24 March, 2010

Lemon Frozen Yogurt

For sittin' on the porch and pretending it's summer.

This is about the laziest dessert one could make, aside from cutting up fruit and pretending it's a treat. Of course, it only works if you own an ice cream maker. That's not true, you could just stick a container of yogurt in the freezer, but you'll miss the churning and the joy of soft serve fro yo as it comes out of the ice cream maker.

Take a carton or two of your favourite yoghurt such as Liberte Mediterranee Lemon. Dump it in a frozen ice cream maker. Turn on. Eat when frozen. Dream of green grass, ocean breezes, and blazing sunshine.


  1. Will have to try this. Somewhat healthy use of the ice cream maker.....

  2. Damn now I need to go and buy an ice cream maker.

  3. I made frozen ice cream last week: two cups plain (homemade) yogurt, one cup whipping cream, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. I want to tweek it more, perhaps subbing in some peach jelly in place of the sugar and swapping the whipping cream for milk. But the bottom line is: homemade frozen yogurt is easy, flexible, and delicious! I love your idea of lemon...

  4. HA! Just read my comment: I made frozen YOGURT ice cream.... Duh.
