 21 and 24. I also love the crochet blanket on the bed.

  12. Good idea. Thought you and everyone else would like to know of another great way to be with your loved one when they are not there. Check out www.huggeemissyou.com. Trust me amazing. Also to maybe get it for FREE call OPERATION GIVE A HUG at 1-253-691-9391-Susan Augustin. They are huggable picture frame/dolls in military prints and 10 other beautiful prints. Recordable version and can have anything you want printed on them too! Part of money goes to cancer charities and helping deployed troops kids. enjoy, I do.

  13. Awesome. Love that you wrote "...without making hubby a little too male..."

  14. Hey Cheryl, what a great idea, looks like it worked hopefully it will work for a while :) Nice thinking and way to be so creative!!
    Not quite to scale lol but doesn't look like she's complaining hey. sew cute!!

  15. That is simply wonderful- and you did Make it Work- Tim would be so proud!
