17 March, 2010

No Workshop This Week

Nothing, nada, no one has anything to report.

I'm a little bit sad about that, I really enjoy visiting all the blogs and working on design challenges. Is it just a matter of time or is the Workshop not working for people? Let me know.

How do you like The Workshop in Progress?


  1. No, the WIP is awesome... but the stuff on my sewing table has been more straightforward stuff lately - clothes & the like. That's all. :) I'm sorry I haven't been such an active participant - I'll try to do better!

  2. sometimes life gets in the way of progress. I might not be a member of WIP but i did have some finishes this week. :)

  3. I like the WIP! I just never seem to have anything really 'ready' for Wednesday...seems my real thinking and dilemma busting is late in the week and on weekends. And then by Wed, I've solved it. ;-)
    Life gets busy too. Is it too much work for you, cheryl? We totally understand!

  4. I hope to have something for WIP. Life has totally gotten in the way of sewing. But sewing will be good therapy so hopefully, something soon....

  5. I would really like WIP to grow. I shall definitely support it and do my best to have something interesting on the go. I'm getting it up on my weekly radar so I can be thinking ahead. I hope there is enough interest to keep it going until enough people get 'hooked' on it! You are doing good!

  6. i really like the workshop, but i just have been running low on time lately. i am studying for a professional licensing exam so my sewing time is limited. on top of that, i have a couple of "have to" projects in the works that i'm just trying to push through. i'm hoping that i will be able to do some more posts in the upcoming weeks. thanks for organizing this. i'm sorry that i haven't been a great participant thus far.

  7. Please don't stop the WIP!! It's been a huge source of help on a number of occasions. I've just been so busy recently that I haven't got any projects on the go :( I'm hoping to correct that soon though :)

  8. I enjoy the WIP, but unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way. I appreciate the time you put into checking all of the blogs

  9. Ditto what everyone has said so far. WIP is awesome, but I can't always rise to the occasion due to work and other random horrors.

  10. I love WIP, but I've been insanely busy lately. I also find the Wednesday update tough since I work during the week and usually have things to post over the weekend, but I understand that my sewing schedule is backwards from most of blogland... Thanks for hosting!

  11. I really enjoy WIP but because I have so little time to sew, I don't move onto new projects very quickly! I love seeing what everyone is working on, though, and I will have something to workshop as soon as I can dig it out and photograph it.
